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  1. Carnies pieces? or Pool/patron color customization that we are long over due for?

    Please say the pool/patron color is atleast coming soon.
  2. Figured they would start disabling nukes in all future content. Kind of a let down but I'm not surprised. Challenge is good I'll say that again.... I know you say you're making these possible with most team builds but don't make them god aweful hard. Its a common thing when teaming with randoms that nukes are sometimes necessary or you just end up wasting time on an unkillable boss.
  3. Wouldn't be very helpful to those of us with blasters that rarely die.
  4. I still want a way to get missed anniversary badges. And its been far too long to not have powerpool,paron and epic pool customization ingame. I don't understand what the hold up is or why it isn't being worked on. A game that prides itself and a company that prides itself on player customization and yet we STILL don't have this part of power customization.
  5. Challenge is good I am looking forward to it. But I hope you aren't going to go overboard to make certain powersets feel utter useless on the trials. Castle's recent 'balance' changes to to hit, accuracy and defense have created a big whopping problem for defense characters in some of the new content and npcs.

    As a player with several shield defense and super reflexes characters. You can't help but be frustrated by it. Defense characters are pointless to play if everything and its mother keeps hitting you.

    Make the content challenging but don't screw over survivability and mitigation of certain powersets anymore.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Correct. Which is why we need to finish power proliferation and add Inventions where there are weak or incomplete choices (Targeted AoE) before we even think of spending the time to do pool and epic customization.

    *Runs away from angry RP mob*
    No reason why they can't do all 3. They can start by not firing team members and expanding the dev team. Have one team work on content and the other working on costumes, animations and QoL.

    Some of you have 4 and 5 accounts with all of the booster packs and expansions. That alone has to be some really nice cash not even including subscription fees.

    Keep giving people reasons to play and it profits them in the end.
  7. I think if you are a vigilante or rogue that it drops any tips whether you have activated them or not when you visit the other side. Says something in that warning box but I can't remember.

    If you are not a vigilante or rogue then it is indeed a bug.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I deliberately made the defense bonuses small. The devs mentioned that they feel adding so many defense bonuses to IO sets was a mistake, so I highly doubt we will see any 3%+ bonuses in any new sets that are made.

    The idea was to give people chasing defense bonuses an option in a TAoE set to help them out, without making the set so good that it was clearly the best option for everyone.
    That was castle's philosophy on how he didn't like how some of us build and play our characters. Hopefully we can move beyond that now that hes gone.
  9. With a downtime this long they shouldn't take the servers down on Thursday as well.
  10. *waves hand*

    'You will reset the notice of the well timer for everyone for this delay'
  11. I'm going to bump this, rather than start my own thread since I can't get a response from Noble Savage or any dev via pms nor can I find any dev posts anywhere stating if this is going to happen anytime soon or in the near future.

    Please allow us to change the colors of our app/ppp/pp powers. And eventually the ability to disable things such as the glow from hasten and superspeed or things besides tentacles for the dark immobilize.


    *edit* this really needs to be moved to suggestions and ideas.
  12. Personally I'd like to see them add a way to get missed anniversary badges. I have a few characters missing 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.
  13. Or they could simply make tough function the same way in pve that it functions in pvp.
  14. I'd like to swap the 1.88% aoe for a 3.12% aoe and the smashing and lethal for 1.88 melee personally. I think we already have too many smashing/lethal bonuses in assault powers and not really any aoe defense.
  15. Personally I'd like to see more archetype power set proliferation and more epic/patron additions to existing pools as well as more epic/patron proliferation. But I can see how some might want this.
  16. Noyjitat

    Athletic Run

    Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
    Good idea. Personally I don't like the look of ninjarun. It looks more like sneaky for me not fast and heroic.
    You do realize the irony of that statement?
  17. I always thought it should be an award for getting all of the wentworths / blackmarket badges. Although I was thinking another summonable object for you and your team mates to use like the portable workbench. Without a stupid 1 hour timer though since I don't see how such powers are game breaking...

    Still wanting the workbench to have a quick recharge timer like ouroportals.
  18. Tom Welling has been playing Clark Kent for a whopping 10 years now. I guess I don't understand why they didn't just use him in between shooting for smallville season 10.
  19. Noyjitat

    Server Down?

    I thought they were able to do that by a simple command now.
  20. In general I'd like to see more sets added. Especially to the targeted aoe and I'd like to see temp power recipes become a separate drop. They already interfere with good drops as it is.

  21. It would be the end of the world if dev time was used to make animations that allowed us to have something that cool for costumes. Because its not like costumes and animations should ever be high priority in a super hero game. /end rant.

    *waves hand* 'You will forgive my negativity'

    Please tell me the event finally has something new to it. Costume, badges, missions? Been hoping to see something new added to this event.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StupidlySmart View Post
    Gentlemen..I thank you all that did the trick...a simple uninstall, reboot, install 10.9 and bam i am back on track....i do hope in the near future ATI or COH comes out with a fix for this so we can use updated drivers...but whatever..thanks for the help....back to gaming!!!
    No need to ever update drivers if the game is working perfectly. Just stick with the 10.9s as long as everything runs smooth.
  23. Can't say I've ever encountered a bug like this before. On the funny side I have to Lol that crapcast actually beat FIOS for once.

    edit: I can say that the server has been acting very odd for the past week.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    81 Month Veteran Reward
    • Uncompromising: 81 Month Veteran Badge

    • For 81 months in City of Heroes you will also earn a power called Return to Battle that will revive your character with full health and endurance as well as granting you large inspiration buffs. However, it has a very long cooldown time.
    Cool for pve but I don't think giving people inspirations and a self rez in pvp is going to make people happy...