324 -
Quote:Loth, where do you find the counter? we did two last night and were not successful but we did kill a few during that phase but I didn't see a counter...Anyway I've only managed to run MoM twice so far and after two successful runs I've already managed 5/16. With my luck I'll probably get up to 15/16 real quick then take like 20 more runs to get the last one, but at this point I'm not going to worry about it until that actually happens.
Quote:I agree fire... these were fun last night , it comes down to understanding what to do and then doing it... it was a good feeling to finish the first one and get a success under our beltsPersonally, I love both of these new trials and would like to thank the Devs who worked on them, you did a great job.
I have to agree. who would really want to move their main toon to Exalted (Freedon II) from their home server unless you decided to relocate I guess, maybe the server you are on just doesn't have the population the more popular servers do. While I did secure my main toons names there, I have no plan of transfering there, I only got them so no one else would get them O_o
As far as paying for a toon name, I guess it depends on how much you want it and for what reason... if you have no plan on going to exalted then tell them where to stick it -
Ok... Barbarian Set ROCKED... Circle of Thorns wasn't bad...
Undead survival Kit was beyond lame and for 500 points a German Sheppard... really? really?
MORE costume sets like Barbarian set O_o -
While this is a move in the right direction, I really hope this is not the only thing they will do for the base building community... it's obvious they know we are here, they have featured base work in the past... Not committing to the happy dance over the devs putting a band aid on a broken leg... just saying
Hmmm OK well, pretty much every time I get a slugger I delete it, as for the holy shells I don't think I even have a holy shotgun so that doesn't work and the warwolf whistle... just NO
The only thing i'll say that is positive about this is, I will positively not buy this for 400 points in fact I wouldn't take it for free -
Quote:Venture, venture, venture... You make it sound like people are writing great content and it is being hidden by these evil farm arcs... and while I sort understand what your point is (sort of) The honest truth is. if more people like to play chess than raquetball and those chess players are paying the rent to keep that room open then you really need to look at that.False.
You don't know that. Neither does anyone else.
We had an active, fairly high number of players interested in story arcs when AE started. Maybe the shiny has worn off or maybe all the crap we've had to take has driven them off for good. Maybe not. What I do know is that public perception is that AE is only for farming, and if story arcs are ever going to have a chance to regain their place that perception has to change. The farms have to go. Not onto their own "tab"; they have to go away. Some things just don't mix. The chess club and the racquetball team can't both play in the same room. There's plenty of farmable content in the rest of the game; go use that.
Simply put, this town ain't big enough for both of us.
You are also right, there is plenty of other content to farm but why can't people have both? It's like Dunkin Donuts... they used to sell only Coffee and Donuts but now they sell anything they will bring in revenue, which is smart business is it not? So removing "farming" from AE as you suggested would be like Dunkin Donuts going back to just selling Coffee and Donuts which to me is not a smart move... The toothpaste is out of the tube so just use it!! O_o -
Quote:This is a typical ignorant response from people that have no clue about what they are talking about... You are referring to pling which "yes" is a type of farming but is only one aspect of farming, not the whole ball of wax... People farm to increase their resources, be it inf, salvage, recipes and whatever... and most people, not all, have been playing this game for a long time and do not want waste time going through the same content again and just want a level 50 toon, and guess what... they know what they are doing, they just don't want to wait to have access a new level 50...I can't see the point of farming. what good would it do me if I get run up to lvl 50 in three hours by someone else and knew nothing about my build or how to play it?
Quote:All AE farms do is produce lvl 50 nubtards who don't have the slightest clue about anything their character can do outside of what they have read in a guide or had a friend tell them. (unless they are making an exact carbon copy of a skill set they have on another character... and what is the point of that? ... they already have one.)
you will somehow become more enlightened to the inner workings of this game and become more knowledgeable about it was well? I have come across many people who have hard leveled and still have no clue what they are doing and this was before AE was even in play... As for your nubtard statement... AE is used as a farming tool, and yes it makes it easier for people to get Pl'd but it's just one type of way to pl, there are many other ways
and lets be honest if AE was shutdown people would do it other ways like they did before AE was put into play.
Quote:I would much rather take a month or two to level my character up the hard way by doing missions and end up having a build that suits my play style and the knowledge of what all my skills do and when to use them.
There are two sides here, the side that wants to play the game and wait for things to come their way if at all and are happy with what they get when they get it... then there are others they do not want to wait, they want to have tricked out toons now and will farm in order to get that now... THAT is why people farm... -
There is a reason there are none for sale... like peterpeter said he has had a 2 bil offer for 2 months and hasn't bought one yet... 3 bil is a standard asking price for off market and many people let them go for 2.5 to move them faster :>)
Quote:Exactly, they make things quite clear in the EULA, you have NO rights period, You pay to play with their stuff... The thing I don't get is... if you pick a name that you were not sure about why post it here in the open forum for everyone to see? Doesn't that increase the chance of getting hit? There is no doubt there are jerks out there that enjoy causing trouble by sending in petitions on names they think have a chance of getting gen'd why post here and help them... O_oOnce again, the finer points of trademark law don't apply here.
NCSoft owns the servers. They are private property. They can generic or delete your character for any reason they please. From what I've seen over the last six years and some-odd months they err on the side of caution. If you're even close or there's some room for doubt, WHACK and you're Generic Hero 185 577 554.
So why push it? Make up an original name. -
There is no right or wrong way to run a tf... if YOU are running it you make the rules if people don't like it they can choose not to run with you... simple and it has nothing to do with being an elitest. I agree it's a good thing to let people know how you are planning to run certain tf's. I will say upfront what I expect if anything at all be it "objectives only" to "shard run" or whatever my parameters will be, some people setup tf's and run them how they want and I have seen many times where people will get kicked for not following the way the tf was setup even though the leader said nothing... which to me is messed up but that's how it goes sometimes
When picking a random or joining a random team you would like to hope you are joining a good team or getting a good player but that is not always the case
Many people believe it's a vet's moral obligation to help out new players and for me, I think it's a good thing to do. The Mentor program is a grea idea and I like helping new players by pointing them in the right direction and help them better understand this game which in turn helps the mbe better players... (you hope) -
Few people have had as much influence on anything as much as this guy...
His visons are all around us today, not hard to see them no matter where you look
he is a big part of why I am able to type this message using a computer like I and other people do...
Thank you Steve for doing what you did R.I.P -
I see there is a thread that was started regarding missing costume parts since I21 came out. A category was removed being "Masks with hair" it has been consolidated it into standard and full masks... I sent in a petition and got a response from GM Lloyd and he said
Quote:I believe this happened with other parts of the Martial Arts booster pack with some of the ninja parts not available for female characters and I believe the braided hair style was missing as well... and they did get them back. I understand when a new issue comes out not everything is going to work right... I just want to know that the devs care about this and have plans on re-adding sonic vision back to standard for female characters and any other thing that has been removed as well... as of right now I can't change anything at the taylor with out losing this part from my toon and I wanted to add the new vip armor but I can't until this is fixed.. I wanted to say thanks to GM Lloydd for help look into thisOriginally Posted by GM LloydI was able to determine that Sonic Vision is an option under Detail 1 for Standard head types on Male body types, but I couldn't find it on Female. I'm going to update this bug report. I do not have an explanation for why it is this way. The Development Team will need to confirm if there is a problem and make changes, but I can't promise it will be done any particular way. I would encourage you to use the official forums to let the Development Team know how strongly you feel about this option."
I hope that a Dev can answer this (not holding my breath) O_o -
I did, I just hope they fix it, if it wasn't part of my toons look it wouldn't be that big of a deal but it is so as of right now I can't change anything without losing something GBE
Sonic vision was removed from standard for some reason and it was available on mask with hair which was the work around... but NOW since issue 21 that is no longer an option any more... sonic vision is available on full masks but then you have to give up hair so what it comes down to is I cannot change anything at the taylor without losing sonic vision or hair... so I'm stuck with one costume until they fix this IF they fix it... makes no sense why it's not on standard especially when it was part of a booster pack you had to buy at the time... (the martial arts pack)
Quote:I killed it three times and got it on the third time we did it with a 7 person teamI was basically in the same situation but I didn't join the team at the very beginning of the fight. I kind of assumed I wasn't there long enough but I guess it might be bugged too. I'm sure someone will chime in here one way or the other.
the first time we did it with 4 teams -
Yes, you must do that then lets us when it's posted... brilliant idea!
Sounds good... and I'm loving the account wide part.. what it comes down to is this...
these are not mandatory... so buy them if you need or want them. it's like the Name change token for $10 bucks... I'm sure more than few people saw that and said NFW i'm buying those... once again buy them if you need or want them all in all I think it's a cool idea
and I'm pretty sure farmers will love this... I know I do -
The VR system is changing there is no doubt of that but, as I recall the vet badges were giving out first then the Vet rewards came into play later did they not? I see no reason to stop giving out the badges as a progress meter of time played. As for being able to buy the Anniversary badges, I don't see that happening...