So did some mmo window shopping




With the announcement I thought it best to see whats out there..

Tried The Secret World.. not for me, chat feels sterile, and I miss the instance missions and feel of teamwork and life in the colours, costumes and beautful environments of COH. Any teaming feels forced and again,.. sterile. Plus whats the deal with this themepark stuff - wheres the game?

Went and tried out CO - the forum members have some BIG trust issues with the developers and thinking this is a red flag. Plus, its Champions.. it wasnt good when it first came out, and although they have implemented many many costume options that are in COH (Well, someone got them from someone) - the game is the same game. And again teaming seems forced.. and the social side is not fluid.

Im not going to get my hopes up about COH being kept alive, but if someone does start a kickstart or something, I will pledge funds to make it happen.

I really hope it does cuz it aint pretty out there.



I hear you. City of Heroes was one of my favorite MMO titles, and one that I've put a LOT of money into. It was just as fun to play solo as it was with friends and pick-up groups, the ability to make your own story arc with Mission Architect was awesome. For me it was worth rolling up a Praetorian just for seeing and exploring Praetoria and running the story arcs there.

I never farmed for EXP. I'll admit I did join a friend's farming endeavors a few times just to get prestige for my single-player supergroup, but I always turned EXP gain off when doing so. Heck, that became my SOP after that feature came out. I didn't want to miss a single contact mission as I climbed the ladder to 50.

I still haven't reached the cap on any of my guys--not my flagship hero (Little David), not my flagshiop Villain (Corrupted Haruspex), not my flagship staying-in-Praetoria Praetorian (Wildfire Pete). I thought I'd always have time for that, time to sort out computer issues, time to earn badges I'd missed in a holiday event next year, time to take care of other things before going back in to CoH for some more fun.

All of it, going up in smoke come November 30.

I play a lot of online games and MMOs off and on, but City of Heroes was one of the few I always came back to. I can't really recommend any titles that'd replace it, especially since I tend to play a lot of oddball games that break the conventions set by World of Warcraft, or came before it.



I said to myself I wasn't going to play anymore MMOs primarily because my enthusiasm for videogames has waned in the past couple of years since I've been working and moving.

I guess that's not true. I had some beers with friends and plugged in the Nintendo and played some Double Dragon, the Sega and Streets of Rage then later the Wii and played Mario Bros Wii.

-Sigh- It makes me wish I really was tired of games. But when I want to play games, sometimes friends aren't around for beer and a late night of gaming...

Anyway, I've been looking at 2 options myself:

-Visit FFXI, most likely temporarily because I haven't even looked at it for years but lots has changed and been added.

-Pick up Guild Wars 2. I've been watching vids on youtube and since it just released, it's on fire...and it looks really fun.

I'm not a hardcore fan or vindictive about the past so I wouldn't boycott unless the company is literally evil...I'm also not out to replace anything. CoX will never be replaced except by someone reviving CoX. If people are making plans to keep our game alive, I'll pledge to help but I'm not particularly in the mood to log in right now. Maybe in a week or two, I'll josh around and take pics of all my characters but nothing serious unless I know the game isn't going anywhere.

But beyond that, I'm planning to stay subscribed until the very end and I hope to be actually logged in on the very last day but even that, I doubt, will dampen my enthusiasm for gaming or my characters.

I'm sure you'll find something you think is fun and I'm sure the devs will land on their feet with their next endeavors (CoX on your resume? *nods*). No need to be sad. We'll all survive



I figured out a while ago I don't really like MMOs, I just liked CoH.

Guess it's time to finally play through all that junk I picked up during Steam holiday sales, then ignored because spare time to game meant I could be playing CoH.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



ive never really played any other MMOs, the few i have tried (runes of magic and asda story) pretty much had near forced teaming or INSANE grinding

runes of magic was not bad, but was too fantasy for my tastes, asda story was fun, but after a certain point xp gain was like an exponential curve (one example i saw was a lvl 49 got 1.5 mil xp from something and it was literally only like 0.02% of the level, and 1.5 mil xp is a lot for that game)

honestly if we can save the city, then im most likely not gonna be into mmos for quite some time, i do have about 500 games on steam ive never gotten around to playing yet so i guess ill start there