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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
    Wasn't THIS used to try and figure out what happened during the global blackout in flashforward?

    All kidding aside, talk about really being involved with a character, pretty nice Ideon, I have no idea what it means but cool none the less
  2. Just a reminder you only have until May 31st, 2010 to get the 6th Anniversary badge on any character! So, including today that's only 3 more days!!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    OK, if you're interested in Force Fielding, you've probably found The Force Fielder's Bible.

    I've been arguing with Philotic Knight for five years... and here's my side of the story. Call it the Satanic Bible of Force Fielding.

    1. Don't Do It.
    You don't want to play Force Fields. That's right, you don't. I didn't play 133 levels of FF defender because I know some grand secret, I just have a high tolerance for boredom and an appreciation of efficiency. You don't get dramatic last-minute saves. You don't get people thanking you, humbly, when you screw up and let them die and rez them. If you're doing your job right, people take you for granted. All Force Fields does is keep the team from losing, ever. Make a Rad/Sonic. It's better.

    2. You ARE a buffbot.
    You can provide most of the benefit of being a Force Fielder with four powers, in 25% of your time. Those four powers are: Dispersion Bubble, Deflection Field, Insulation Field, and Maneuvers (from the Leadership Pool.) If the whole team is bubbled, within the radius of the two toggles, and you are not stunned, dead, or in Personal Force Field, you have raised all of them to the Defense softcap from about level 17 on. Blasters are ten times tougher, Scrappers and Tanks are between two and ten times tougher [depending] and anyone up close has mez protection and you don't have to lift a finger beyond that. The only one on the team who is NOT a tank is you. Let me reiterate: If you do NOTHING besides keep the team bubbled and stay close to the guy on point, you are a good Force Field Defender. If you do everything else in your power and do not bubble the team, you are a bad Force Fielder.

    3. Most of the rest of the set isn't much to write home about. You have a lot of knockback/repel, one enemy phase/team griefing power, one "Oh s***" and one actual damaging attack.

    So why, you may ask, do I do it?
    4. YOUR TEAM IS IDIOTPROOF AND INDESTRUCTIBLE. While Rad is a very good set offensively and defensively, and Dark is a very good set offensively and defensively, Force Fields has nothing to go wrong. If you put bubbles on someone, they're at least twice as hard to kill for the next 4 minutes, no matter WHAT. This includes stray Archvillain aggro, Blaster falls down a hole, you fall down a hole, unlucky mez, monster knockback, hitting the "R" key at the wrong time... everything. And if you haven't done ALL of those things, you haven't been playing very long.

    5. So what do you do?
    5a. Regular buffing. Playing FF isn't tricky but it's hard. If you miss a buffing cycle, people may start faceplanting very fast with no warning. So you just have to be OCD-level consistent in rebubbling. I use a digital kitchen timer and every 3 minutes, I reset it and start rebubbling. Some people use Herostats. Leave "gather" for the Empaths and drama queens. Rebubbling is your JOB and you can do it so smoothly that people don't stop shooting for a second. I use keyboard shortcuts- shift-1 gives you the top person on the team, shift-2 the second and so forth. I have 6 and 7 set to insulation and deflection shields. So my "reshield cycle" goes shift-1, 6,7,shift-2,6,7 and so forth. You get good at it fast.
    5b. Relax. This is the thing that makes Force Fields different from any other Defender primary: once you've rebubbled- an eight person only takes 45 seconds- you have literally done everything you can to keep the team safe. If they STILL manage to get horribly maimed that isn't your responsibility. And trust me, even through the considerable protection you provide, someone will still manage.
    5c. Don't tell people what to do; tell them why. This one was hard for me. If someone runs off away from the group, and you can't FIND them to rebubble them, don't. Just send a tell saying something like "/t $target, your shields are going down soon." If they want new shields, they can come get 'em. If they die, that was their choice and their responsibliity. I also tend to give a message when I join that says something like "For best results, keep arms, legs and tentacles inside the big bubble. Oh, by the way- it gives mez protection." Last, I tend to be the [passive-aggressive] leader of the split party. I will click on the person I believe should be leader, and say something like "Following $target". People can either come find us and live, or wander off and take their chances.

    Again: You give the OPPORTUNITY for people to live forever. You're not their mother. You're not their boss. They have to keep themselves alive.

    6. Quick rundown on primary powers:
    Deflection, Insulation, Dispersion : Take them, slot them, use them. If you don't like these powers you will be happier playing "not force fields". You may want to 4-slot all 3 by level 17, so you can load them up with level 20 Defense IOs [put in your bid early, get 'em cheap] and defense-cap the entire team five levels early.

    Force Bolt: Recommended. Force Bolt is a great power because it is accurate, reliable, single-target knockback. Knockback makes people mad and you are the only person on the team who is NOT a tank. So pick and chose your aggro. It does about zero damage, so don't slot for damage. Slot once for accuracy.

    Personal Force Field: The "I escape" button. It is nearly impossible to get killed with PFF up, but you don't affect the rest of the party in any way. If you are dead, you also don't affect the rest of the party in any way. Use PFF to avoid being dead. It requires no slotting of any sort, really. Maybe recharge.

    Repulsion Bomb: Recommended. Force Fielders don't do much damage, but this helps. It's a "scale 1" aoe attack that does knockdown- about the same damage as Explosive Blast or Ball Lightning or any other AOE attack. Defenders don't throw up big damage numbers anyway, but this will help a little.

    Repulsion Field: Not recommended. This does AOE knockback, but no damage. All this does in my experience is focus the enemy damage tightly on the only delicate member of the team:You.

    Force Bubble: Much like Repulsion Field, except it is Repel and Repulsion Field is Knockback. (Don't ask why.) Which means that nearly nobody resists it; but they keep their feet and shoot you while sliding backwards.

    HONORARY MENTION: Maneuvers. This only provides around 5% Defense, but the difference between 40% and 45% Defense is, literally, 45% Defense means half the damage. I recommend it.

    7. What about Force Field Controllers?

    I don't play controllers, so I'm not really expert here. They get about 30% from the bubbles instead of 40%, so they're letting 2 or 3 times the damage through. On the other hand, they have things to do in combat and force fields to recast outside combat, so it might be a good combo.

    8. What about soloing?
    You don't want to solo. I counted, once, 54 damaging attacks to drop a Boss. That doesn't count Force bolts. It probably died of old age. It's about twice as slow to solo a FF as anything else.

    9. What about teaming?
    Teams good. Blasters love Force Fields like they love breathing, and for the same reason: they stay alive. So if you're OCD, and the Blasters learn to love the Force Fields, you will never want for a team. If you're building your OWN team, try to get about four blasters and one to three "anything else". Once the blasters pick up on the fact that they can drop as much damage as they like and not die? The team will have a wall of bodies about eighty feet in front and will only slow down for elevators. You can even invite yourSELF to a team, if you do it carefully. Find a blaster in the level range, and ask "Does your team have any use for a Force Fielder?" Be ready to apologize for bothering them, and by all means take no for an answer. If you don't get a "yes" in three invites, go play something else. Adam Smith says: [ QUOTE ]
    It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self interest.

    [/ QUOTE ] Don't ask for a handout, offer a service. Eventually you may be on the "Friends" list of every high level blaster on the server and never have to ask strangers for a team again. It happened to me; it can happen to you.

    10. Any last words?
    FF isn't for everyone. In fact, it's for just about no one. If you're not having fun, play something you like better. Have fun.

    11. What about Detention Field?
    I can't believe you even brought that up. Detention field sucks.

    (edited: point 11.)

    Nice guide, very honest and good pointers... I was going to make a FF prime but after reading this, I made a Grav/FF. The thing I have gotten is FF is a great set, but so much better if SOMEONE else is playing it!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
    I did feel a connection to many of them for one reason or another. Too cool a name to throw away, I loved the bio I'd written, good memories of fun times with people I'd met ingame. But it hit me. If I delete the character I can use the same name for the new kid. I can write down or copy-paste the bio. And the memories are attached to me, not the character. None of those were good reasons for cluttering up my slots with characters I don't enjoy playing.
    Agree 100% in fact talk about being attached... The 3rd toon I made was a scrapper, Dark melee/Regen and for some odd reason I like the name the look and the costume but hated the AT. I couldn't bring myself to delete her, so I put her on the back burner figured, you never know, maybe some day I will look at the AT in a different light... well that light went on but then the free xfers came out, and I had another toon which I did like the AT but everything else didn't work... so I took the 2 toons and did a toon transplant... saved the costumes at the taylor made sure I had both names on the other server then transfered them and they both got name change token because both names were taken by me
    switch them and brought them back!!! all that so I wouldn't have to delete either one..
    Now my 3rd toon is a level 50 Grav/kin
  5. I know people make toons for various reasons, be it Farming, Role Playing, to join a SG
    Pling, PVP, an so on.

    In order for me to keep a toon a few things have to happen...

    1. The look an feel has to be right.

    Which means spending a fair ammount of time creating it and going back to the taylor to tweek it...
    I know some people could care less about what a toon looks like as long as it does what it's meant to do, that is not me

    2. There has to be a connection with the toon

    I guess this sort of falls into the role playing area, I have to feel a personalty and a presence of the toon, a sort of comes to life type of thing.

    3. The right AT

    I have made toons that I thought would be fun to play but I was not able to get a feel for them, such as Tanks, Peacebringer, Warshade and Emps

    Not saying they suck because they don't. I have seen people rock with them.
    They are just not for me and my playing style.

    4. How it's leveled

    My first few toons were hard leveled, meaing they were not pl'd.
    With Nitra I pretty much was learning the game so I went through most if not all the content and to be honest it was fun the first time around. Nitra is my first toon so I would never delete her ever!

    It's hard for me to delete a toon I have put time into, this is why I think pling is a good thing, you get a toon to 50 fater than the content route, and for me there is less of an attachement. I have no problem deleting a pl'd toon even if it's 50 if it's not working for whatever reason.

    I know there are people out there that would never delete a toon and would rather tranfer it to another server first and then there are people who will delete a toon no matter what

    Is there a line you will not cross for deleting a toon? Be it level, time spent on it, inf spent building it or whatever? I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on what makes you keep a toon over deleting it...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    The old Positron was 66 merits. You can still do the old one via Ouroborus, but it now gives only 40 merits. On the other hand, you can now solo it.
    AND you can do it over and over again without the 24 hour penalty it being a fb mish now.

    Hmmm let's do the math:

    Old Posi with three people took around a hour 45 to 2 hours to complete
    you got 66 merits <- yeah!!

    Now, if you did 2 of them in a row, (not like you would want to) but lets say you are feeling wacky... you would get 66 merits for the first one and 33 merits for the second one because of the 24 hour penalty... total would be 99! Now same deal but doing the NEW old posi with 40 merits. 40 for the first and 40 for the second, total would be 80. I guess if you solo it you will get less mobs to deal with compared to having to deal with 3 people spawned tf... I guess
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post

    Got the badge last night. 1h41s. Badgewh#*@ team of 7 controllers and one tank (except for one player, these were all our badge toons...). Two runs because the first one had a single death after the green mito phase, and we all were juiced on how easy it otherwise went with our particular makeup.

    This ain't an endorsement for the current green mito difficulty, but yeah, it can be done. IMO, I'd rather wait 'til the green mito nerf for my next run.

    GL to everyone! See my thread on Freedom for details!
    Grats... Turgenev
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlazingTiger View Post
    Darn Mitos?

    Dear god that may be the best pun in some time.
    I got it... then again, Im silly like that!
  9. The whole idea of any Master run is, it forces you to have to work as a team. It forces you to be at the top of your game, and I know, even if you are weird things are always going to happen be it lag, insp not going off or whatever... and yes it can be frustrating but, when you do get it, it's great feeling that you all worked as a team to get it done.

    As for certain AT's not being able to do it... I don't know, I have heard some interesting stories, someone here did it with 3 scrapper... I was like "really"?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    It's official. I'm now researching how to knit panties.

    (IRL, I haven't got the foggiest clue how to knit, but I actually know three people who do... they're gonna love this email...)
    You know Turgenev... since you will be learning how to knit (a noble skill to learn btw)
    ya think in your spear time, could ya knit a fix for these green mitos? lol
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    I dislike them because I don't personally know enough people who are interested in running one to get on a MO attempt with people I know. Which means I have to rely on PuGs and sign-up attempts, which allow anyone who signs up as long as the "essentials" are covered. These attempts are few and far between, so the failure stings even more, since it may be weeks before I can try again.

    I do get ticked off when people die on that stupid tree. I can't count the times I've failed an MoSTF attempt because that one squishy couldn't understand the simple concept of "hug the wall." Random mistakes, brain farts, events outside the players' control, those I can shrug away, but tree aggro is extremely easy to avoid, you know this is a common failure point, you have no excuse.
    Eva, if you are on Justice server we do have a mo channel and we do them all the time you are weclome to join us, We have a very good success rate I'm sure we could help you get it done you can pm my global is @nitra and I'll invite you to the channel if you like
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Newty View Post
    Personally I have distaste for them as I am an empath within TF's. I rarely ever like doing much else. And well I see Mo TF's as.. if someone dies, the blame instantly goes to the empath for letting that person die.

    And I hate feeling responsible for a failed Mo-Attempt, really gets to me. aha.

    If everything you have ever done since the start of CoX is healing... really gets to you, kinda.

    Ill be back soon whilest I go rock back and forth in the corner.
    I find emps to be underappreciated... and yes people do blame them when things go wrong. "like they should keep the whole team alive because they can heal" It's the same with monks in Guild Wars... it both cases it's pure BS!!

    My take on doing a MO is... you succeed as a TEAM and you fail as a TEAM!
    Sometimes %@#$ happens, sometimes people make mistakes or do stupid things... that's just part of doing a MO!
    The point of it is, you try to get 8 people on the same page, which can be hard to do let alone trying to avoid mishaps. When you succeed it's a great feeling. When you fail it's a pretty crappy feeling. I do them because I like the challenge and I collect badges
  13. As soon as Beef Cake pm me and told me he had gotten it, I got together a group. The fact it only took him 2 hours with two lowbies and they didn't stealth any of it fighting their way through was pretty damn good. We didn't go the PUG route. We were the first group to get it on Justice, it took us 3 times to get it... The only stumble was during the hami part... we had tons of holds, but that's more of how it worked out rather than being planned. It took us an hour and 6 mintues to finish it. Now it's pretty easy, knowing what to do, even without the green fix... we also had a great team leader which always helps

    The team make up was

    3 Trollers
    2 Blasters
    1 Tank
    1 Dominator
    1 Widow

    I thought it was fun

    For the record I hope we never see a Master of the Dr. Quaterfield pop up!!!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Identical OS?
    Identical driver revs?

    What I'd do is rip and reinstall the graphics drivers.
    Reboot the game on the n/a affected one in safe mode.
    Then re-tweak it.

    Update: I heard that they had fixed this problem on test, so I logged on and indeed shader quality was available, so It is not on my end and thanks for your suggestions
  15. If Blizzard could get wow on to the back of bathroom stalls they would! Champions needs all the help they can get for that sinking ship... As far as playing coh on a phone... eek! Imagine going through cot caves on a phone screen YIKES!!! it's bad enough on a regular screen!! lol
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
    Second question is if I stack stealth and the sprint IO stealth is that invis? I forgot to try that and see, but would it act like superior invis?
    Nothing acts like Superior Invisiblity besides Superior Invisiblity even Regular Invisibility
  17. This program is a hero/villain builder this might help you as far as research goes

    Mids is the one to check out

    Hope this helps
  18. Nitra

    Mentor Project

    Attention Frustrated Players!!!!

    Have you ever been on a team with an AE Baby and just wanted to pull your hair out?
    Well, NOW there is hope, that's right... point them in the direction of the "Mentor Project"
    Concider this rehab for AE Babies, this also works for Ebay Babies as well... Do not delay!


    Typical Team Leader: Hey, Pug level 50 tank, can you please herd that mob?
    AE Baby Tank: Um, I have no idea what that means, should I Heal instead?
    Typical Other Player: Are you !@#$ing kidding me? You are a level 50 tank!!! Heal!?! UGH!!!
    Typical Helpful Player: Well, the best thing for you to do noob tank, is join "NPC" channel!
    AE Baby Tank: What is that?
    Typical Helpful Player: Glad you asked, it's a channel dedicated to helping out people that have little or no clue about this game. It is an open forum so to speak, for asking any and all questions to help you better understand the in's and out's of playing certain types of toons! It is designed to help make you a better player!!!
    Ebay Baby: Hey, I just bought this account, and it has a few level 50's on it will this channel help me as well?
    Typical Helpful Player: Why yes it will!!!
    Ebay Baby: Swell!!!
  19. The only way they are walk through is if you are in edit mode
  20. Not sure how something like this goes down, if it's the devs saying ok, we are changing this period, and here you go... or do they talk to the people that have to use this and find out what is the best way to go about this... most likely not the latter....

    Not sure if things like this are talked about during beta testing... if not then maybe a steering committee might be the way to go, to better get a feel of how the populace with feel about certain direction the game is going towards sort of like a focus group if you may.... feedback is always a great tool
  21. Nice guide Hyper...

    I a wierd question for you, that you might know the answer...

    I am running to machines both have BFG 9800 gt's

    Both machines are running the same setup same mobo, cpu etc...

    The settings are the same as well in game, the thing is, one shows "shader quality" set to high the other one shows shader quality as N/A

    any idea what could be causing this? Could it be a driver thing? and does it matter?

    thanks for any help on this
  22. Was just wondering about these two questions

    1. The new split tf, gives how many merits now?
    2. Does the flashback version still give 66 Merits?

    Thanks for any help on this
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
    The effect of creating water with Slow Fields is no messed up in Ultra Mode.

    The surface is pixelated and looks dirty. The old way looked much better.
    I had the same thing happen on test while I was using an ATI 5570. The Water effect looked very dark, so what I did was lower the water effect to low and it looked normal again. I have since traded that card for a 9800 gt and it looks fine on all modes.

    Hope this helps
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
    Personally, I would LOVE to see a "Master of" badge for every TF/SF that exists in the game (Master of Shard TFs? Whoa!! THAT Would be freakin' intense). And then maybe some accolade for collecting them all.
    MASTER OF THE DR Q!?! Just the thought of that made me fall on the floor!!!