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  1. You sure that isn´t the sound of the lots of knock ups/down/backs your attacks cause?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
    I´ll be killing lots and lots of column 5; read, running ITFs till I have to throw up just thinking about Cime... or fall asleep in front of my PC.
  3. 1. What is your age?

    2. What is your gender?

    3. What nation(s) are you a citizen of?


    4. At what age did you first read comic books?
    5 (Spiderman vs. Doc Octopus... something about his arms breaking the Doc out of jail)

    5. Do you presently read comic books?


    6. Have you ever read an online superhero comic?


    7. How have comic book heroes affected you personally?

    'There is no problem that can´t solved by brute force'
    j/k Comics show me a world that´s not necessarily better than ours, but which is easier to change (by single persons). You could say they are my anti-depressiva.

    8. Do you value the abilities/powers of a comic book superhero or the character/story development of the superhero?

    Both, but character and story are more important.

    9. Do you think superhero comic books have had a significant impact on society?


    10. What value(s) do superhero comic books bring to modern society?

    It´s not that much about values this days anymore. Providing good fun seems more important.

    11. Do you think the value(s) superhero comic books provide has changed over the last 20, 30, 50 years?


    12. What era or decade do you think superhero comic books had the greatest impact on society?

    2000 till now

    13. What have you thought about the movies in recent years that are based on comic book superheroes?

    They´re great and I´m hoping for more.

    14. Do you think modern technologies (e.g. video games, MMO’s) have affected the creativity of recent superhero comic book publications?


    15. What, if any, new superhero publications have you seen in the last two years?

    hmm, really absolutetly new? None, but there were a few good ideas.

    Optional Additional Comments:
    Can we see your paper when it´s done?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.
    But still, Hot Rod flames are a privilege reserved only for really cool robots.

    and not stick-up-his-metal-butt Prime
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    In Dumpleberry's case, THAT will teach you to do the right thing!
    Which could´ve been, tell GM B to talk to GM A
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    would those be sonic/traps monks then? Is this a new AT we've discovered?
    Seeed - Music Monks
  7. Nos482

    Botched ritual.

    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Even as premium you only get so many slot unlocks and if you've only got one slot unlocked on that server and your friends are on that server, you're out of luck.
    Well, the ritual is basically the devs way to say RTFM
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    Do they have Anywhere in the forums the RIGHT way to do the ritual for further attempts on any characters?
    You can look it up HERE... or in case of tl/dr:
    1 obol -> blood -> Amber Widow -> 1 obol -> last obol -> Dying Breath
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Don't use *MY* characters as experiments in your RP shenanigans Devs! Just feed me missions and rewards, that is *ALL* I want from this game!
    Or better, just give us rewards W/o any missions. My toon could die on a mission...
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Do the clues say not to mutter spells when improvising since people here have said that's the only thing they did wrong and that got them the debuff?
    That is your argument? SRSLY?
    Without wanting to insult you; you good sir (madam?) are the reason why we get stuff like THIS.
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    I was playing a freaking android at the time. He doesn't have any blood, hello???

    Excuse me for actually taking my character's concept seriously.
    So you don´t actually bleed... so what?
    Still part of you has to go to the other side to accomplish the ritual. Doesn´t matter if it´s real blood, servo fluid or any other fictional substance your body might have.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's a bad idea for a mission that offers no special reward and offers a very special penalty. What possible reason could I have to ever consider playing that one when I can play a mission with a better story which rewards me more AND doesn't debuff my character for 20 hours?
    There is a reward, although you have to finish the arc for it, the Widow Maker badge.
    But yeah, the debuff duration is far too long. Dividing it by 60 (20 minutes) would be a good idea, as stated several times. Still long enough to let you feel it for the rest of the arc but not a gamebreaker.
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    Me: *botch the ritual for the sake of my character wouldn't cut unless nothing else was working*

    Me: *Beat up Carnies and Julianne*

    Me: 'Wow, these Arachnos are kinda kicking my *** today. I'm having to use a lot more purples. I must be playing at +0 too much.'


    Me: 'Oh... I did get a bit of a debuff there. Neat!'
    Me: 'LOL'
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    Apparently there's a bug.. if you log off.. the damn debuff stacks. I logged off 3 times on my 1 character.. my endurance is now NEGATIVE 20!!!!!!!!!!
    BWAHAHAHA, sorry but this is just too damn funny.
    Can we please get a pic of that?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    And they say Germans don't have a sense of humor.
    Nah, it's just so dark most people can't see it.
  9. Whatever we think up, I doubt it can be worse than Flambimbeaux
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Starscream successfully back stabbed Megatron. Megatron got revenge by killing him without giving him even a second to talk his way out of it. Shockwave was a complete bad ***. Starscream came back from the dead and became his own side in the war, dedicated to killing Megatron. Not to mention actually giving Optimus Prime character development instead of having him be the perfect Autobot was really nice.
    Don´t really care about Starscream; I want Lugnut and Blitzwing... and as a bonus maybe Thrust from Beast Machines.
  11. Had the costume set complete after only 10 packs, but still no wolf after 72 packs and only 4/6 of three different ATO sets... and a few loose ones.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I can basically sum up the fourth Bay flick in one image.

    Nothing against explosions. I like explosions.
    But some (well written) story would be nice too.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    But it's message was so subtle yet was so poignant.

    And the theme song was AWESOME!
    Well, it´s Laibach so it had to be great... and they did the whole soundtrack. Yay
  14. Thanks, now i have the song stuck in my head -.-
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by darth_khasei View Post
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
  17. Nos482

    CoH2 already

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Do we? Since when?
    Since they were hiring people for it. It wasn´t a big announcement on the front page, but if you'd been looking at the jobs section every now and then you would´ve known.
  18. It´s only the one on the pic.

    This might interest you:

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    The Thing taking the form of Megatron, riding on Cthulu's shoulder.
    I'll be in my bunk.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
    it should be near the top of the To Do list, unless the devs just don't give a crap about the customers.
    Yeah, that´s gonna be it. That also explains why we don´t get to say a word regarding future costume sets

    The devs need to have content ready for month in advance, and while colourable pool powers would be nice it´s just not a priority while there are bigger fishes to fry like new zones and advancing the story.