CoH/CoV DS version




ok I had this Idea before I even played the game, and after taking a look at it's lowest graphics settings, this game could indeed be run on a Nintendo DS.

a nintendo DS cartridge is around 4 GB of storage space and can be made with over 32 GB of space. (I have a TTDS and micro SD card with 8 GB of space for such atm.)

of coarse that would require making a version of the game dual-screen compatible. (and .nds format)

to achieve this is no doubt a complex thing:

i would suggest 3 powers (of player choice) and jump (space button) could be set to the buttons A B X Y

the bottom screen and top screen however are a bit different, it would be nice to have all the buttons and chat and health bars (and other powers) ETC. on the bottom screen and all the action on the top screen.

however that presents a 'real world' problem as in some powers require you to point with your mouse and place them on the ground. that would be a touch screen thing but with all the action on the top screen that wouldn;t be possible.

so I suggest that the background of the entire bottom screen be an over-head view map like the current map except full screen, and of coarse that would show players and everything else and allow zoom and power placement without need of 3D graphics in that window.

so all the action is on the top screen, and all the interaction is on the bottom screen.

the chat for DS; the chat should be expandable and contactable with the click of a button (maybe on it's top right corner) when expanded it should take up the entire bottom screen (including a typewriter) when contracted it should be a small box with chat only (no response bar) and an emote button.

the touch screen map can be used for movement, but I also suggest an additional camera control button on that screen to control rotation. merely hold the button and drag in any given direction on the touch screen.

L and R should be used for Directly UP and Directly DOWN movements

and the digital cross pad can be used for normal walking /horizontal movements ETC.

that would be a decent control setup.

the purpose of this is to create CoH/CoV on-the-go for Nintendo DS players, it will bring more players to CoH than ever before as people can play it standing up at any given hot spot.

what does every one else think?



So, you want the dev team to waste development time in making a port of the game to a device, intergrating touch screen and dual screen features, with access to only 3 powers with buttons (Which is half of an attack chain or less for some of my characters) and have people switch between using the dpad and touch screen?

... No. I don't think it'd be worth it, popular, useful, needed, wanted or desired by many.



Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
that would be a decent control setup.
No, it wouldn't. Even Apple couldn't come up with a UI that would make it feasible.

Getting CoX to run on a portable game system would be pretty cool as a technical accomplishment, but actually playing it on one would only be fun for the five minutes it would take the novelty to wear off.

Mind you, an action-oriented spinoff DS-or-whatever game set in the CoX universe could have potential, but that's a whole different kettle of fish.



The only portable gaming system feasible for CoX is a laptop, and that's what I play on :P



Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
ok I had this Idea before I even played the game, and after taking a look at it's lowest graphics settings, this game could indeed be run on a Nintendo DS.

HA! are you kidding?? First off, the DS runs a ARM7 and ARM9 CPU, neither are x86 compatible, the ARM9, the faster of the 2, is like 68 MHz. The "GPU" of the DS supports NOTHING that CoH would use. The DS Lite has 4 MB of ram, with the DSi has 16, I think. So this is the hardware to run City of Heroes?

Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer



I think you all are being to harsh here. Any chance to play CoH is a good thing . I'd like them to take a stab at something for the tablets, but having never used a tablet I do not know how practical that would be.



I'd much rather see a tablet optimized version for Android. At least there you can have a 10" touch screen, chatting would be a booger.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Just. No.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.