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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    My recommendation would be to try both.
    Gee thanks! =P

    Well, I'm sure I will eventually...but at present I'm rather vainly attempting to husband my points as I know I'll be grabbing Bio Armor & I'll also be picking up a 25 count of the new Super Packs whenever they come out for the new costume bits.

    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    My 2 cents... I really like staff fighting, but I played a nature affinity/water blast character much of the weekend and right now I'm in love with the set. I want to try a plant/na troller as well, that sounds like a wonderful combo also. And I have to admit, a lot of my love with nature affinity is just the look. It looks wonderful. I love, for example, that when I use my single target heal a sort of flower/vine sash/belt appears on my own character for a few seconds. It makes me want to heal people as often as possible, heh.

    I don't ever check things out on the Beta server, so while I'd heard the name "Nature Affinity" a lot, I really had no idea what it would involve. But right now it's one of the most fun things in the game, at least, if you're at all inclined to play a support character.
    I have a plant/something controller on a random server who I don't play anymore but don't delete because I *love* their costume. I could easily jack it for a new Nature Affinity character. I'm with you on how gorgeous it is- the fact that it is generally acclaimed as 'good' is just icing on the cake. Whenever they dropped that oasis power, it actually made me happy.

    Decisions, decisions. =P

    My connection *finally* got its pancake together last night, so I was able to do a little gaming this AM before my son woke up. I don't know what's up with AT&T lately, but the quality of their service has gotten measurably worse at the same time they've been increasing their rates. Look guys, I know it sucks that people are wising up to your whole cable teevee racket and leaving in droves, but trying to squeeze me is the wrong call. As much as I hate change, I'm going back to Charter. They're expensive, but never gave me any problems at my old address. And right now they aren't *that* much more than AT&T. I'll gladly pay a few bucks more on a connection that doesn't spontaneously stop working for three days every month or so.

    Hopped in to check Ray's sales- moved a few more purples, but prices have dropped while recipe prices have stayed high, so I'm going to be socking away future wins in my base waiting for the inevitable rebound once 'the masses' figure out they aren't currently the most efficient use for converters.

    I'd filled up his tip bar a while back on that team I joined, and he was really close to 42, so I ran his morality mish, which sent me to PI.

    It was weird going back there- I haven't since returning to the game. I used to spend *so* much time in that zone back in the day- herding Nemesis around the docks with my regen scrapper, running portal farms with my emp. It was kind of weird seeing it so deserted- there were a few people hanging out in the courtyard, it looked like they were running Tina McIntyres arc, but nobody was mowing the CoT in the parking lot, nobody at the docks, nobody hanging out by Ghost Falcon.

    Which I suppose is good for the game- Atlas makes much more sense as 'the hub' zone, and it's good for new players to exit the tutorial and see a big crowd buzzing in the plaza.

    But I kinda missed how it used to be.

    So, ran the mish, which was pretty easy, dinged 42 and picked up another hero merit. Not sure what I'll be doing with them while my purple converting biz is on hiatus- maybe I'll just roll random rare recipes and see how that goes.

    Ray has gotten very capable indeed over the last few levels- he still sufferers from the Squishy Disease of mez, even worse than some because if his toggles drop it's *all over*. Running on +3/x2 right now, which is eminently do-able if I'm careful with my clumping and take care to keep my anchor alive, but if Radiation Infection drops I'm basically dead before I can do anything about it.

    He's a pure delight on teams, where I can just blast away. He's completely depleted his supply of merits, so I'm hoping to catch on with a couple of TFs in the next few days.

    My son still wasn't up, so I ran a quick newspaper- Defeat Archon Rossi & Guards. Good 'ol Rossi, I hadn't seen him in a LONG time.

    Of course It'd been so long I forgot that high level council missions are nothing but vampires and wolves....ugh!

    Stealthed to the end, popped a couple of defenses and a preventative break free, and cleared the room without much trouble. Picked up my Slayer badge, which I'd somehow managed not to get during that Moonfire a while ago.

    My son finally toddled out looking for breakfast, so I logged out.
  2. I've been socking converted purples away in my base the last while.
    As noted, the margin has shrunk to a questionable level so I'm waiting it out.

    I'm thinking it will be a fair wait until 'the herd' figures out sale prices aren't really justifying the up front costs, but when they do I'll be ready.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Oh look, another person who says the devs don't listen to the player community.
    The listen quite closely to the player community about things that matter to the bottom line.

    Powers, missions, y'know, gameplay stuff.

    Nobody hangs around an MMO because of the story, they hang around because it's fun to play.

    'Lore' is window dressing- important to the appeal of the final product, yes, but basically ephemeral. If the game is a house, lore is the paint and the landscaping that gives it curb appeal. It's nice to have, but it isn't actually all that important to the overall value of the property.

    The trim around the window was painted blue, but NOW they painted it a slightly lighter shade of blue?



    c'mon, now.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
    Forbin Project tends to jump headfirst, so yeah he is wrong as usual.
    An amusing sentiment, giving the vivisecting you received from several other posters down-thread.

    Protip: when you don't know what you're talking about, leave your keyboard idle.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I have no way to make assertions about what fraction of players my experiences represent, but it's been extremely common in my experience for VIPs who've gone premium on Justice to be upset about the inability to pay rent, either because they were/are SG leaders or because they wanted a solo base with more storage than you can get rent-free.
    inability to pay base rent, along with limited server slots, was my great in-game discontent with being Freemium.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Last week i helped a returning Premium set up their own solo SG. He said he was planning to return to full VIP soon, but i told him that if he needed help paying the rent in the future to just contact me. Once the SG was created and the base started he was otherwise good to go.
    that's very helpful, but it is an annoyance for both parties.
  7. WTH is 'Justice League Dark'?

    And if you're going to have that, why not the obvious companion title 'Justice League EXtreme!!1'
  8. I still haven't played all of them, but since returning I have run more TFs than in all my previous years of play combined.

    I don't know that I have a favorite- my enjoyment of them hinges more on having a fun team than on the mechanics and setting of the TF itself. I can say I've had more fun than otherwise on pretty much all of the 'modern' TFs I've run over the past month or so. Kal, Yin, the Posis, & Sutter are all very entertaining.

    If I had to pick a favorite, probably Posi 1.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post

    Just a heads up but supergroups and bases are now available to premium players. Basically the reasons to stay a VIP dwindles as each month passes.
    You can't pay rent, which is a giant PITA if like me you have several personal bases. I could care less about having access to other people's bases if I can't keep the lights on in my own.
  10. wait, you're expecting me to click the link?

    This goat values his few remaining San points more than THAT! =P
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    It is money grabbing. The fact it's free for 2 weeks is just a marketing ploy to legitimise a precedent of them doing this in the future.
    Wait, so a capitalist enterprise is engaging in profit seeking behavior & utilizeing MARKETING PLOYS to promote their offerings?!?

    Quick, Captain Socialist, to the fainting couch!
  12. wasn't super excited about this one and was planning on passing...but then teamed up with an NA running some tips the other night, and it's just so very soothing and pleasant!

    I may not be able to resist!
  13. RIP.

    It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
    -Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Since the IH nerf they've buffed: Dull Pain, Resilience, MoG, and Revive. Regeneration is significantly sturdier than people give it credit for.
    Yeah, mine is retired because I dislike the newschool clicky clicky click! gameplay, not because he isn't extremely survivable and competent.
  15. Felt a little better last night, but my stupid connection was being stupid again, so no in-game news to report.

    Which doesn't stop me from thinking about it- the current debate is between which powerset to pick up next, Staff Fighting or Nature Affinity.

    I grabbed those fish costume bits that were on sale a bit ago and made a 'theme' tank around them- Hydronauticus, risen from the deep to protect the legions of Water Blasters recently arrived in Paragon. I made him as a joke mostly, just checking out the pieces in-game (pros: head & gloves are neat cons: boots are that stupid shiny junk that doesn't take color well) and gave him the Energy Melee primary because I thought it would look appropriately watery with a re-color (which it did), and Dark Armor because likewise.

    Ran him through a couple of DFBs, and while I really liked his look his secondary was bugging me. It looked good, but I couldn't help remembering a staff fighting character I'd teamed with who had a Trident weapon model.

    I mean, c'mon, that's too perfect.

    So I was pretty much set on Staff as my next set buy, likely after I get Ray to 50 and need a new project.

    But then I teamed with that Nature Affinity character, and it's just SUCH a lovely set. One thing I really liked about that big fantasy MMO was the environmental vibe of those oasis the elf towns had, a feeling Nature Affinity really nailed. Even in the middle of a huge Malta battle with rockets flying everywhere and gun drones chattering away, it was still a soothing presence.

    Now I'm torn. =/

    Ah well, better too many choices than not enough!
  16. I have a grav/ta controller who is a ton of fun.

    It's an odd combo that is super powerful on a team, certainly more powerful than you'd expect given its lack of popularity.

    (hey,somebody had to say it)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    And another thing. Why aren't the Skulls breaking into song with a lesson to teach children?
    paging Samuriko!

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Hell I voluntarily sub and I refuse to do any Incarnate content.
    Me either, aside from running one character through DA to see the new missions.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Unpossible. i've been subscribed since May of 2004, and after Freedom went live i... stayed subscribed and was very pleased to see how much more i'm getting now.

    Now if anyone else who's been playing CoH to the point of tier 9 feels that the additional perks of being a VIP are no longer worth it they are welcome to drop down to Premium and contimue playing. Personally i'd rather not because i consider the additional perks worth it and i enjoy the game enough to want to support it as much as is practical. But if that's how someone feels then they should do whatever makes them happier/less disgruntled. Expecting Paragon Studios to cater to all your specific demands or even just give you automatic everything because you're a VIP is silly and somewhat unrealistic.
    I was absent for a year due to childrearing eroding my playtime down to a nub, I returned because hey, it's free, why not?

    Now as a Tier 9 my premium experience was as good as it gets- IOs, remote market UI, the works. As someone who doesn't have much interest in hopping on the Incarnate treadmill this was a terrific deal! Basically the whole game for free.

    But after playing for a while, the discontents of life as a Freemium became manifest, chiefly NOT ENOUGH SLOTS. As a confirmed alt-o-holic with several full servers, the limitations seemed positively draconian. And every time I logged in one of my unlocked characters, I had to look at all of the ones I couldn't visit.

    And then there's the base rent.
    All of my established characters have their private bases, and I've grown so used to them over the years that losing access was a serious problem. Not so much for the zone teleporters- in the modern era a full suite of teleporters isn't the necessity it once was- but I found it hard to live without my copious BASE STORAGE. My villain base is fairly typical, with full zone TP access, rows of inspiration storage collectors packed to the brim with Large & Present inspirations and more rows of IO storage packed with various expensive junk for resale plus lots of the sort of thing I like to equip new alts with- Miracle uniques, -KB IOs, +Acc, stealth IOs.

    Sure I could get a VIP pal to do me a solid, join my sg and pay my base rent for me, but that's just annoying for me and for them.

    And after re-VIP'ing I decided to check out DA.
    Which is terrific, not even for the incarnate stuff, but just as a zone full of really fun missions. I'm playing through on my fire/ice blaster, my only character I bothered unlocking the alpha slot on, and having a great time. Maybe after I've run through it I'll do some of the trials, who knows.

    And I've also enjoyed the SSAs that I've played through.

    And as noted being a VIP has saved me money, as it prevents me from financially imprudent binges on the Paragon Market. As a premium player I knew I wasn't getting any points, so when stuff appeared that I wanted I would just buy points and get it. Now, I have an incentive to be just slightly patient.

    So, while max tier Freemium is a really, really good deal and I could totally live with it if for some reason I found myself completely destitute, VIP is a terrific value. For the same sub fee I paid for six years I'm getting WAY more content in the form of story arcs, TFs and trials, costume bundles & new powersets.

    Max tier premium is a great deal, but so is's that rare WIN/WIN situation.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post

    The *point* is that the system should be set up to encourage everyone to become a subscriber and then remain subscribed. That *is* the goal, isn't it?
    No, that isn't the goal.

    The goal is for Paragon Studios to maximize profit.
    The bottom line doesn't care about subs per se, it cares about taking in more $$$ whatever the source.

    Which the current system seems to be doing a bang-up job of.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    Try to keep up, Nethergoat. For the same amount of money, Premium players get 13560 points compared to VIPs 6600 points per year. Premium effectively pays 50% of what VIPs do for things available on the store.
    I don't know where you're getting your assumptions about premium players spending habits, but they don't seem very realistic.

    And as a reality check, premium players "get" ZERO points compared to however many VIPs get as their stipend. They have to buy every point they want to spend (which is why re-subbing as a VIP has actually saved me money...)

    What balances VIP is the stuff that isn't available on the store -- incarnates, bases, some other things I don't use and have forgotten. But if the VIP is not interested in that free stuff, they are getting screwed compared to Premium players. We've already established that earlier in the thread.
    You've established nothing other than the fact that your own bizarre view of reality has little in common with the bulk of the playerbase.

    If the VIP is "not interested in that stuff", then they can presumably go premium and save themselves some money, right?

    I'm not seeing how that's a problem for anyone, except maybe Paragon if enough players find inventions, the market, incarnate content, tons of server slots & SSAs undesirable and decide to go Premium and buy power sets and costume bits ala carte.

    Paragon seems happy with the status quo and they have the only vote that matters.
  23. everyone in the household has been sick the past few days, so not much playing to report.

    I ran two Yins, one on Ray for the merits (he needs more converters again) and one 'speed' Yin with Mr. Ikebana, who's costume I was messing around with when the call went out.

    Y'know, there's not much difference between a 'kill all' Yin and a 'speed' Yin, time wise. I guess we shaved off a few minutes from the last mission, skipping the hallway, but......*shrug*.

    Both were fun, so whatever.
    It's the weekly strike thingie, and I was startled by the MASSIVE exp bump Ray got- something like 950k? Nice! Plus 40 merits, which was enough to net another Hero merit.

    the only other thing I did was catch on with a level 47 tips team last night for a few missions before bed. One of the team was a new Nature Affinity character, and WOW is that a gorgeous, relaxing powerset! The little green mushroom oasis with its pleasant chiming sounds & floating motes of light, the leafy Absorbing shield...just a wonderful set to team with.

    I really like the way Absorb works. Ray, being a ranged type, went through most of the evening with about 1/2 his health bar filled with Absorb, which emboldened me to be a little more aggressive.

    Ray's 42 going on 43 now, and I'm still really enjoying him. I may just shelve everyone else until I get him to 50- I find myself having to talk myself into playing anyone else anyway, I may as well give up and just get him to the cap.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    I'm still not hearing an argument for why we're not soaking the Premium players to generate income for the company, rather than soaking the VIPs. VIPs get *half* as many points as Premium players do for the same amount of money. You can improve the VIP situation and still generate enough income -- more income, in fact, if you made VIP status truly desirable.

    They are restricting how much the VIP players get so that they can push out more content to all players. Non-VIPs then get the new content more cheaply than VIPs do. Doesn't that seem counter to the goal of getting more subscribers?

    A sub gets you a huge amount of functionality for 'free': bases, incarnates, inventions, market, SSAs, slots.

    Not having to spend points on this stuff means you can blow them all on goodies- power sets, costume bundles, etc.

    Point cost is the same for everyone- your "non VIPs getting stuff cheaper" is unsupported by the reality of the game.