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Have you ever wondered what really happened when Marvel sued NCsoft over CoH´s character creator?
Well, I just found this gem in the archives of PVP Online... yes, they also made the other CoH comic
PVP Online
Read it. It´s fun. -
Err...What the HELL?!
I´m not sure what this is, but definetly NOT Ultimate Spiderman. -
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
What is...why should..how..I don't even...
Would someone please run him over with Bumblebee (ya know, to prove a point and stuff)? -
Quote:That was not nice... but funnyhttp://www.escapistmagazine.com/vide...niverse-Online
This guy basically sums everything up about DCUO and how we totally kick all their...back sides xD -
Quote:Yeah, you´re of course right. Dinosaurs and Super Heroes really don´t mix, as if one of the big two publishers would do something ridiculous like that. puh-lease..... out of all the requests that have been made, we're getting a pack based on dinosaurs, in a comic-book themed game.....? Seriously? Really.....?
Ugh. Fail.
Oh, right...
That would be the Chitauri aka Ultimate Skrulls, and Whedon said no Skrulls
BTW, the german trailer has only some extra banter between Cap and Iron Man.
and appearently Banner and Stark get along pretty well. -
afaik the actor playing Hawkeye said, that he did train with a bow for several month prior to production start.
please remove those pics, they are horrible to look at.
Use these instead, while not perfect they aren´t that offensive to our eyes.
well, at least today I´ll be in bed before 3 am
Quote:At least you had a vague idea of what happened, I tried to logg in for 5 minutes getting ever more frustrated with every "Map not found" prompt.I saw chatter that some servers were going down, then Mapserver Disconnected.
Then came here to rant and found your thread
Good to know. Would´ve been really disappointed if they hadn´t noticed all their of servers crashing -
From what I could see on the trailer, I´d say the attackes are Trolls... with sime kind of Goblin-Gliders.
Quote:What better place to hide from the law than a specific point in space-time that´s hardly accessible anymore?The most pain this has caused me is simply from a plot perspective, wondering about the time-stream implications of traveling to the past not to change the future but to stop a plot that's taking place in the present.
But that was actually my second thought. The first one was more like
".... What the FRAK did just happen?"