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  1. ok fantasy build

    I want a seduction/mind dom/bullwhip succubi built like a scrapper/stalker with hide and placate

    still waiting for the day I beat a guy in PvP and don't get the "it was lag, I mis targeted, npc's interfered, screen skipped" excuses

    silly boys
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Martial Arts/Dual Pistol/Elec Melee/Electric Blast/Force Field/Regeneration/Kinetic/Gravity (for TKiNESS)/Fire Blast SCRAPPER!!!

    My ultimate Psychokinetic!
    if you need that much help its not the toon dude its you
  3. I find myself poor often I agree I make plenty under normal conditions. however the bm lately is far from normal and requires immediate dev intervention they should flood the market with everything to kill the farmers that have the billions and keep buying then flipping salvage at rediculous prices like ... 1,000,000 for a hydraulic piston hello?!? I can understand a panacea recipe +hitpoints +end costing a lot because of its rareness but 500 million?!? nothing in game should cost that much.

    we need intervention please

    or if not please make the bm zones PvP'able and show the names of those hiking the prices so I may at least be the hand of justice and retribution
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solicio View Post
    Actually, try the other games. Try them. I've tried my share of other games after playing this one. Even the dreaded WoW. All that did was make me realize just how good this one is by comparison. This game has ruined me forever--all other games just seem lame for one reason or another. Some games have really good features, but they almost all have inevitable holes that this game doesn't have. This is the only game that I've played that gets it right EVERYWHERE AT ONCE. And unless it starts looking more like those other games, I'll be here until they pull the plug--hopefully many, many years down the road.
    Agree... 5 Months of WoW and all that I got was agrevated and wanted my 5 months back almost 4 years of CoX and I still love my toons all 40+ alts and 25+ lvl 50's across my 2 accounts "I am an addict" and that is the first step to recovery

    I have beta'd a few new mmo's and none compare in experience to CoX the only one that worries me... is CO it offers the world the graphics have improved I still hear from trusted sources its not as good as the hype but it is still drawing a lot of interest from long time CoX friends we will take a hit... sad times ahead

    even with the change to mission dificulty I can't solo the LRSF I have tried

    I love CoX please keep up the issues guys!!!
  5. Congrats for having no life and being the guy that feels that since someone is not playing the game your way you must report them and ruin their fun even though they are paying the same fee you are and their being here is keeping your game alive regardless of what they are doing as for reporting the farm your an idiot there is no violation in farming only if its using an exploit many farms are legit missions just run repetively for a continuous flow of exp. You are such a Nazi if its not your way its the wrong way.

    you should learn to just worry about yourself and leave others alone.

    I choose not to farm, I prefer SF/TF's and PvP/Arena

    but to each their own
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul_Train View Post
    So what's the rules now? I may have to shrink mine (again).

    Oh yah, mine is one of many Xenvious cranked out for Virtueverse members.
    lol Im already your fan need to check in on deviant glad to see you still active here as well
  7. Hmm

    Lady Blood - thug / dark MM (Infinity RED Side)

    Because being bad just feel so good
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
    Right in the middle of a great Rikti Raid too
    Yea for me I was leading an awesome lrsf team all vets we would have made a good time
  9. which also means they will fix the broken patch and have the servers down again to repatch

    we we weregoing to run an rsf tonight but I am not sure after a couple hours everyone on the team will make it back
  10. Someones being a little super critical, the servers are fine the game has grown into a much more demanding world than the servers were originally spec'd to support they are still supporting the game fine this dbl exp weekend I had only 1 bad server moment that was late sunday the event was almost over anyway and the blip of an incident was a maybe 5 minute freeze.
  11. not trying to be mean but why are y'all surprised, are y'all new to CoX or what this is not surprising of the devs to bring em down when they want take as long as they need then turn em back on without telling us anything, the server status page is a joke and the patch notes don't even get me started. but all in all CoX patch days are nothing to be whining about they are short breaks in operation go refill your mountain dew buy some coffee get breakfast walk your ferret but stop worrying the game will be back up in no time. if you want to experience rediculous patch days go play WoW for a few weeks.
  12. In Reply to my own post it is I who missed something in the original post and I apologise for all like many of you I hear all the ranting about AE people or farmer's / PL'rs it gets old bottom line is we all pay to play and should play however we find brings us the most pleasure. I am fortunate to be in a great VG "Excellent Evil" in a Great coalition and with many friends made over years of CoX. I love this game prolly too much for my own good and jump on my soap box pretty quick when I feel it needs defending.. Im a team melee toon its what I do lol

    I will learn to read - I promise
  13. everythings been said, but I want my repetative 2 cents in here as well. I left CoV out of disgust at POSI for nerfing my 5 energy melee PvP toons I used in competition events that I bled hours on to tweek just right meh everyone knows what that feels like because it eventually happens to everyone rant ended..... back to the 2 cents about one AT being the only AT to complete a task BS BS BS BS BS obviously one of those l337ist from WoW slipped into CoX with their you need the perfect team to complete this raid.. god how many times I heard that crap you can't tank on a lock lol well guess what I did all the time so ****.... I agree simply put any person with skill on their Tanker / Brute can run point and get it done! I run the Infinity RSF channel, I regularly run Speed LRSF's and am often part of Master Run's as well and we will take anyone and make it work!

    so in my best sweetest wittle girl voice..... "no hon your not useless"
  14. I agree completely with Turbo it would be a color mess I however am looking forward to buffing a few overly manly Infinity friends with HOT PINK buffs!!!!!

    Think Pink!
  15. Although I disagree with calling the people many of which have 5+ years game time "noobs" because they choose to use the skills and knowledge they have developed over this time to speed level toons past redundant bland tired repetative content to get to high level content and sf/tf to play with their equally veteran high level friends that keep a heartbeat in this game and its community. The AE is not a problem, the BM was not a problem, the RWZ was not a problem, they were each new in their time and during that newness they captured a majority of peoples time and interest like all things it will eventually ballance out and people will be available for content again but in all fairness untill there are some much needed additions to content especially low level content you cannot expect those of us that have been loyal addicted CoX'ers to NOT use whats available to bypass the BS and get to the end game where all the fun is.

    High Level - PvP, LRSF, ITF, BSF and Lady Grey thats where it's at since unlike blue side we do not have a gazillion SF to choose from.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the guide Shadow. I have an EM/SR Stalker and your guide is a great resource. A couple of questions. Do you feel that Stamina is essential for this build? Why do you need stealth? My Stalker is only L29 and I recently returned to the game. I don't PVP much. I assume that stealth is used for PVP reasons not PVE?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes correct although it can be a nice bonus against carnies and longbow with enhanced perception in PvE, stacked stealth has become a PvP standard Hide+Stealth+a stealth IO on Sprint I even go a step further with SS as my travel power seems you just can't be invis enough to survive for long in Warburg.

    As for your question about stamina Energy is a drain big time I have a lvl 50 EM/SR Stalker and though I have mixed feelings about Stamina for Bloody Bay I would work it if you can I definately recommend it for all above 25.

    Hope I helped Enjoy your gaming