In-Game Build Exporter




We already have Mids designer available, and I saw there was another tool available to export builds directly from the game - but it makes me a bit nervous using 3rd party plugins. Especially given the hacks that have been going on in "the other game" with their scripting language.

What would be nice is an in-game feature that allows you to export your build in a published standard format. While I wouldn't expect the dev team to create a replacement for the Mids designer (although it would be nice) - Mids could be changed to import from this new format.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



I've used Titan Networks Sentinel to export builds for a while now, it works perfectly for importing into Mids. While I understand your nervousness for using 3rd party programs, It cant read your password for CoH, and doesn't log keys.

But I do agree, there is a lot of stuff that the client should do that we have to use 3rd party programs to do.

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Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
I've used Titan Networks Sentinel to export builds for a while now, it works perfectly for importing into Mids. While I understand your nervousness for using 3rd party programs, It cant read your password for CoH, and doesn't log keys.

But I do agree, there is a lot of stuff that the client should do that we have to use 3rd party programs to do.
I'm hoping the devs will at least consider the idea. I'm not going to install anything that in any way alters the client, so the Sentinel program is out of the question.

At the very least, a formatted report would be useful.

As an addendum to this idea, an in-game builder would be useful as well, along with a section displaying summaries of effects much like Mids does.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
I'm hoping the devs will at least consider the idea. I'm not going to install anything that in any way alters the client, so the Sentinel program is out of the question.
The Sentinel program (and Herostats for that matter) does not in any way, shape, or form alter the game client.

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What Snow Globe said. Sentinal and Mid's now come from the same group anyways, so I don't see how it makes sense to be ok with Mid's and nervous about the other.



I'm not sure I understand how Sentinel works, does it perform a screen grab and then perform OCR recognition of your power sets and slotting?

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



that sounds a lot more complicated than it seems to work since it works pretty fast

to get a good response you would need to ask someone who programs the titan sentinel lol



Sentinel reads the games memory addresses. *READS ONLY* It never alters anything in the client. You download Sentinel, run it, and click Update under Tools -> Options to download the latest manifest files (The files that tell sentinel where everything is in memory) then use Tools -> Utilities -> Export and you now have a copy of your build on your clipboard.

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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
We already have Mids designer available, and I saw there was another tool available to export builds directly from the game - but it makes me a bit nervous using 3rd party plugins. Especially given the hacks that have been going on in "the other game" with their scripting language.

What would be nice is an in-game feature that allows you to export your build in a published standard format. While I wouldn't expect the dev team to create a replacement for the Mids designer (although it would be nice) - Mids could be changed to import from this new format.
Titan Sentinel is perfectly safe. It was designed and programmed by a benevolent, intelligent, serious Christian. :P And indeed, it does not alter the game client in any way, and it will only go so far as to store your encrypted Titan key when you tell it to remember your login.

Now... what I want to see is a build importer. Forget that respec interface that everyone seems to hate; forget opening Mids' in order to train up. Let's just import an XML build, or some generic format like that, and automatically respec or train up.