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  1. Would be a good time to allow badgers some way to obtain missing anniversary badges. 7 years later and they are still unobtainable. Unlike previous Christmas event badges.
  2. Here is a list of some possible powers. Some are already ingame but presently not usable by players. Pet powers or av powers. I modified a few av powers and brainstormed some ideas for others.

    chill of the night - pbaoe high -to hit moderate negative energy dot.
    I've wanted this power on dark characters forever. Always thought dark armor should of had it instead of so many resistance and control toggles. Cot ghosts and the dark servant often use this toggle.

    Siphon souls - a power similar to fulcrum shift. A stacking debuff/buff that steals health and endurance and transfers it to nearby allies. Does minor negative energy damage and reduces foe recovery and regeneration - recharge moderate

    Chain of Terror - Fear spreads easily amongst others. This power not only jumps from target to target but but may cause some foes to run briefly and stop near allies to spread fear. Foe chain terrorize. Chance for fear special chance to induce additional terrorize. -recharge moderate

    Group Cloak of darkness - Hey a true master of dark should be able to hide his/herself and his allies in the darkness right? team pbaoe toggle +stealth +def melee/aoe/range +res en/ne/psi Fear protection

    Engulfing darkness - location aoe much like tarpatch or caltrops. Has a stacking chance to hold targets in place for the duration of the power. Minions and lieutenants will be held very quickly while bosses are likely not to be held as easily and will need to spend some time in the field to be held. The powers effect quickly diminishes from targets that flee from it. Very minor negative energy dot. Recharge long

    Soul storm - who didn't love this power? This power however will be a aoe like ghost widows. But it doesn't do any damage. Range targeted aoe mag 3 hold 16 targets max recharge very long.

    Black cloud - This very dark cloud blocks out the sun and seems to absorb light making it hard for foes to see and thus reducing foes chance to hit. Summon black clouds Recharge moderate foe -to hit minor negative energy dot while clouds engulf targets.
  3. The raids and trials here are not nearly as difficult as the stuff in wow though. This is a faster paced game for the most part and usually with an easier learning curve. But I wouldn't mind seeing more raid/league and team leader tools added.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    I love how everytime someone starts a thread like this there are posters that get all hostile because they have a know-it-all solution to an imaginary problem, even when told they will make more problems and solve nothing.

    But don't keep those of us that use common sense from keeping such bad things to be added.
    You seem to have all the answers about whats good and whats bad so you're eating your own words when you refer to someone else as a know it all. Imaginary problem hah if knockback is an imaginary problem then people getting kicked from not using an optional no knockback feature is also an imaginary problem.
  5. I love how everytime someone starts a thread about this subject that a few people are always so hostile and against seeing a completely OPTIONAL feature added. Its just like the dual pistols toggles that negate knockback. You don't have to use it if you don't want to.

    But don't keep those of us that want such a feature from being added simply because of your fears.
  6. People get kicked now for being careless jerks with knockback anyway so what difference? I see people get kicked for it all the time.

    When people get careless with it now people usually ask them to tone it down or leave the team and they are usually happy to tone it down. As a person that has many knockback toons including 3 storm characters, a kheld and 1 energy blaster, and many robot/merc masterminds, this would be a welcomed change.

    You can be mindful with some forms of knockback by simply hovering over targets and shooting them. But things like tornado, lightning storm, solar flare and most of the kheld blasts are chaotic and you can't very well control them. Basically gotta have a controller on the team spamming cages to negate all that excess knockback.

    Or you can be the common jerk that has no respect for his team mates and just knockback and scatter **** all over the place and eventually gets kicked / 1 star. Nobody wants to chase that mess that's playing a melee character and it also negates the point of bringing aoe to the team.

    Yes it is a good mitigation tool when used properly but people tend to just be more careless and scatter stuff all over the place. This optional self toggle would greatly help with the problem. You'd get to choose between knockback, knockdown, knockup or no knock at all.
  7. Should just give everyone a toggle like pistols has that affects only knock powers and knock procs. Add a knockback toggle, knockdown toggle and a knock up toggle. So you can decide which you want to use or use none at all. No endurance costs or durations for these powers.
    Unenhanceable powers with instant activation like the current pistols toggles. They are available at level 1.

    Currently slotting knockback into a power would have no effect without running one of the said toggles and you'd still have to turn on one of these toggles. They would be excluded from the toggles cap and are never suppressed when mezzed. Higher magnitude knockbacks would do the appropriate type of knock. So if you're running a knockup power then higher mag would knock things up higher, knockdown would keep things floored longer and knockback would function the same way it currently does.

    This would only affect YOUR powers and nobody else. So there everyone would be happy. The energy blaster is free to blast things without pissing everyone off and the khelds are free to blast stuff into oblivion without scattering it everywhere.
  8. When marauder takes a leap at the beginning of the video and lands he doesn't just land like the jump was nothing. His knee hits the ground and so does one of his arms like you'd expect someone to do when they jump down from a high spot.

    I'd like to see that animation added to players when they jump from anything higher than standard jump height. (combat jumping, super jump)

    That ofcourse is more for vertical jumping up and now. You'd probably want something different for forward jumping but I don't know what at this point.
  9. Incarnate set bonuses probably are on or were at the drawing board at this point. I'd imagine we probably won't see anything like that until all of the current slots through omega are live. As for costumes I'd be ok with it if it was for existing costumes but not so much if its new stuff. I don't really wanna see appearance improvements tied to endgame "raid like" content. That's just too much like gear appearances in games like wow.

    One might argue that we already have that with the vanguard set so whats the difference? I'd say the difference would be the sheer difficulty and time involved. MSRS are pretty easy and vanguard merits can be earned as low as level 35 and from a range of content. While A merits will always be obtained by a limited amount of content and much harder content.

    I would like to see an option for more salvage, recipe, and auction slots. You can buy 10 more slots with 500 vanguard merits so maybe allow something similar from 6 - 10 A merits?
  10. Why would you ask for a nerf to yourself and everyone else playing? Some of us actually like being powerful in older content. If you don't want your team to use incarnate powers don't use them. Don't ask to get everyone else nerfed. That's like holding up a sign saying I have 1 million dollars cash in my pocket, please come and rob me.

    Instead they should add incarnate mode to the old tfs that would allow you to use all of your level shifts with added tf difficulty and thread/component drops at the end.

    Nothing wrong at all with making old content easier as a result of doing new content. That's how it works in other mmos and we are indeed getting more powerful at level 50 I don't see why you'd suddenly want to have that taken away.
  11. I still think they should make all of the judgement powers benefit from buffs. Whether its team buffs or self buffs. Having an immensely powerful nuke is fun stuff. With it already having a longer activation time and pyro and the others and pyro having a near instant activation time, I'm not sure if its gonna be worth using anymore if they are nerfing the multiple jumps.

    That's a serious damage nerf and it already sucks if the you happen to hit a minion or lieutenant first and someone kills them and the power misses everything entirely.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
    IMO, this is as it should be. WP should outsurvive SD because WP only offers survivability, while SD offers offensive boosts with shield charge and AAO.

    Having said that, I think the devs are headed towards going overboard in their quest to devalue defense in the game. Defense based toons should not so routinely see their main form of mitigation so easily obliterated.
    You know its fine if they are nerfing defense for non defense based toons that realistically were never meant to have alot of defense or defensive powers. But its absolute bullsh*t to nerf defense on everyone. Whats an SR character to do when his/her only mitigation is not getting hit over and over? It's not as bad on shield defense because of true grit and one with the shield but its still a problem for them as well.

    Probably some other defense powersets out there having issues as well but I don't play my ice/energy aura enough to notice.
  13. Finally got this last night and may have had a possible heart attack in the process. We had a pretty good trapist or tarpist as my friend and I call them. (inside joke) a few other debuffers and lots of non smashing damage. I think only 2 of us were smashing damage. We beat it with about 5 mins to spare.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
    Just to clarify again, Getting all 4 Lambda badges (Lambda Looter, Antiacid, Well Stocked and Master of) in 1 run is a BUG, and is not intended currently. That may or may not change later, but if you were able to get all 4 in one run, congrats, but its not intended, so there is the possibility of support or the devs taking it away (slim chance, but hey, its there)
    It really is stupid that they are calling this a bug. Doing it without using any temp powers at all means not closing the portals and not using pacification grenades. I can't understand how thats a bug.
  15. Noyjitat

    Liberty is Down

    Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
    HAHAHAHA Omg... that's funny. The only server to be down is the most "friendly" server. WOOT!
    How dare you say kind things about the people on this server!
  16. I wouldn't like me either...
  17. Why is it down in the middle of the day
  18. I was there for that 5% I wanted to launch my keyboard at that. I see me in the screenshot heh.
  19. One of the upcoming veteran rewards is also a /auction house command which really imo should of been tied to get all the auction badges. But that's another discussion.
  20. Personally I think they should make them all affected by damage buffs. Especially in incarnate trials but that's just me.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Right now the ONLY thing that Champions Online currently does better than this game is its ability to offer its players the option to buy extra costume slots for characters. At this point I almost think it's sad that this game has not followed suit and given us the same feature.

    People have wanted more costume slots in this game pretty much since the beginning.
    I just wonder how many more years will it take before the Devs address this...
    I'd say there are a few other things they do better than this game but there is also some stuff in this game that I want over there. Keeps me interested in both games. Its a nemesis plot.
  22. My biggest complaint for the longest time has been fixing the client/server network lag that occurs when many players are fighting in any one zone, mission or map. In the past shipraids and hamiraids experienced tons of power lag and rooting lag where you are pressing the WASD keys but you character sits there rooted for a min (also due to power lag)

    Now with all the incarnate buffs and powers those raids are even lagier than before. And now I'm seeing it in Lambda and Baf trials and those are only 16 - 24 players as opposed to 50 player shipraids and hamiraids.

    If anything at all ever had to be fixed this is what I'd want to see fixed the most. It would certainly make large player gathering events such as these that much more enjoyable.