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  1. Nitra

    Lost game =/

    Leave it to someone on this board to take the OP and turn it into something ugly...
    To go from someone losing their game O_o To a racist slur conversation... NICE
    Thanks... Now I have the song "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" running through my head...

    Cher FTW!!!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crimson_Masque View Post
    Well, I'd be happy to pay that for a Gladiator's Armor +3% Def, even if it is a level 50 though a level 10 would be nicer. You can reach me at @Quicksilver Crane

    check your private messages
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I did, and I apologize for not replying earlier. As Guy said, we've been deliberating

    On the one hand, frankly, we're still ironing out the bugs in Titan Sentinel, so it's a bit early to add new features to it. On the other hand, we really do want to see Badge-Hunter not get left behind because HeroStats is dropping support for web site updates. We've been talking pretty hot and heavy on our administrative (non-public) forums over possibilities. I just sent you an e-mail to your address. Hit me up on Gtalk if you get a chance, I'm
    It's great to see how cool our community is at helping each other out...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    For some people, it's a talent.
    I thought I was wrong once... I was mistaken! O_o
  5. Nitra

    I19 Badge Guide

    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    Honestly, I think the case is more about Beef_cake not having to "correct" what he's already done, but looking for the devs to fix it on their end so he doesn't have to backtrack his own work.

    For me, this isn't important because is affects gameplay 0%. No matter how you look at it, you are getting awarded a badge for completing a task. The image files correctly match the TF reward. The filenames, as Beef noted, are different. Once again, that affects the gameplay 0% as you are not being cheated out of anything. As every badge has been earned and verified, in Beta, no one is missing out on anything.

    And I'm FAR from being an "average player" but this is a non-issue to me, once again, because it doesn't change the gameplay in any way. And... if the gameplay is the actual thing that's important (ie. no badges if the game is broken), then I'd rather see the Devs spend time on keeping the gameplay working rather than have to backtrack their own work JUST to keep Beef_Cake happy.

    And let's not forget... this wouldn't be an issue if Beef_Cake didn't make it one. No one else put any thought or cared to make this point, most likely, because it really is a non-issue... or they didn't pigg dive.
    Dude... This is the BADGE section of the forum... in this SECTION we talk about... wait for it.... Anything having to do with BADGES! If anyone has a question pertaining to a badge issue this is where you post it... It's pretty funny... If this is not important (like you say) then why even reply? The only reason I can see is, you are trying to stir up trouble... You may be far from an average player but, you are without a doubt, an average troll...
  6. Nitra

    I19 Badge Guide

    Thanks for the list BT
  7. Don't hold your breath on this one... They give it out with no rhyme or reason and it changes from situation to situation. I know your goal with this, is to get them to change the way it's given out but I don't see it happening sad to say... it's like the passport badge, the only people transferring from the EU server to the NA get this.. not even sure if you can still do that and if it's still given out...
  8. Nitra

    Auto switch?

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Nice job, especially since you gambled on the Halloween Tips lasting past the end of the Event. The Devs could have easily designed it to auto-delete that Tip after the Event or some-such.
    Exactly, but since I really had no choice because there was NO way I would get it done in time... I'm glad it worked out... although from some reason didn't the Halloween event seem shorter this year? (maybe it's me)

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Your scenario is exactly what I was wondering about earlier in this thread: I bet there'll be a scramble for people who kept a Halloween Tip from people who'd like to get/change those badges in the coming months.
    Well, I do have a few more on other toons just in-case I messed it up, considering I had epic fail on that first tip mission... so if anyone on justice was looking to switch back that one badge from red to blue pm me and if I still have it we can run it for those who would like to switch now instead of waiting a whole year
  9. Nitra

    Auto switch?

    So check this out... I knew I wanted to have the trusting badge instead of the villain version the thing was, time was an issue because I only had a couple of days to switch Nitra back to blue side to get the trusting badge... of course being so used to doing hero tips I picked the top mission out of habit and it happened to be a villain tip NOT a rogue... grrrr so I got up to 9 rogue tips with 6 hours left to the Halloween event. I was thinking I would have to wait till next year to switch to trusting... which goes under whatever... then it dawned on me... get the Halloween tip on another toon cause even if the event is over the tip should stay until I do it, which is what I did... I got the last rogue tip done and switched Nitra to hero then did the Halloween tip and got the trusting badge...
  10. Nitra

    WTF Purples?

    Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
    He was flippantly arrogant BEFORE the malware ever came up. He admits earlier in the post he was trolling to get people's goats. Since I had previously respected him for all the work he put into helping badgers. I think mostly I was offended that someone I thought was a good solid player decided to troll the market boards for no appreciable reason. The malware was a genuine misunderstanding. I'd love to have a language expert as well, but I doubt I could slip that past the CFO in my divisional budget.

    Nice to see you'd so flippantly lay someone off in this economy too.....I mean you do realize when you say something like that that there is a real human being with that job, right?
    I didn't say layoff, I said "fire!" and yes, I fully realize everything I say, before I say it.
    -hint-hint- If BOB the IT guy has to go in order for you to get the proper help with your language ineptitude, then so be it!! Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good!

    I do appreciate your attempt at trying to lighten things up and taking what I said with a grain of salt.
  11. Nitra

    WTF Purples?

    Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
    My language was imprecise. I didn't intend to accuse you. I also didn't know you owned the ftp server...most people posting here use 3rd party picture sites to post pics which are notorious for malware infections. I didn't intend to accuse you so I'm sorry if it came off that way. That said, you're flippantly arrogant which doesn't engender confidence in what you say. You come off like a teenager who is so unsure he's right that he blusters to cover his anxieties. And the whole thing got started as you said....because you were in a weird mood and decided to troll on the forums.
    Well, I have a suggestion... fire your IT guy and hire a language expert..

    As for Beef being flippantly arrogant.. what do you expect? You accuse him of something that isn't true and had no basis in fact. I'm pretty sure most people would react that way! THEN you post a pseudo apology and inject a few insulting jabs while remaining quite condescending, which is a tone I find throughout your posts... maybe that wasn't intentional as well huh? Don't be that cop that shoots first then yells freeze!
  12. Nitra

    Auto switch?

    Originally Posted by SaintNicster View Post
    Do they disappear when switching moralities?
    Well, I don't know about that but what I do know is I did a hero morality mish to get my a merit and the Halloween tip went bye bye. So I would imagine it would disappear if you switched morality as well
  13. Nitra

    Auto switch?

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I stand corrected. I didn't look into these badges enough to know that they had two separate /settitle numbers. From that point of view the game really is treating these as two separate badges as opposed to one badge with two alignment-based names.

    So if we are in fact dealing with a new "set" of badges like the Katie TF badges then why on Earth would the Devs decide to make this "set" of badges only contain 2 badges which (based on my own personal misunderstanding) behave very closely to the "one badge with two names" model? It makes very little sense to have this be a unique badging situation when it's not really unique enough justify setting it up like this in the first place. It almost seems like a needless complication just for complication's sake.

    I see no reasonable reason why these badges could not have just been cast in the "one badge with two names" scheme just like hundreds of others are. *shrugs*
    That is odd... I asked ocho last night and he said they should auto switch but if they have two diff set titles then... ugh, I guess I'm going to have to bring Nitra back to hero before this event goes bye bye VERY annoying...
  14. Nitra

    Auto switch?

    As some of you know with the new Halloween badges you get for completing the Halloween tip mission you get to pick as one of the badges The trusting or Arriviste depending which side your toon is on... Trusting for blue Arriviste for red.
    I have heard conflicting reports about these two badges.
    I have heard that if you get it while on one side, in order to get it on the other side (if you change your alignment) you would have to redo one Halloween tip mission it in order to get it on your newly switched side. If that is the case then this badge does not auto switch

    Now, I talked to ocho (mod08) last night and he said it should auto switch... has anyone gotten it on one side then switched and had the badge not auto switch?

    I think this message is a bit confusing---->
    WARNING: The Trusting badge will replace the Arriviste badge.

    The way I read this is... it's telling you if you switch alignments it will auto switch...
    depending on which side you are currently on...

    I got it on my blaster who is currently a villain and I got the Arriviste badge, since I am going to bring her back to hero side once I have collected the badges I want to get I would prefer for her to have the trusting badge without having to wait another Halloween season
    if anyone can confirm this either way that would be a big help
  15. Nitra

    Delete please

    Delete please this was a duplicate post... I thought you were able to delete your own posts...
  16. Doesn't it seem there are more tricks than treats... lol
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Here's what I found out about Trusting/Arriviste tonight:

    I took my Scrapper from Rogue to Hero. I had already completed the Halloween Tips as a Rogue, and had all the badges. Upon changing sides, Arriviste stayed as it was.

    I ran the Halloween Tip again, as a Hero, and I had the option to get the Trusting badge, and another 100,000 Inf. I took it, and Trusting replaced Arriviste.

    So, it's not an automatic change. You have to manually decide to change the badge, and run the appropriate side Hallween Tip Mission. Otherwise, the name stays as-is, regardless of side-switching. Once the Halloween Event ends, you'll be locked into that badge until the next years Halloween Event.
    I guess the question is... Is this a bug? I also noticed the one of the badges is not showing properly it has this little square in it's place... I guess it's better safe than sorry type of thing..
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    For some reason the Devs have chosen to allow various items be "male only" or female only" even when there's absolutely no reason for the given item to be exclusive to one gender or the other.
    I agree, I would love to see them change that... and while they are at it fix the clipping with long hair and capes AND give us added hair styles for hats!!!!
  19. Well, I am not an old-timer been playing for almost 4 years so I guess that makes me a mid-timer but the reason I play and keep an active account is because I like this game and the community. The vet rewards is an added thing... as for the 78 Month reward... it will be like 2+ years before I see that so there is no need for me to even think about it... besides there is no way they will ever beat Greek Lettering!?!?! So anything short of that for me will be received as a disappointment I am still hoping that the 81 month vet reward will give you a little clockwork that cleans out your sg base for you!!! "hey, I can dream!"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    The main reason I don't have capes on any of my newer characters is because I *despise* the new cape mission. I find it completely and utterly lacking in entertainment value. I could go on, but that pretty much sums it up.

    What's really ridiculous is that that is the exact same reason I don't have aura on most of my newer characters. No, I don't hate the aura mission. I hate the cape mission... which for some reason is still a prerequisite for doing the aura mission. Blah.
    I agree you shouldn't be forced to have to do it in order to get the aura mish...
    what I do is this do the first part run around and talk to the contacts then the next one load up on purples and click the thingy talk to the dude and get out of dodge. Auto complete the last mish and bingo you get the aura mish.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    Two more purple sets needed on my ill/rad, and then I'll be doing the ITF challenge. Soloing it. Wondering what more I need? At the moment, I've collected:
    3 nukes
    (Working on Vanguard HVAS)
    Wolf pet
    Backup radio
    Envenomed dagger
    (Working on Amy)
    Hyper Phase (Just in case)

    Attempting it with 0 deaths.
    Hmmm it's based on a 6 person team so it will spawn as if 6 people were in it but that should not be a problem if you take it slow. The computer might get dicey I guess if you have perma PA you might have a chance against Romi. The big problem I see will be the healing nictus
    but good luck and please post your results
  22. With regular tips you have to be in a main zone like Atlas, Cap or whatnot so If I take my toon to RWZ and get a Halloween tip drop will I have to take it to a certian main zone be it villain or Hero or will I be able to do it in RWZ?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Definitely not the best vet reward, I agree.

    As far as useless vet rewards I'd say the non combat pet ranks up there.
    Indeed... I see no one is mentioning the best vet reward ever... Greek lettering!!!
    I can't tell you how many times I have been to a frat party (using the party pack of course)
    and felt more at home with my Greek letter draped costume... If I thought I could hold my emotions I would mention boxing but I don't think at this time my emotions can handle it, at least not all at once!!
  24. Hi guys,

    What prompted me to ask this was the fact a new booster pack is coming out that will be adding MORE capes... I'm not really a cape person I hardly use them and the only reason I do the cape mission now, is because you are forced to in order to get the aura mission. Before that, I would just skip it... having said that, I have seen more than a few toons where cape look good on them, it's just not for me and how I build toons... I guess it depends on the look you are going for...

    I was wondering, for the people that do put capes on their toons, does the travel powers you pick determine if a cape will go on? Example if you have a toon the does super jump would you add a cape? To me , a cape looks best on a fly type toons like Statesman... where as a toon like Synapse who does super speed, a cape would not fit... what's your take?