343 -
Find your CoH icon in Applications, and right click it, then click on "View package contents". Now navigate to "Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh/".
You know I just realized that the edit I made right after I posted this, resulted in an error page..... go Forums! -
Find your CoH icon, and right click it, then click on "View package contents". Now navigate to "Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh/", make a new folder called Data, and put your text binds in there. The game automatically scans the Data directory when you use /bindloadfile name.txt, so as long as they are there, it should load them.
For laptops with un-updated drivers, I suggest http://www.omegadrivers.net/ they offer drivers for old/mobile graphics cards. And even though they say the vista x64 drivers won't work in 7 x64, I have used them before.
The site is http://Vidiotmaps.com you have to have an account to use the download features.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/vidi...9.exe/download is the direct link to the files. -
Sentinel reads the games memory addresses. *READS ONLY* It never alters anything in the client. You download Sentinel, run it, and click Update under Tools -> Options to download the latest manifest files (The files that tell sentinel where everything is in memory) then use Tools -> Utilities -> Export and you now have a copy of your build on your clipboard.
I've used Titan Networks Sentinel to export builds for a while now, it works perfectly for importing into Mids. While I understand your nervousness for using 3rd party programs, It cant read your password for CoH, and doesn't log keys.
But I do agree, there is a lot of stuff that the client should do that we have to use 3rd party programs to do. -
Hello guys, I am a friend of Tife's, letting everyone know that he is having some account issues. He would like to let everyone know that the winner of the Library contest has been decided, the winner will be contacted/posted when the account issues are resolved.
Also, if you are hosting the file on your own server somewhere, the forums do not like tilde characters (~).
This does work, as I've done it on my OSx86 install of CoH, right click the City of Heroes icon, show package contents, nvaigate to City of Heroes.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh create the folder "Data" (no quotes) then inside data create texts/English (or uk, if you are running the EU version of CoH)/Menus.
So now your path should look like City of Heroes.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh/Data/texts/English(or uk)/Menus/ now place your .mnu file in there and start the CoH client. -
Yes, every new user account has to have the registry settings created when the updater starts... want to cheat? Log into your windows account, open up the registry editor navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\ right click Coh, and export it. Keep this file somewhere where all users can access it, and run it on new user accounts, it will require Admin privs but it works.
Memtest isn't ran in windows, safe mode or not. You download it, and burn it to a disc, and boot the computer from it, as if you were going to install Windows. it runs independent of your OS.
Quote:DDR2 RAM will not fit a DDR3 slot, or the other way around.According to the Gigabyte site, that motherboard has 6 memory slots. 4 slots for DDR2 memory that supports up to 8GB. And 2 slots for DDR3 memory which supports up to 4 GB. I'm wondering if you're putting your new memory in the wrong slots? I'd check the motherboard manual very carefully to make sure you're putting your new RAM into the proper slots on the motherboard. Avoid the DDR3 slots.
Now who will bug me with great extension ideas for the Wiki?!?!?!
Have fun.. but you'll be back... they always come back... -
Edit: NVM this is for Training room >.>
Click the Powers text on your power tray, click Combat Attibutes, expand the categories in that window, and find the attributes you want to monitor, right click them, and click Monitor. This will open a new window you can drag around.
Quote:ok I had this Idea before I even played the game, and after taking a look at it's lowest graphics settings, this game could indeed be run on a Nintendo DS.
HA! are you kidding?? First off, the DS runs a ARM7 and ARM9 CPU, neither are x86 compatible, the ARM9, the faster of the 2, is like 68 MHz. The "GPU" of the DS supports NOTHING that CoH would use. The DS Lite has 4 MB of ram, with the DSi has 16, I think. So this is the hardware to run City of Heroes? -
No, and as far as I know, there is no way to run a native mac program and see CoH's memory either, because CoH is basically running in a Emulated Windows environment.
yeah Open office will open WPS with no problem, XPS is a bit harder to convert to anything since its not a "Document" and more of an Image of a document.
Yes. Patch notes are in the News & Announcements forum.
Sure, I'll setup a FTP user and you can upload to my server. I'll PM you info ASAP
No problem, this threw me the first time it happened after I19's release.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=3382535 Today's patch notes. -
There was a patch today, are you bypassing the updater by chance? The servers now respond with this message instead of the Wrong Version message.
You could always load a original retail install of CoH in another directory, and use that for Demo files... that should work if you could figure out the older format for demos.
The above solutions DO in fact work, I've renamed my cohupdater.exe to cohupdater.eu.exe then made a shortcut to the new updater on my desktop, and launched using the new shortcut, it asked me to install, I told it to install to C:\Games\CoHEU\ it then proceeded to see my CoHEU install and connected me to the EU Servers for CoH.