Checksum, updater, and multiple accounts



Is it just me, or is the act of getting CoH to work on multiple user accounts on a given machine ALWAYS a pain in the butt? I have read several of the guides but it sure seems the same exact thing never works twice.

I'm always having to fight updater trying to re-re-re-install itself in some annoying new directory each time I try to get it to work on a new user account on a new machine. I've found this to be true of both Vista machines and Windows 7 machines. And yes I play various games about deleting or moving the checksum file but it never seems to work the same way twice.

Today my problem has been on a new Windows 7 (64-bit) Home Premium machine. And the part that had me spitting angry at the machine is that when I copied the desktop shortcut to updater for my daughters log-in account (from mine) I had to delete the checksum file to get it to work. Annoying but after a quick check it let the program run. For some reason it won't work when I do the same to my wife's account. And don't get me started on what happened when I tried to put that on the "public" desktop. Each attempt to run in on every user account somehow messes something different up.

I wonder there some kind of registry silliness that KNOWS what account it is being activated FROM and if it is "new" then it has some need to do some kind of re-installing silliness.

Weirdest thing was when I had it on my daughter's desktop (which I had set-up as a Standard User) it needed an Administrator privilege. That in itself is only a little weird since every single CoH related file in the CoH directory AND the shortcut icon were supposed to be set up to allow her admin control over THOSE files. What was weird is if the admin privilege was granted by MY account information (still logged into my daughter's account just prompted for admin log-in) it works but if I do it from my WIFE'S admin (still have not gotten her actual account to work with CoH) it has the same type of re-download craziness as on her desktop with her actual account. So somehow what admin privileges you are using is kept track of.

And by the way, we ARE talking about multiple accounts on multiple machines. My daughter and I both have CoH accounts and we both, of course have user accounts on the various machines in our house so we aren't trying to use something we haven't paid for.

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Yes, every new user account has to have the registry settings created when the updater starts... want to cheat? Log into your windows account, open up the registry editor navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\ right click Coh, and export it. Keep this file somewhere where all users can access it, and run it on new user accounts, it will require Admin privs but it works.

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Hey thanks, I think I has always tricked it in the past somehow (letting it start to install somewhere else or some nonsense).

Still, it does seem that the updater-system doesn't work and play well with how multiple users and such works.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.