Control Power Pool- Somewhat Well Thought Out Reasoning Inside




Having recently returned to the game and experiencing the wonders of inherent Stamina, I've been fully enjoying having three more powers to play around with, and actually have the chance to pick powers outside of the ones needed to optimise my build or whatever.

However, after messing with that a bit, I realised that the consequences of making the Fitness pool inherent are:

1: Most characters now have at least 3 more powers to choose from than before.

2: There is one less power pool for those characters to pick from.

And with players being so used to having to grab the Fitness pool to be viable, suddenly they might not know what to do with those new powers.

And so, the solution I came up with was relatively simple on the surface: Add a new Power Pool. But then- what power pool should be added? What don't the existing pools cover? How can it be made distinct from the Epic pools and other power pools without recycling powers?

Since the existing pools exist basically to either add a travel power with a toy or two to go along with it, or to provide characters with powers they can't normally obtain, including defences (Fighting), healing and rez (Medicine), team buffs (Leadership), taunting (Presence) and so on. But what kind of powers do the pools currently lack?

Controls, as the thread title suggests.

And my suggestion for the new pool is fairly simple- a set of generic status effect-inducing powers, mainly intended to give non-Controller/Dominator characters some limited ability to control the positioning and actions of enemies. These are generic, vanilla effects- they aren't particularly powerful (enough to work on most minions and lts, but require stacking for others) and don't do any damage, debuffs or other effects like pretty much every other powerset's controls.

That's the general gist of my suggestion, and here's a more specific suggestion of the way I'd do it. (with working names)

1st tier: Generic Immobilize
A ranged single-target immobilizing power (possibly involving bolas or a lasso or something) with a moderate potency, no additional effects, and a short to medium recharge time. Mainly ideal for stopping runners, keeping melee-based enemies away from squishies (could stack with Blaster's tier 1 secondaries for extra effectiveness) and being a dick to greys.

2nd tier: Generic Hold
A ranged single-target hold, with moderate potency, no additional effects, and a moderate to long recharge time. Similar to the above except protecting you from attacks as well, and it might be handy for stacking with Epic holds on bosses, and so other ATs can be more useful during Hami raids.

3rd tier: Generic AoE Immobilize
A ranged, targeted AoE immob (using glue or a net?) designed for basically the same purpose as the tier 1 power but works on groups. Moderate to long recharge, and as above, no additional effects.

4th tier: Generic AoE Hold
A ranged or PBAoE hold power that can lock down an entire spawn if you're lucky, but still with only moderate potency, a long recharge time, and again, no additional effects at all.

Any thoughts on this?



If they suck as badly as the Fears in Presence then it'd be a complete waste of time.

It's always kinda confounded me that there was never a ranged attack pool though. Nearly half of the pools include melee attacks, but there's not a single ranged attack in any of them.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
If they suck as badly as the Fears in Presence then it'd be a complete waste of time.

It's always kinda confounded me that there was never a ranged attack pool though. Nearly half of the pools include melee attacks, but there's not a single ranged attack in any of them.
The idea is that they don't suck at what they're meant to do to the point of uselessness (like half of the pool powers), with the tradeoff of no additional effects.

I think there's no ranged attacks in power pools for a reason, though. Most ATs that don't get them in their powersets get them in Epic pools.




Grab that Hold. Slot it up with a Hold set and all the procs that can add (4 damage procs and a +2 to Mag proc), use it with the hold in the Primary (for Trollers) for 2 ST holds, then stack on the Trick Arrow Hold for an additional hold!

Gran that Hold. Slot it up as mentioned before, then combine it with Petrifying Gaze, Ice Blast Hold, Epic Pool hold, for a total of 4 holds firing off to keep the mag high!

Those could likely be reasons they don't do this.

I can imagine some Dominations going "Yes please, I'd love another ST hold that has it's mag doubled when I hit Domination, which by the way, I have perma"

That would be 3 holds on a /Earth Assault Dominator.

Also, you say generic, but look at how people complain about the generic animations of some of the pool powers.

I want a self heal, but I hate the tri corder.

I want the hold, but using a bola doesn't fit with my concept.


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

Grab that Hold. Slot it up with a Hold set and all the procs that can add (4 damage procs and a +2 to Mag proc), use it with the hold in the Primary (for Trollers) for 2 ST holds, then stack on the Trick Arrow Hold for an additional hold!

Gran that Hold. Slot it up as mentioned before, then combine it with Petrifying Gaze, Ice Blast Hold, Epic Pool hold, for a total of 4 holds firing off to keep the mag high!

Those could likely be reasons they don't do this.

I can imagine some Dominations going "Yes please, I'd love another ST hold that has it's mag doubled when I hit Domination, which by the way, I have perma"

That would be 3 holds on a /Earth Assault Dominator.

Also, you say generic, but look at how people complain about the generic animations of some of the pool powers.

I want a self heal, but I hate the tri corder.

I want the hold, but using a bola doesn't fit with my concept.

My Ice/Dark Corr has 4 ST holds available, regardless which PPP she takes. Ice/TA would be the same.

I don't see the problem here.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Personally I'd like to see more archetype power set proliferation and more epic/patron additions to existing pools as well as more epic/patron proliferation. But I can see how some might want this.

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Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
The idea is that they don't suck at what they're meant to do to the point of uselessness (like half of the pool powers), with the tradeoff of no additional effects.

I think there's no ranged attacks in power pools for a reason, though. Most ATs that don't get them in their powersets get them in Epic pools.
And most non-control ATs get control in some form in their epics too.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
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