159 -
While I don't know anything about game modes, might I suggest using whatever anti-malware program you like the most and turning off automatic scanning? You can just manually initiate a scan whenever it's convenient for you. It requires a little bit of diligence, sure, but it guarantees that you will never interrupt a game.
That being said, a game mode sounds like a brilliant idea and every AV/anti-malware program should incorporate it. -
While /Elec is really, really good, I suggest /EM for the combo of great damage, Boost Range, and Power Boost.
Power boost alone is enough to make Ice/ incredibly powerful. The holds are made MUCH more significant, Stun (if you take it) is improved and Ice Storm's (and all the other ice powers, really) slow effect is increased, helping to keep stuff within it. Also, Blizzard's -tohit is greatly increased, allowing you to drop Blizzard with little fear of any retribution.
Shocking Grasp is awesome, but you can get a third hold only a few levels later in your APP. /Elec probably does more overall damage, but the hard and soft controls that really define Ice/ just seem like a perfect fit with Power Boost.
Regarding how to IO out an Ice/EM: I would suggest a combo of melee and ranged defense. I haven't tried to IO my Ice/EM so I don't know if its possible to cap both. If not, you'll have to decide which is more important for you, melee or ranged. That will ultimately be determined by your playstyle, I figure. Though you may want to listen to build advice from someone with more experience with IO builds for those powersets. -
Is that "No Bosses"? I can't tell on my piddly 1280 x 1024 monitor.
Quote:Yeah, more or less. It's not that the end bonuses makes the perf shifter any less useful, but it just makes the numina's and miracle *more* useful. Notice that the best solution involves both of those uniques - it just adds perf shifters on top, because those procs are more valuable than the last 15%ish enhancement you could eke out in the third slot.
Okay, I see now. You're talking about the situation as an efficient use of slots. I can be somewhat slow on the uptake at times. -
Quote:My emphasis. While I understand the sentiment behind this statement, it's not exactly correct. The Perf Shifter proc is exactly as valuable with +end bonuses as it is without them. It gives a flat 10 endurance (10% of 100 base endurance is 10) regardless of total endurance. +End bonuses mean that 10 end is a smaller percentage of total end but you still get 10 end either way.Thanks! It would be like those Willpower and Regen builds with 2 Perf Shifters. Which, I guess, could have THREE now, if they're Scrappers.
And while I do get what you're suggesting, it's so weird that the +endurance bonuses make the Perf Shifter procs less valuable to this build, and the solution is to add more of them. :P -
Only if you don't have any game-changing long-recharge powers on any character. Eclipse, Dark Extraction, Phantom Army, Accelerate Metabolism, Lightning Storm, any AoE hold, any Tier 9 power, etc. Not saying you have to have it, but it makes an incredible difference.
Quote:No. You haven't.
I have seen in the past PA do KB.
You may have seen a PA attack land at the same time as someone or something else's KB attack land, I don't know. But as Local Man said above PA has never had KB.
And I've been here even longer than him, since Issue 0, back when the lvl cap was 40 and there was no Peregrine Island.
And regarding the KB-hate? I can understand getting frustrated by it sometimes, but come on:
Quote:I despise PB's, Energy Primary blasters (even Defender Energy secondary) and Especcially Illusionists. -
Quote:FWIW, LR also does a -recharge debuff of 75% for 30 seconds. That's a really significant reduction of incoming damage. And the -regen helps whittle down any of the harder targets you may encounter, especially bosses with high smashing resists.
Lingering Radiation is one I'll probably leave out of the solo build, though I can see it being useful in teams, since that's really the only time I'd be facing foes with high regeneration (AVs, GMs).
Just something to consider... -
Like other commenters, I took SS for stacking stealth and a travel that's speedier than nova flight and less hassle than Shadow Step. I took Concealment pool and Combat Jumping for 4 more LoTG slots (wanted perma-Hasten).
Plus Grant Invis comes in handy quite often.
On a TriFormShade I find that pool powers' actual powers aren't all that useful, with the glaring exception of Hasten. YMMV, of course.
As far as tohit in Nova, the extra enhancement is such a small return on investment that I don't bother. Since 'Shades are so slot-starved I can always find a better use for those slots, especially in light of the plenitude of global accuracy bonuses available. In addition, I usually human Mire before switching to Nova. Mire gives a 4.5% (unslotted) tohit buff for each foe hit. Hitting enemies isn't usually a problem, although putting one tohit in the base slot is quite reasonable. It would bump Nova's tohit from 9% to 11.3% with a lvl 50 generic IO
I chose to slot a Freebird: Stealth in Nova's one slot. In conjunction with invis'd fluffies the stealth allows me to set up my opening Dark Nova Emanation cone (the nova form big-hitter) quite effectively. When I'm not Eclipse/Mireing first, obviously.
As an aside, I'm glad I started hanging out in this forum. Talking with so many WS geeks is so rewarding for a fellow geek such as myself! -
Quote:Sorry, I always forget how tone is so poorly conveyed through a text medium. Believe me, my post was NOT serious. I was trying, as politely as possible to suggest to AF that calling us conniving and dishonest was:I hate to break it to you, but AF has very much been here before, and used to be quite active, though generally in a contrarian manner to many posters here (not meant in the investment context use of that word).
- Terribly, hilariously, galactically wrong
- Pretty paranoid
- Fairly ***holish.
There really does need to be a sarcasm font...
E -
I'm sitting here eating my dinner, so I haven't really examined your build closely, but one thing jumps out at me right away: You have no heal enhancers in HPT.
Heal enhancers in HPT raise your maximum HP, which is effectively the same as damage resistance. Higher HP also translates to a higher regen rate. To clarify, let's say it takes 100 seconds to regen 100 hit points, or 1 HP/sec. If you raise your max HP by 50, it would now take 100 seconds to regen 150 HP, or 1.5 HP/sec. Since RttC's regen rate is based upon your total number of hit points, having more HP increases RttC's effectiveness as well. Heal IO's in HPT really increase the incoming DPS you can survive.
I'm definitely not a tank expert, although I do have a couple at 50, including a WP. I don't know the actual numbers but I suspect that slotting HPT solely for health would provide more benefit than an extra ~4% resists.
EDIT: After fiddling around in Mid's I figured out that HPT at ~100% heal enhancement would raise your HP by 30%. That's effectively the same as 30% damage resistance AND it raises you regen rate by 30%. I think it's a much better use of slots, unless the Impervium Armor bonuses are what you are after. -
Quote:Oh Ya fa sure
[Raspberry noise]
Listening to people rave about how wonderful prices are now and how you should spend your money on purples because its the best time EVAH !!! is careful observation . Taking advice from random people that want to sell things is sound investment planning. Why I know a few people from First Investors (Remember them ?) that would love to talk to you at length about the value of mutual funds and how it just happens to turn out theirs are great.
But back to the original point. This is a game you play it to enjoy it. If you can purple out a toon and think you want to, too enjoy it more do it now. Unless you are playing the game to make a pile of inf and sit on it doing an impression of Smeagol you arent going to enjoy it any more in a month or two months and in the meantime you have had the use of your purples which oddly enough can get you more purples.
And if you want a little careful observation about MARKETS in general.
Here are some translations from market speak to English.
1. Now is the best time in the past N time units to buy. = I have a bunch of this and I would like people to take it off my hands.
2. The market is going in Direction x with no end in sight = I am doing the opposite of this and would prefer that you act like a sucker or at least not horn in on my action.
3. Would you look at how high X you can really make a bundle selling X = I would like to buy X and would appreciate it if as many people as possible would bust their rears making X more affordable for me.
4. You have a sense of entitlement = I have mine and you aint getting any of it.
Clearly this is your first time in this forum. If you had ever spent any time here you would know how overwhelmingly helpful the folks here are to anyone who wants advice on how to get rich. If you had spent any time here you would not even consider posting such accusatory, obnoxious statements. If you had spent any time here you would have taken the plentiful advice, made a load of influence, and bought any and all items you ever wanted. If you had ever spent any time here you would be giving a post such as yours the mockery and derision it so rightly deserves.
So, welcome to the market forums, since you have obviously never been here before! -
Quote:Even with team multipliers its insane to think that your hopes are that every 30 thousand enemies killed on a team you get a random chance it will drop to you.
Just to clarify, it's not that every 30k enemies you get a chance, there's a chance to get one on every defeat. It's just a very small chance that any given defeat will produce a purple drop. And it's a very, very, very small chance that that purple drop would then go to you if you are on a team of six.
If you want to absolutely maximize your chances for a purple drop in a relatively short time you need to solo a map of lvl 47 enemies set for no bosses and a team of 8 with an AoE-heavy damage dealer (one that can survive hordes of 47's, obviously). The more defeats you make, the more drop opportunities you have.
Or you could look at any of the many market guides available on the forums here and start making gobs of influence while playing the game normally, then buy the purples you want. Making metric tons of cash is not hard or time-consuming, it just takes a little bit of knowledge. Seriously. -
I ran my Ill/Rad with Primal for a long time. Powerboosted EM Pulse is absolutely amazing. In addition to the very long duration, it has a 60 ft radius. 60. Feet. It holds stuff in a sphere 120 feet across.
In my opinion it squeaks past Volcanic Gasses for the title Best Hold in the Game. It's basically an I Win Button. -
Quote:Roll up a scrapper. They are really self-sufficient, so they are easy to team or solo. They do a ton of damage, so they level pretty quickly. I personally recommend a broadsword or katana paired with regen or willpower. Regen-heavy sets paired with the stackable melee defense from Parry or Divine Avalanche is incredibly powerful. I love my BS/Regen!i wish i was a squiddie =[ but the best i have is a lvl 30 defender =[ -tear- i don't even really like hero side at all anymore i've gotten so used to being a villian >_> so my defender never gets leveled coz non of the builds interest me except for the WS =3
Man up and get to 50!You simply must experience a mature Warshade!
Quote:Boy is it tacky to quote oneself (sorry!), but I realized an important trick last night regarding this proc. I totally forgot that the proc has a 16% chance to buff YOU when you summon fluffy. I used to eclipse > mires > grav well a minion > unchain > summon fluffy. From now on I will summon fluffy before I unchain, hoping for the proc to fire first. It would bump unchain's aoe damage from 508 to 578 16% of the time (assuming I'm not at the damage cap). It's worth a shot, at least.
I also STRONGLY recommend slotting Dark Extraction with Expedient Reinforcement Acc/Rech, Acc/Dam, Acc/Dam/Rech, End/Dam/Rech and Soulbound Allegiance Dam/Rech, Chance for Build Up once you hit 50. It gives excellent enhancement numbers (74% acc, 95% dam, 95% rech, 21% end red) and great bonuses (5% status res, 3% global damage, 6.25% global recharge, 16% regen). And let me tell you, that proc goes off ALL THE TIME. With all the aoe's fluffy uses there are many, many opportunities for it to fire since it makes a check for each target. Since they added the buff icon for build up procs in i16 I am continually amazed at how often it's up.
Just thought I'd throw this out there for folks who may not have thought of it already. -
Quote:Wow, that is pretty nice slotting, you're right. I tried out various slotting and there a ton of good options:Why not a compromise? Four Basilisks Gaze and two level 50 Damage IOs?
That's almost the ED cap for damage, plus all the accuracy/endurance/recharge you should need.
- 4 B. Gaze, a generic damage IO, and the Hecatomb: Damage
- 5 Crushing Impact and a generic hold
- 5 Crushing Impact and a dam/mez Hami-o
All were really good.
This is why I love IO sets - so much versatility! -
Quote:Fixed fixed.Quote:People who complain about not having superiors are either ignorant to the fact that you can make a lot of influence using went worths or they choose not to because they are unaware of or refuse to read any of the multitude of marketeering guides freely available all over the forums.
I know it's easy to get frustrated at the impossibility of stopping the infestation of these complaining threads throughout the forums, but remember to play nice with the other kids.
Also, boo to no bbcode for strikethrough! Anyone know how to do it on our forums, or is it not enabled? If not, could I request it of the admins? Pretty please? -
On my ice/em/munitions blapper I find that mobility is imperative for survival (altho 3 ST holds and an aoe sleep don't hurt
As others have noted, Hurdle/Combat Jumping with a Karma: KB Protection IO in CJ is really, really good. It's MUCH faster than Hover, far less slot-intensive AND a lot easier on endurance.
(Speeds are both at level 50)
One Jump IO in Hurdle and a Karma KB in CJ = 0.07 end/sec and 39.8 mph (base slots only)
One Fly IO in Swift and 3 Flys/Karma in Hover = 0.2 end/sec and 24.1 mph (base slots + 3 extra)
Don't get me wrong, a hoverblapper is totally viable, but I generally stick to hover on my ranged blasters. -
Quote:My key is to stay ahead of my fluffy aggro. My fluffies have really long range, so having super speed and getting in a group to hit Eclipse/Sunless Mire before my fluffies have a chance to fire their first shot does a LOT to gain most of the aggro.
My method is drop into groups from above by deactivating Nova form while directly above groups, then hitting Eclipse/Mires. Eclipse pulls a fair amount of aggro, then Mires pull some more. Fluffies drop down to just above melee range (assuming no flying enemies) and pull a little bit of aggro off me. That helps keep me alive (tho staying alive isn't generally a problem), the lower damage, mostly-ranged attacks that get aimed at fluffies help keep them alive, and I am then able to mow enemies down before fluffies get too damaged. If fluffies drop too low and start getting pummeled with melee attacks they will faceplant pretty quickly, so the method is hardly foolproof.
YMMV, tho. -
Quote:I have wondered about the prevalence of slotting Grav Well as a hold. To be sure, I can see the value in that, but considering it's the most damaging attack a WS can get outside of Quasar it seems wasteful to me. Slotted for damage it does ~50% more damage than Unchain (albeit ST rather than AoE) and ~75% the damage of Quasar. At level 50 with a full Crushing Impact set and 2 capped mires it does 754 damage! Ouch! As opposed to an extra 12.4 seconds of hold and 570 damage with a full Lockdown set.To use Unchain Essence actively would you not slot Gravity Well as an attack so you can easily 1 shot minions?
The necessity of holding something longer than 13.4 seconds (GW's base duration) seems like such an infrequent thing that giving up that much ST damage seems unnecessary. Perhaps bumping up the duration to make it stackable vs. bosses? But stacking Gravitic Emanation with Inky Aspect seems more reliable. Plus you could use Grav Well to then kill the aforementioned boss.
It's the same confusion I have when people slot their troller's ST hold for hold instead of damage, and then complain that they have no decent damage until pets at 32.
Of course YMMV and all that. I'm not impugning those who do it, just having trouble seeing the cost/benefit part of that choice. -
I used to have it. I wasn't terribly impressed, TBH.
It proves much more useful in a click power, for sure. -
Quote:In that screenshot, look at the top border of his team window. There's a little button called "Pets". Clicking that opens the pet window. You might not have that button visible on your team window, though. If not, open your options window and look for a setting that enables that button. I can't remember exactly which menu it's under or exactly what it's called, though, sorry.Btw, how do you get ur pets to show up in a screen when you're not a mm?
If I'm quick on the trigger I can get 4 pets out for about 10-15 seconds. I want to team with a couple kins at some point and roll in human full-time just to see how many I can get.
Edit: How sad is it that I know EXACTLY where that screenshot location is on that Battle Maiden map?
Double edit: Without looking at the map, that is. -
Both of those builds look great.
Quote:This is my thinking exactly. The stacking stuns have saved my and my team's bacon on more than a few occasions. I use Unchain on every second spawn since I have so much recharge. At lower levels of recharge it becomes a decidedly less appealing power, keep that in mind. There might be another power that would serve you better. And Quasar is great to have simply because it looks So. Freakin'. Cool.I probably won't use the stacking stuns all that often, but when I need to I'll be thankful I have 'em. I also figure I ought to keep the ability to go boom should I want it.
As an aside, your guide regarding the defense softcap has been incredibly useful to me. It inspired me to put together some capped builds on some of my squishies. So, thanks!