2511 -
Why can't it be both? I accept that I can be quite selfish. If my style doesn't work for a team or it's leader, I'm not gonna change it to appease anybody(in the overwhelming majority of cases). Instead I'll just move on from the team. They don't have to deal with a style they don't like, and I can do what I want. It's a win-win.
Thanks for the examples yall! I think I can use some of that to help me achieve my goals. I plan on getting all the accolades, I just haven't yet. So that will help.
I like the perma hasten level recharge I have so I can spam Burn, Healing Flames, and Shadow Meld as often as needed. I may drop some recharge in order to get better AoE defense, or maybe sub in some purples to keep recharge and gain defense. I'm just not yet sure if I feel like spending for purples, at least right now. -
Quote:I want to go on record as saying, that I don't care even the slightest amount how my reckless zerg-minded style impacts you. Not even a little bit. If you don't like it, don't team with me. I'm confident you not being on my team won't even be worth noticing to me.Given that this is a multiplayer game, what makes you think that other people not learning to improve themselves doesn't affect me? When I'm grouped with a reckless zerg-minded player, you can be sure his not learning better is affecting me. When another player is on my team, it becomes my businesses right away.
Quote:I agree with both of these statements.Personally, I feel that people should keep their noses out of my business and stop trying to motivate me to play better so that I serve their purposes more appropriately. If you feel that a lack of permadeath has made me a sloppy, unappealing team-mate, then don't team with me. I will not miss your hardcore company and I'm sure you'll find a much more capable team-mate than me.
So I'm currently working on finishing up the build for my Spines/Fire Scrapper. I'm looking to tweak and improve it. I've already done a good amount of tweaking, adding in more defense and recharge.
I plan on taking T4 Ageless, T4 reactive interface(75dot/-25res), T4 Spiritual, Void Judgment, and undecided on Lore. I've started working on all my Incarnate slots already, and have most of the IOs for the builds already. Any advice or suggestions would be great. Thanks.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1393;691;1382;HEX;| |78DA6594594F135114C7EF74A6549602050A45DAD2B2B4AC03155C1F34462401294| |29AF8E0D68C78858993523B2D8ABEF819D488CB834AD42FA006BF914F2E8F242EF5| |F4FC2F05EDA4CD6FE6DCF3BFF77FCF993BE97B334D423C3C23B4E6738EE5BAD9CC4| |AC1CAE765C1B768154B05CBA99BB772EEA6EB134204F7C6B269E948692E976CC771| |7BAAD119794BE65C69CEDAB2B0993D4BEAC05C6E4D1664AE68EEDD342CADAF3B662| |62FE5CD26BE5D9056DECEADFAF961D65E5D2BD253809FE6721BB66BDFB01DBBB8D9| |7D3E6FAF9899A2E5DCA69532EB25279BB6DC222D14226709FABFAA58E4ABEC15970| |949E1B9025C6518D7802C63EC3AE34845A5B1CA234E130C5DD4FDC7D73E9542336B| |421722250EFDF4307E311ACAC06F46D31FC634A974A80CFD82C6234B8CE68BC022A| |335CD7843E95EA47BBCA382478036609B127CCA856F8BCDB73D63743C075E303A5F| |02DBAC9A22493DF6E7ADBFC3A1D05DE03EE3F006F08011C6F6FA48D5A8AAD288E5C| |34014384A097E2468FE2EBA89886888D0218ED1488BDA478B2A60543136C25B7D4B| |2901E529004F31B888C1531C0EE3F01487A7E3A46AE73E943DED8FB8C4FD4F80A78| |C4E4A082A4FC120AFD4BF2B2AD6341AE98227D155A64BBCA348B72A6637FA35805E| |0EA0B3036869022D4DC0C20952F528550FF21250259197C454498887A1D2491551B| |E22AA12C38AEF69AC57BD24BD1F78BBC31F19239F801DE033E324A5F7A9E2F6A113| |63FFC0A08441D5B841D460BC0368657C214B43AA144311D6ECD2076014217D14051| |B8774E2145CEEB199663795D8ACA4C4450B8526556812AAB0513D88F4AB547BBA26| |3259135938181967634B46F5DC090DFBFBDA40214D8590F5ED60688843DFF7439A3| |6AF558EC3C425F6F6637F44D7B6B84B29BC4BA9C700DEA55EA3FA59288FD4784DD5| |44A66A22F5ADD5E35F5E6EA739D56C7F016B2EE07C| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Quote:Would the majority take to new villain only content like they have level 50 content? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.This is a vicious circle, or as I like to call it, the "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" problems. More people play heroes, so more hero content is created so more people play villains. It should stand to reason that if disproportionately more villain content is created, then more people would play villains.
I mean, few people played their 50s before Incarnates and that didn't stop Positron from blowing his life's savings on the thing, and the whole studio has been on a sugar rush about it ever since. Why can't the same work with villain content? -
Quote:Yes, but more people play heroes, so I don't see a good business reason to develop for the minority.And the Blue side still has waaaaayyyyyy more zones and variation then red side ever had.
Quote:This is totally the viewpoint to follow at a wedding anniversary, birthday, or holiday. Emotional milestones are absolutely the best time to remind people of all the negative stuff they already know and probably regret, that way they can be extra bitter going forward. And that is sure to help their productivity.
The flavor of this community just isn't what it used to be... -
Quote:Well said. If I don't die a few times a day, that means I wasn't trying hard enough.I like the system we have for penalty for Dying a little bit of xp dept.
I know a few people here that say it isn't fun unless you have died once! and having little or no pentalty for dying means you can do crazy things and not have to worry about dying too much..
I think i'll try and take on that group of 8 mobs 4 lv higher than me and see if I survive!
Doing crazy thigns with this risk of dying should be fun. Risk vs reward.
I agree. -
Quote:Without unnecessary risks, this game isn't worth playing.I rather liked number 8, Stacking Debuffs.
It would really curb the attempts at unnecessary risks if folks started having an actually harder time to play the character the more they were defeated. It's also a much more tangible penalty than experience debt, but far more manageable than the other options. -
Quote:I would be down for this.I would love to see more purchasable things in the NC-Store. There's another hero game that starts with a "c" that has loads of things in their store. But I love this game so much more. I know some people are against micro-transactions but I'm not one of them.
Purchasable pets, in-game-items, special campaigns, powers, etc... could all be placed in the NC store. I would probably buy loads of stuff and I'm sure other people would too. No cost other than development time and pure profit for CoH/V its a win-win. -
Very true. I can't speak for anybody else, but I know for a fact that certain sets being ported would keep me from taking my now usual break between issues. For example making a ninja scrapper would give me something to do while I wait for more content for my 50s.
Freedom is bad while doing BAF and Mothership raids. Broken features ftw!
Why not just have it so the badges can be earned the new way and the old way? It's a win-win.
I think this is a good plan. Eventually I plan on picking up several of the Destiny powers.
I would make a second IO build for my DM/SR Scrapper(MunkiLord). This time it would be all level 50 IOs instead of being exemplar friendly.
I would probably offer about 8 billion as a prize to the person that comes up with a great origin story in AE for MunkiLord and Jansys(spines/fire scrapper).
Then I would tweak several of my characters that could use some fixing. Completely IO out my Warshade. Then just sit on a bunch of it. -
Why do people care about this wedding again?
I'm using Barrier for my FM/WP. With no DDR(or at least so little that it is meaningless), it can be very helpful.
Quote:Those are good points. Let me rephrase, I would like some arcs or TFs in which I am working for Emperor Cole. As far as Munki(my Praetorian) is concerned, Cole is the greatest thing since sliced bread.The way the game is set up, Tyrant is an enemy of Praetoria regardless of where you stand on the moral debate about freedom vs. security. Whether you remain loyal to Praetoria or side with Primal Earth is irrelevant, because neither side is interested in this war. The very war is Cole's baby, invading another dimension over a perceived threat when the people of that dimension are only ever a threat because of the perceived threat of Praetoria, which Tyrant started to begin with, afraid of their "influence." Neither side needs a war and neither side wants a war. No matter who you side with, you will end up opposing the war, be it to save Primal Earth from destruction or to keep Praetorian Earth out of a needless war.
It's a lot like what Ghost Widow explains about her own situation:
Sometimes people seem to forget that Loyalists are loyal to Praetoria, not necessarily to its leader. If Tyrant seeks to bring Praetoria into doom and peril, then he is an enemy of Praetoria and nothing more. His cult of personality has brought nothing but damage to what is an otherwise perfect society. He and his Praetoris are the source of a lot of that world's problems, and Calvin Scott and his terrorists isn't helping matters any. -