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  1. the game "went wrong" when Jack talked NC into publishing it when nobody else would touch it. Corporate skullduggery/malfeasance/incompetence (depending on which flavor of rumor you prefer) killed this game, it was nothing the devs did.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    So we've established that you folks don't actually care about the developers of the game - it really comes down to you getting your CoH fix. Evidence: My question elicited responses of "ONOZ THEY MIGHT CHANGE THINGS", not "That'd be freakin' BS! Those poor devs!"

    So much for the sense of community.
    I like our devs and love what they've done with the game over the past year.

    But as a gamer I'm here for THE GAME.
    As fondly as I feel toward our developers, as much as I respect their talent, dedication and perseverance, it is a relationship anchored by THE GAME.

    Whatever attention they pay to me is in the context of being a well informed player. Whatever attention I pay to them is in the context of their making a game that has been a major part of my life for close to a decade.

    So while yes, I would prefer that everything stay exactly as it is now with no alterations, I reserve the right to be ecstatically happy with *any* outcome where my characters survive this virtual Armageddon.
  3. ****, if Saddam Hussein's rotting corpse kept the game going I'd send him $15 a month with a smile on my face.

    I'll keep my hooves crossed.
  4. 1a, 1b & 1c: the players, the character creator and the characters the players created with it.

    2: flying
    3: at a time when other games required a team to do anything meaningful, letting individual characters feel genuinely 'super'.
    4: Marketeering & the Crazy 88's.
    5: running around zones with my son, letting him explore the world.
  5. I figured out a while ago I don't really like MMOs, I just liked CoH.

    Guess it's time to finally play through all that junk I picked up during Steam holiday sales, then ignored because spare time to game meant I could be playing CoH.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    That's a good idea, I think I'm going to do something similar.
    shoot me the URL and I'll add it to my blogroll.
    you should absolutely save your great market & 'zero to awesome' threads.

    Maybe we'll end up with a whole memorial community on Blogger.
  7. The only thing NC will be getting from me henceforth is bits of masticated & digested tin cans culled from my, er, goat pellets.
  8. for some reason it didn't occur to me until Zwill's post about the forums closing down that the forums would be, uh, closing down.

    I'm going to export all my posts in this thread to a blog, which will also serve as my CoH historical archive.

    My first serious foray into online gaming was founding and running a sizable CounterStrike community for a number of years- when I moved on, I didn't take anything with me. None of the screenshots, videos, player demos, site posts (no blogs back then, I actually had to make a web page & learn rudimentary HTML), nothing. Well, the friends I made. But none of the ephemera, aside from what scraps the Internet Archive hoovered up.

    As over it as I was at the time, I'd give quite a bit to have a copy of that website, those screens, our forums, all those little bits of creation that together form a community.

    So, this time I'm going to grab the photo albums and shoeboxes full of letters on my way out the door.

    I've historically frowned upon folk using these forums to pimp their own thing, but.....yeah. So here's the link, which I'll also post in the Triumph FB group:

    The Nethergoat Archive
  9. As someone who branded Unleashed as "Westley's Ego Trip", it became a solid alternative to the 'official' forums when I was playing as a Freemie and could only post a few places here.

    I don't venture outside the MMO forum, but it has plenty of good old timers to hang out with.
  10. two.

    first, getting my first travel power.
    Super Jump on my emp/elec, after who knows how long- it's hard to remember now, but making it to level 14 was a SLOG back in the day. Leveled up at Miss Liberty for some reason, and spent the next 10 minutes leaping aaaaaall over Atlas like a crazy person. It really felt like getting out of prison after jogging all over hell and gone the way we had to do back in the day. A genuinely exhilarating feeling.

    second, the first time we defeated one of the guys who occasionally turn into a war-wolf. On the streets in IP with my emp/elec and my buddie's nrg/dev, I think it was an ambush. Anyway, we beat it in nip an tuck fashion, then RAAAAAAOAAAAR! suddenly we're facing this giant pissed off wolf-man with a full health bar. Pure terror, and pure joy when we managed to put him down.

    Nothing earth shaking, but I never really played this game for the mega-super endgame type stuff.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
    Good luck gentlemen. I salute your burning fest and almost wish I had the energy to have one of my own. But, alas it would take hours to assemble my 250B and liquidate my IOs so I'm just letting it go down with the ship.
    mail me whatever you have just lying around and I'll see that it rises in a plume of digital ash that will obscure the skybox.

    Well, except in the Rogue Isles, where it will vanish without a trace into the general atmospheric miasma....

    Oh yeah- @nethergoat
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
    You were renting an MMO game. All of them close eventually.
    Aku will eventually get over the despair and misery of losing a stable of beloved creations, at which time you'll still be a jerk.

    Advantage: Aku.
  13. that reminds me I have a SG base full of crafted Kismet +accs in anticipation of I24.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    It's an awesome picture. Your son is clearly a great kid! I'm just sad he'll never experience trick or treating City of Heroes style.
    aw PANCAKE, I hadn't even thought of that.

    he would've totally freaked out over it, even if it was just the original 'event' with the Croatoa monsters wandering around the city proper.

    I need to stay away from the forums for a while, they keep making me sad.
  15. if NC won't do right by you go to your credit card company and sic them on the problem.
  16. I was doing my usual morning routine when I wake up before my son- getting in a little play time. Running my stalker around Crey's picking up exploration badges, picking off lucrative high level spawns along the way.

    Logged when he woke up, made us breakfast, played with him for a bit....then checked the forums.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    That is an awesome photo!

    My irascible downstairs neighbors' comment upon seeing it on FB was "What, are you two posing for a Baby Bjorn ad or something?"

    So, my last un-selfconcious act as a City of Heroes player was.....cruising around Crey's Folly with my stalker Mope collecting exploration badges & ganking high level freaks for XP (also because I was out of tips & needed a few more to run before I could get my next morality mission & cash in the hero merit for converters).

    Not exactly the Last Meal I'd have chosen if I'd known it would be the last time playing the game without the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all my characters...but such is life, even of the virtual sort.

    Anyway, aside from those recent Hunts for the Manticore TF I hadn't spent any time in Creys since the old old old days when we'd occasionally jump in to take a break from street sweeping Bricks. I certainly hadn't paid any attention to it for many years. I must say, with my new vid card it is a really impressively atmospheric zone. Hazard zones in general are such a wasted resource, I'd have loved to see Crey's get a Dark Astoria style makover.

    My last act before logging off, hitting the forums and getting the awful news was taking down an unexpectedly tough spawn- I came for the two red con freak tanks, I stayed because that guy hanging out with them I figured was just some boring minion was actually a Super Stunner. Managed to survive, thanks to my current habit of carrying a tray full of the most useful Large inspiratons at all times, but it was a fun, challenging fight even with the help.

    The 'new' stalkers are really fun- it's amazing what that one fairly small change did to the enjoyment of 'scrapping it out' with a stalker. I still hate psychic ambushes, but overall the Stalker AT ends the game near the top of my "fun to play" ranking.

    I don't know that I'll be doing any more actual playing- right now I'd say no, it seems too depressing. The Crazy 88's are going to have a viking funeral for the game where we BURN IT ALL, every scrap of inf left on all our characters, and I'll definitely log in for that. I keep thinking I should log in all my guys one last time, take some screens, archive their bios...and I absolutely need to park the Goat in Dark Astoria for the server wipes.

    But, I might feel different in a few days.
    We'll see.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    Well, gents, this part of the game has frankly been my favorite for quite some time. I liked the other parts too, but jockeying for influence that had effectively become meaningless due to enough excess to purple and 3% every character slot on Virtue... that was grand times.

    Anyhow, allow me to kick off the festivities with a grand bonfire... I burned like 100B. Which has purchased me the fine memory of being, at least briefly, on the top of the 88s prestige chart.

    It's been an honor.
    Plasma, with one white gloved hoof I tip my beaver fur tophat to you, the Crazy 88's and all of the Eeeebil Marketeers around here who've made this forum one of my favorite online haunts since the markets went live.

    Yes, even Evil Ryu. =D
  19. I'll be doing some memorial work on this thread over the next while.
    For now, here's a recent pic of me and my son:

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    You guys are without a doubt the best in the business! I can't tell you how sad I am for you. You don't deserve this. I want you to know that your efforts are more than appreciated, they are cherished.

    City of Heroes has been a lifeline for me during some really rough times over the last 8 years. It's a place to play, unwind, argue with Math Smarties, and have fun. This game is the best of its kind. Good luck, and please post on your blogs, linkedIn pages and elsewhere where you wind up. If you're on the game, I'll know it's quality!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    I'd totally find a way to donate to a crowdsourced effort to keep City of Heroes alive.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
    I dont know when but I propose we pick a day somewhat close to the final day of the game, gather round the bonfire, and BURN.IT.ALL.

    Every last stinking IO goes on the market for 1 inf....every last inf gets burned. NCSoft will delete all my characters with absolutely zero inf or storage....
    I'm in.
  23. well, looks like the game itself has called an end to this thread.

    I feel sort of bad about it, as it's been part of my life for nearly a decade. By far the longest serving game I've ever played.

    But what I feel really sick about is having to explain to my son that all his "friends" are going away.

    I guess I could switch to some other superhero game, but I've tried them both and genuinely disliked them.

    Back to WoW?


    What a crappy day.