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  1. *edit* you know what? That should of been a pm. I will now remove it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think you have the numbers the wrong way around
    I think you need to skim all the threads about incarnate posts and really pay attention to global chat channels and broadcast chatter. Because you're seriously mistaken. There are even more people ingame that don't post here. Either that or you have alot of people on ignore.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post

    Complaining that the journey to the new Incarnate powers doesn't suit YOUR play style doesn't mean the rest of the playerbase can't enjoy it.
    Their are far more people than me alone mate. And you're one of a very few that don't have a problem with this.

    Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
    Time sink, inf sink, grind? I mean, what do you want? A button "Make me Incarnate?" Of course not, then you have to earn it and having it taking time is not bad to the game, unless you are obssessed about getting all the Very Rares on all your Alts in the first week. Unlocking the 4 new INcarnate slots and getting to the Rare Enhancements will be done faster than you think. Very Rares will need a bit more work but it's not like they are absolutely necessary. That's why the +1 Incarnate Shifts are at the Rare level.

    Also, more content will be added giving more variety.
    Yep keep being ignorant and dismissing this as a 'we want it now rant'. If you can't understand what people have been saying already then you're so blind that their is no reason to keep trying to explain it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
    You don't have to spend Inf. I repeat, you don't have to spend a single Inf. Using Inf. will be speeding stuff becasue anyway at level 50, there will be no use for Inf. once your build is complete.

    Making Inf. at level 50 is easy. Just by running anything you make Inf. Sell the recipes you find. Vendor the IO recipes at around 100k Inf apiece, everytime you get around 200 Reward Merits or 2 Alignment Merits, buy recipes to sell back at the market for 150 millions - 300 millions Inf, and so on.

    It's really not that bad.
    I feel like I'm talking to the same 3 people here that post **** like this. Alpha slot didn't have costs. It had components and shards that come from doing tfs and as you did the tfs and the weeklys you could convert shards for free. Now you have to pay a premium if you run trials and want to convert threads and it really shouldn't be as high as it is.

    So if you don't have the inf to pay to convert you are screwed and forced to keep running the trials over and over until you finally finish it. Then its the same whole process over and over everytime you want to bring another incarnate through the trials. Unlike now where you can make extra progress by simply converting components that you don't need or shards. It's a time sink, inf sink and a grind all in one. Where as before the only real time sink was waiting 4 weeks to get all of your notices and that was certainly more alt friendly.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
    The inf costs were already dropped by a lot! I think it's at a good level.

    Do the Trials, you'll get the components and other things a LOT Faster that way!
    They were dropped one time in price from the initial placeholders and people are still pissed about the current costs. This is about doing the trials and also being able to convert threads and components like you currently do from running weeklys.
  6. Launching next week? Are you ignoring all the negative feedback about the inf costs and other concerns with the new incarnate system and launching it the way it presently is?
  7. Don't remember the lines exactly but its a rwz arc where one of the rikti slaps another rikti across the face. The cutscene of him doing that alone was funny to me.
  8. I currently have the crabspider helmet because there for awhile you could find them very easily on ebay. Got the COV/COH collectors as well on both accounts as those are easier to find.

    Would be great to see boosters of this stuff added at some point.
  9. I do agree that the inf costs for the incarnate system are currently too high but I'm gonna have to say no on putting caps on prices for items sold. While it may suck that pvp and purple IOS are expensive I can't say that putting a cap on them would be a good idea.

    Now something that might be a good discussion would be about adding additional ways to earn alignment merits. Whether its something similar to adding threads as a reward to +4 tfs I don't know. But even then you don't want people earning too many alignment merits or things lose value and the market is flooded with premium items.
  10. Having to wait months to unlock costume pieces was a bad idea to begin with. Without there being some sort of way to unlock them ingame earlier anyway. I think right now you have to wait 50ish months just to get those arachnos helmets.
  11. Noyjitat

    Hasten: No FX

    Power customization never was finished. It was supposed to be extended to powerpools, patrons/ancil and khelds at some point. And now folks are always wanting it for masterminds to color the pets and weapon attacks and for things like assault rifle, and VEATS.

    The only excuse thats been given so far is UI is needed. And a different type of UI would be needed for khelds and veats.
  12. They need to make it so that you only have to accept the agreement again when its been revised. They did that for soes station launcher. Different company I know.
  13. The day this happens is the day I quit the game. With all the +to hit and +accuracy ******** they have been adding since going rogue softcap isn't even as powerful as it use to be. Play an SR character whos only type of survivability is not getting hit and you'll see how frustrating it is. We build our characters and we build them well to have fun and then you want to take that way? People will only endure so many more nerfs before they simply leave the game and never come back.
  14. I'd love to see this and possibly alternate animations for assault rifle. So we can have those nemesis explosions for the nemesis rifle or the sound of a tommy gun when using fullauto or burst and the tommy gun.

    Lastly I'd like to see some sort of energy rifle as an alternate animation for them. Really like the pew pew pew that resistance soldiers have in some of those hitech guns they use.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Well, that explains why the PvP zones are mostly empty.
    Thanks for taking the time to give an answer.
    You can thank castle for that.
  16. Noyjitat


    While 35 merits is kinda time consuming. Id rather see a 3rd way to earn an alignment merit rather than the costs being reduced. Reducing costs is a bad idea as it has already ruined the value of things like luck of the gambler procs at only 2 merits.

    Perhaps maybe let you choose if you want a notice of the well for the weekly or an alignment merit. There is a possible idea. Although that leaves rogues and vigilantes out of the picture.
  17. I'd rather avoid the market cost for listing such an item. As I see it right now the last 2 sold for 1.9 bil. I'll entertain serious offers or trades should anyone here be interested.

    Pm/email @noyjitat or pm me here on the forums.

    I'll update when its sold or bump the thread until I sell it here or list it ingame.

    *edit* sold ingame for 1.9 bil
  18. Don't forget about this thing called the coh website. You know that place that more people use than facebook? Yeah. It puzzles me to this day why twitter and facebook have things posted on them that never even make it to the forums/website.
  19. Looks great, love the artwork.
  20. Cool group content and nice on the respec badges. Any word on some powerset/patron/epic proliferation or epic/patron power customization coloring?
  21. It can and does happen to all enemy groups, not just legacy chain. But it seems to be more frequent with them. And it happens alot on the last mission in the lgtf with rikti near the generators.
  22. I am unable to check this right now so I need to ask here.

    I have multiple accounts in coh and a few of my friends also have this concern. Are we still going to be allowed to run multiple copies of coh on a single or multiple computers? Or has this new launcher killed that?

    I haven't found any doom threads here anywhere so I'd assume we can still. Someone test this yet?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    That is really cool that he would do that. I'd love to see the series conclude with a hint that a new series called "Metropolis" is starting... I thought Rosenbaum did a great alternate universe Lex Luthor.
    A friend and I talk about a metropolis series being a cool thing they could do all the time. You never know.

    IMO Rosenbaum is Lex Luthor. I've liked some of the others but really like the way he plays the character more.
  24. Nothing at all wrong with Vbulletin. They simply aren't doing a good job maintaining the site. I don't know of anyone else that has issues with vbulletin randomly dumping or logging out it's members.