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  1. I will try my absolute best to be here for this! I am extremely interested in fighting the magma bosses for the badge (i've been hunting outside that place for so long it hurts). So even when the TF is over, expect me to stay behind and kick hot magma!
  2. I just read about the changes to the PvP IO drops, and I got to give you guys credit because it seems the more you play, they worse it gets for the PvP community. I would have thought they would have increased the PvP drops to, you know, get more people into hardcore PvP and away from farming. Like how we'll suddenly see people actually start to race for decent teams during 2xp week, but it seems that farming has once again become the culprit in this. (although i suspect it wasn't even "PvPers" doing the farming anyways)

    Thankfully i haven't become personally invested into PvP to care either way; i've rediscovered a fondness for my main character and its now the first character and only character I may log into on a given night. I'm trying to build my first pvp build on my own since i want to struggle it out on my own without (much) expert advice due to pride on crafting my finely tuned weapon, but I think once i complete it and get the badges I need I move on.

    So I guess all of the above was a long way of saying that i'm ok with pvp so far because i have personal goals but what keeps you guys around? Is it really just something else to do?

    How the hell do you take down the mind control powerset?!? Good lord! Talk about total domination of a melee! That telekinesis power was never that amazing in pve!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Evil laugh would work pretty good for a transformation like that. The whole bursting into flame and laughing is a nice touch. Actually like most of the new costume change emotes. Peacebringer and WS aren't a big surprise, as it's the same thing you'll see when you switch forms right now (but it works for costume switching, too).

    Anyone seen a video of the Vanguard Sigil change? Don't want to waste 100 merits if it isn't cool (and of course, it HAD to be another 100 merits... like it wasn't enough for the costume already).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Merry Christmas

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I WANT!!

    *forks over credit card number to NCSoft*
  4. Interesting,I noticed that none of those links give an explanation as to why its a free-for-all zone. I can understand villians having their own motives but it was always weird for heroes to be dangerous to each other. I was always curious if there was an explaination to that in the lore.
  5. NiVra

    Thoughts of I15?

    but...but...I thought you were supposed to cross the streams! I saw it in a movie once so i know its true!
  6. Thanks for the replies!

    Oh, and apparently it seems that just as soon as I started to PVP they "mysteriously" turn off all rewards (cash/prestige/IO drops) from PVP.

    Hopefully its fixed soon, but if its not? Well....i am a Regen, so maybe they nerfed PvP to get at me? My fault guys
  7. NiVra


    I noticed that I could get the recipe windows to open when the market screen is not the active window. So when you first drop a recipe into the screen or just typed something in search, try clicking out in any open area outside of the window.

    *Just double-checked and this works half the time for me, very odd. But then again, i've discovered this when I would try to reply to a tell and ended up typing "no, i dont want to be in your AE group please stop blind inviting me" in the search text.

    **I wonder if they could create such an anti-spam IO?
  8. Umm...

    Elusivity?! WTF?

    *sigh* I just want to punch people.
  9. hehe, i was more amused by the mention of her "minions" that assisted in her smurfing, which gave me a fun idea with power customisation around the corner and a MM thug archetype. Gargamel will soon tremble in fear!
  10. hmm...then i sense there might be profit in this little badge endeavor here!
  11. aww, you removed little one from that pic...
  12. HEY!

    No one told me that PvP IOs drop in zone-pvp! I thought it was only in arena! I was running around and tagging some random villian in BB the other day and he got a drop off of one of my deaths. I should have dug further but was too tired to inquire more about how that was possible, i could have sworn that someone told me "arena-only" for the IOs except for gladiator matches.

    Was I lied to/misinformed?
  13. QR

    Thanks for the replies all. I did a little round-robin of the zones last night and even a quick arena match last night. I might give one particular zone a run tonight to try and get the location badges at the very least.

    Some two follow up questions:
    1) Are they going to fix it so that PvE rules apply to critters in a PvP environment?
    2) Why is +acc such the big deal in PvP builds i've seen, or is it just a by-product of another goal when forming a PvP build?
  14. So, as I have come to notice that my badge counter has stayed idle for a little to long, I have decided to enter the joy that is PvP. Now I did some perusing of the PvP section of the boards and even snuck into test to do some pre-i15 'scouting of the talent' so I do see what I'm going against.

    However, I do have some questions that I want to throw out to the Victory crowd as maybe some unwritten rules of the server/game like:

    - In a pvp zone, are farmers truly fair-game or do I have to send a written proposal declaring my intent to harm, as well as having a spare white glove to smack across the face and adamantly challenge in a commanding southern accent? Or do i just punch-punch-pow?

    - Inspiration-usage is fair game right? I have seem some whining about running back and forth to the vendors is lame in the past, but with the new changes does that even matter anymore, much less is it still much of an issue?

    - Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?

    - Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize? (if the answer to that question will lead to calling someone or some persons out unjustly or as personal vendettas, i would appreciate a PM instead)

    - ...and seriously guys, between us pvpers: Do IOs make a difference? No need to give me the whole "it really the player behind the toon" speech. If that toon you've been harassed by or harassing either lost or gained that uber-IO build would the tables be seriously turned?

    - Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?

    - Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?

    - Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match? I mean, since the healing badge is shared, does the defeat/dmg/held code work in the same way?

    - Is there really any harm to turning on the option to have a arena battle count towards you "stats"? Does the "stats" info field have an on/off feature in zone pvp?

    Thank you in advance!
  15. NiVra

    All Defender ITF

    ooo...i do have a 45 def i was thinking of messing around with this weekend. Put me down as a maybe if i make it back home from philly in time!
  16. hmm, maybe i'm missing something. will try again tonight (sorry for thread-jack)
  17. Congrats!

    On a non-market related note: How do you get your info screen to track more than 5 things at a time? Mine won't let me
  18. to reply to Fulmens and to let leak some vital niche (redside)info: low-lvl salvage was at a all(some)-time low last night. I'm talking less than 50 items here. Also Chaos Theorems are getting scarce again.

    Ironically, I am now able to pay like 500k for rare salvage redside! I suspect the only reason some rubber-band to 1mill or so is the old-school bidders that just put up that avg price and go.
  19. NiVra

    Victory Red Side

    I also just realized "redside" was specified. Are lesbian hellions really that big a problem these days?
  20. NiVra

    Victory Red Side

    really? I didn't know our server was outed. I always figured our vocal group was PVP. Or is it that we just have the "winningest" PVP elite?

    ...hmm, what happens at a GBLT prom? I mean, i've been to a jr. prom where it really does split in half with one side of girls and the other of boys and the brave few mingling in-between. So whats the "shy"-split in one of those?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Most of these don't deal with the biblical apocalypse in particular, but they do have an end of the world kinda theme:

    Nine Inch Nails - Zero Sum
    Switchblade Symphony - Rampid
    Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
    Alabama 3 - Gospel Train
    Rasputina - Doomsday Averted (though maybes the "averted" part is contrary to what you're after)

    Also, while I can't speak to how appropriate each entry is (and it's nowhere near exhaustive), wikipedia has a list.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wait, wait, wait... 99 Luftballons is an apocolypse song? wtF?The end of the world by helium over-dose?!?

    I'm gonna represent my favorite band and also recommend:
    Aenema by Tool
    and maybe Counting Bodies like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums by A Perfect Circle for mood but probably not lyrical content.

    Oh, wait? Method Man - Judgement Day?
  22. HBD to the "Bonnie" of Victory!
  23. NiVra

    Amy's Ward

    Just like a woman...she hurts you bad, but makes you feel soo good at the end.

    Silly witch...
  24. I think the best idea i've had so far came from me "pre-ordering" some recipe sets for a future dual build I had in mind. Once all of those filled (i went greedy and put in a order of 10), I crafted 5 and sold 5...sometimes I hit a nice niche were I'll re-order the sets and sell all 10 again. Basically what it does is that I eventually get extra cash or break even but I still have all my IOs sitting to slot in the base.

    My current dried-up but still have sets to slot niche is Numinas. I enjoyed the windfall a bit too much and spent unfortunately most of my earnings on my private SG base.