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  1. A warning: Don't count on any "Mech" summoning power like the Longbow or the Vanguard version. They are currently broken and will not spawn in the mission (although on some instances, they show up after you exit a mission on the other part of the zone).
  2. Oh, and a voice of concern to my fellow regens out there...anyone notice that we now get a -regen buff whenever we get travel suppression too?

    The devs don't like me, i dont wanna be nerfed again.
  3. Bah! you guys dont give (good) stalkers enough benefit of the doubt! Its not a master run so they'll have the inspirations and the temps to help. I have faith! (although not enough to throw in my stalker since its only lvl 33 but still i have faith!)

    I would love to see what happens if all the stalkers placate Rommy at once though. Hmm, with juggling tier9s (sorry regen!) they could do an anti-taunt method to allow the "tank" at the time to hold aggro easy.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    well my theory on where the two timelines split is probably the fact that Stefan Richter dies in the mustard gas attack, and when Marcus Cole found the well, the power "went to his head"

    Also, don't forget that Lord Recluse actually took over the Rogue Islands and its army of arachnos from someone else who's name escapes me, lest we forget we have a time-traveling, dimension-crossing, wacko with more than enough insanity to interfere with everything, and dumb enough to ruin anything.
  5. I don't know if its a complete parallel but while playing my stalker prior to the changes, I noticed that arc bonuses and mission-end bonus are a very fast way to level if you complete the missions quick enough. Given that you mentioned its easier to do so, i would expect your speed to be slightly faster depending on the AT use (and of course travel powers)

    Also, if you are worried that you will "run out" of missions before getting to 50...? Dont! We got a "disable exp" button because we had more stories than exp in this game.
  6. NiVra

    Topless Viv

    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    This thread failed to deliver the expected goods.

    Thats all i gotta say about that...
  7. So i'm working on a plan for my next alternate character to get to 50. I'm thinking along the lines of either a rad/MM or a arch/MM and have a question in regards to the anciliary pool power: Flash Freeze.

    Would this be a suitable "oh sh*t" power while soloing? Or with its low mag should I not expect for this to thin the crowd? Does Drain Psyche effect the sleep component? I figure using it as a one-two punch gives me a breather from the minions and a power-up against the lts and bosses.

    For some background, i plan on "power-lvling" myself with the lovely +8 feature when solo but will take part in TFs. I also expect to be doing both the LGTF and the ITF very often for some merit-purchases for my final IO build when i hit 50.
  8. A tank needs CM to manage GW hold? Hmm...interesting. I remember one time while on a STF that I was able to survive the hold and i'm just a measly dm/regen scrapper. Of course, i had a very proficient healer backing me up (yay FMP!) and lets say my capped hp helped a bit but I would guess that a tanker could take the heat more than i could.
  9. NiVra

    IO Prices

    Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
    I am confused by this. Why is this pointed towards me? The only thing I said regarding purples was that they are not as rare as people think, that was it. I have no issue with their prices, or drop rate, or anything.
    Then its my fault, i must have had you confused with the OP. It happens...
  10. You made me like nuts!

    ....and now sundaes!!

    HAppy Birthday!
  11. NiVra

    IO Prices

    Can I provide this arguement F_M_J?

    Those IOs you mentioned, that are on the high side, are meant to be end-game content. Like those have said before, you can play and "beat the game" on just SOs. Now whats different in CoX is that instead of raiding that top-level dungeon for hours, or spawn camping for hours you get a small chance of getting "top level loot" just by playing the game with ANY enemy 47 and above. For PvP IOs? All you have to do is PvP with ANYone at ANY level. With Super-sidekicking its actually possible to get purples at level 1. Now compared to a lot of other games thats a pretty sweet deal.

    Now I won't get into the argument about increasing those chances because I haven't personally decided which side of the fence I personally stand but here is a question I've always wanted to ask when someone says the good stuff is too expensive: If you could log onto a game like WoW and see that super-shiny-shield of protection or that awesome power-upgrade that only the high-levels get on a market for a price you could afford after 3 days of game-play. How would you feel about the game? How would it affect your view of the "end-game?"

    Please don't take the above as an attack but an actual serious question. I think a lot of us have assumed wrongly that people want goals, but it might be time to hear what the other guy really does think.
  12. thanks for the costume advice on the glowing eyes, and for verifing it will change. I will take a look and see if the head option, chest graphic and hair that I believe also disappears/shifts to the next legal option is hidden in the choices. Otherwise I might have to forgo a power-customization on those slots.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    Ele will actually be at him compy this weekend for a change Won't miss this.

    I'm working on my build as we speak and I know a lot more about pvp now since the last time Ele, this time there won't be a draw!

    To masque/MP: We're gonna have to chat on you-know-what if I want to be ready in time.
  14. NiVra

    Comments on I16

    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    An obvious fix/change would be to make an automatic merit deduction if you do any mission at -1, as well as a non-master available. Even ignoring the STF/LRSF/masters, running TF's at all -1 is going to have a big affect on the times of the runs, which will have an eventually affect on the merits.

    Really confused with wtf they were thinking on including this setting.

    Currently listening to the Essential Blues Vol. 2 by House of Blues

    Well, it would mean (for a lot of people who still don't have it) a much lesser worry for the MoLRSF. That is about the only Taskforce i find very unforgiving to non-pros these days.
  15. To elaborate on the header: I have costume designs from very early issues, and some of them contain costume pieces that either are no longer available or can't be selected for some reason at the tailor, an example would be the "glowing eyes" face.

    Now I haven't touched those slots for sentimental reasons even when tempted with the "retouch" bug with new costume sets on following issues. However, powerset customization makes it too good to pass up. Will I be forced to lose/redesign my old costumes if i hit "accept" when the changes were ONLY to the powers?
  16. hmm, isn't there a way to load CoH without using the patcher? I forget the code you have to add to the shortcut properties which allows it on live, but it might work in this case as well?
  17. NiVra

    Where are you?

    Queens, NY over here...soon to be back on Long Island by Friday!

    (With all these peeps so close by, how come there hasn't been a Victory meet-up in NYComicCon?)
  18. NiVra

    It's here!!!

    got it! thanks!

    (is it just me or for the past three issues does everyone feel like just 1 more week would have made a great difference? I keep feeling like some things get lost in the shuffle in the final days)
  19. NiVra

    It's here!!!

    Still bugs from Test! Grr...i hate resending the same petition! What is the best way to get an issue recognized? Email to Dev?
  20. Yay for respec trial 3-pack! That was a great idea and I enjoyed running thru it (even though i only had time for 2 out of the 3) Thanks Scoot!
  21. That is something I have noticed of "new" stalkers, they don't read their power-info to discover that ability: Criticals, especially coming out of hide with powers that guarantee 100%. Heck, if a stalker actually fights *with* the team I do believe they by chance alone have the ability to out-crit a scrapper with the 3% per teammate buff.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    ****New Rates****

    1.1:1 Infamy to Influence. If you give me 110million Infamy I will give you 100 million Influence

    1.25:1 Influence to Infamy. If you give me 125million Influence I will give you 100million Infamy.

    I had to transfer 2 billion red to blue today so I will need to work on getting the blue inventory back up.


    Hurry and get that inventory back up, "someone" is planning on liquidating his third VG for some quick cash.

    Also as Masque has discovered, I am in the market for Panacea IOs, specifically Heal, Heal/Rcg/End, and Rch/End. I am in no rush to find these as my capital will take time to grow, but if anyone has some extras lying around feel free to contact me in-game at @Nivra.
  23. NiVra

    STF repairmen

    why do i get the feeling that you would cackle with glee at the thought of one day having a wormhole vortex open in Atlas Park, young newbie heroes looking up bright eyed at the "pretty" lights, and you at the other end throwing Hamidon, Lord Recluse and cronies, Reichsman, and every nasty bit of mean you could find?


    ...wait, the anniversary event was your idea wasn't it! = O
  24. I think a lot of Stalkers are failing prey to the negatives of the AT and aren't able to utilize or grow on their strengths. I'm also sure that the general consensus of their abilities spread around almost everyone doesn't help at all. A stalker CAN scrap and CAN survive, but it takes an awareness of what you are capable of and what you can take.

    I compare it to what happens when someone discovers the "blapper" side of a blaster: some will scream "WTF, this sucks, i die" and just give up, OR some will keep trying to blap-spam all the time no matter the situation/(dis)advantages, OR even less will learn, adapt, and develop a play-style for solo AND group use. Unfortunately, even those that make it thru still have to deal with the bias. Hard to get those "elites" to hang around for when we can use their skills with all of that baggage.

    So you'll have the majority that really believe that all they should do is hide/AS/run away/Hide/AS, repeat. Considering the dev-love for redside, would you expect any less when it came to deciding "hmm, what should the stalker do? I know!:hide/AS/run/away/AOE(AS!!)...thats it!"
  25. Joss Whedon?

    His stories are good, but i'm a great fan of his dialogue...they still make me laugh years later.

    Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command."