Morbid Star

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    That would be odd, because CoV CE certainly doesn't count for GvE. On my account, I applied (in order):

    CoH Bootleg Edition
    CoV Collector's Edition
    GvE Edition
    CoH Collector's Edition
    Mac Special Edition
    Architect Edition
    Where do you get the CoH Collector's Edition ?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    We'll gather this Sunday, May 16th, at 3:00pm. See you then!
    3:00pm in what Time Zone ???
  3. Every so often, when i log into the game I'll get an Auction House report readout , something like .... 5 items bought 6 items sold ..... This doesn't appear to happen every time i log in though. What is the /text command to call forth this info readout and how do i set it to always readout everytime i log in ?
  4. Why was the letter block designation ... twenty over, twenty-two down ... left blank ? (the letter block between Dockside and Marconeville)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    They stopped working long before AE came around, so that never factored in.
    I thought so, but wasnt sure. Since I know that defeat badges arent credited in AE, I figured the same would hold true for the defeat count readout on the City Information Kiosk.
  6. Arena needs to be Cross-Server compatible, similar to the AH system yet more involved. I think they(the dev's) have something like this in mind already. One of the main problems has an easy'ish fix, that being same name/different server. All that needs is a small server designation icon on each toon, similar to our Origin and AT icon's.

    This would make worlds of difference with the low PvP population per server haveing a common meeting ground. Especially since the Arena is instanced on a scedualing terminal.

    Also i think the map luv is too focused on AE. How about a few more Arena maps for the PvP'ers out there?

    P.S. ...Sorry if any of this has been mentioned before or not. Not too up-to-date with the PvP community here.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Didn't they kind of become useless anyway, once people stopped all the street hunting? I was under the impression that they did not record what happened in instances. Was I mistaken?

    I'd like to have them come back with more useful information, more like a help file than a contest of sorts.
    Nope, they were info from the server itself not just outside zones, the info gathered was for all (cept maybe AE). And i really like the "Arcade High Score" feel of the whole system, though i'd like to see the other server results aswell, kind'a like a best of the best thing.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post

    EDIT: I mean - thank you! Suddenly I don't feel quuite as tired/hungry as I did just 1 minute ago.

    Will it get unstickied when the 1st factual inaccuracy is spotted?
    Well, it's a good guide, but i'm pretty sure they increased the total size to 200K now with i17. So you could elaborate on that and adding more information to it could help with keeping it more current and valid.

    You'll also want to fix your links as well, since they all appear to be broken.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    They stopped working in about November 2008.
    Dunno why.
    Was there an issue release arround then? ... Or something new/different added/changed to the game that may have effected it do you think ?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    That I can see.
    nope, most we got was the (fairly rare) occasional spontaneous compliment from unknown people, none begged, a few asked advice,... that's 'bout it
  11. Improved Search Function,... like the ability to only look for non-teamed people; the ability to look for villains on a hero and heroes on a villain; Midnighters Club is still missing in the zone search yet Cim is listed twice, why?; ect, ect, ect...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    From what I've heard they were quietly disabled because spammers were getting names from them.
    That sounds more like a Conspiracy Theory. Anyone know of any dev's commenting on this subject at all? I miss this aspect of the game. My friends and I use to have alot of fun trying to get on the scoreboards and one-uping eachother and such. It was a fun competition, kind'a like haveing the high score on a video game at the arcade.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    I was under the assumption "Level 50" was the channel name.
    That's what i thought too... Also have they stated what the maximum time setting is ?
  14. I Know that many of (includeing the atleast one winner) of "Who Wants To Be A SuperHero" (a sci-fi reality show starring Stan "the man" Lee) play CoH/CoV. Aswell as many professional athletes in various sports.
  15. I use to be able to go up to one of these many City Information Terminals located all throughout the game and find out who was the best healer/damage dealer/defeater/PvPer/ect... for the day/week/month/last month/ect... But now it is all blank with no information and has been for a while now. Is this something with my settings that i'm now unable to see the information? Or did they (the devs) just decide to turn these off and forget about them? Or what is wrong with them now ???
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
    This is known to players but IDK if a redname has commented: Color customization has vanished on all but the slot-0 costumes. Does not appear to be a client-side issue.
    actually it's the fact that custom colors for all power sets has reset to the default, so unless you saved every single custom setting for every costum slot, you'll need to spend another massive amount of time reseting them to what you had them set to, since the i17 seems to have erased them all
  17. LOL, if those are noob questions, i'd hate to see what you consider veteran questions.
  18. The lowest level cap for any AT is level 50 ... coincidently, the highest level cap for any AT is level 50 aswell
  19. Quote:
    How will the epic power pools/villain patron pools work for toons that change sides and/or stay in the gray area? by Cybernaut1
    [Castle] A character who switches sides completely will retain their current Ancillary / Patron Powers until they respec. At which point, they will be forced to select from their "current" alignment. Heroes and Vigilantes count toward "Heroes". Villains and Rogue count toward "Villains".
    this i belive was the most interesting piece of info revealed
  20. Morbid Star

    Phalanx Fighting

    Originally Posted by Soundtrack View Post
    Thank you all very much for taking time to respond!

    I'm not incredibly wealthy... is the LotG terribly expensive?
    it's the most expensive non-PvP/Purple IO (recipe) on the market (usually)
  21. Morbid Star

    Phalanx Fighting

    i prefer the Kismet unique in PF since the def enhancement value seldom comes into play, not to mention i have five better places to use the LotG +7.5% global recharge
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    Loltastically bad. You've got virtually no defense, barely any recharge (not even enough for perma-DP), more +hp than you should need if you get the passive accolades, more endurance recovery than you need, some powers drastically underslotted (Smite, Instant Healing, Integration), others overslotted (Tough, Resilience, Reconstruction, Dull Pain, Fast Healing), and so many powers horribly misslotted (Dark Consumption, MoG, discounting the powers that you misslotted but fit into the other categories).

    What you seem to have put out is not an IO build but a frankenslotted build, and a poorly frankenslotted build at that. You've got virtually no useful set bonuses (like +rech and +def) and have apparently focused on the largely useless ones (like +regen and mez resist). You spent purple IOs on partial slotting, sacrificing the higher tier IO bonuses for some useless low level IO bonuses. That build is so bad, it doesn't even merit individual criticism of slotting.

    The only "good" thing you did was 3 slotting Hasten. Everything else was pretty much comprised of utter fail. That build has about as much chance of soloing on +4/x8 as a mosquito does of lifting the Empire State Building. I could put together a better build with just SOs.
    woah! ... who pissed in your cereal this morning !?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    DM/* isn't what you're going to want for +4/x8, which I can only assume you want to do for the farming. DM/* isn't a farming set. It's an AV soloing set.

    */Regen isn't what you're going to want for +4/x8 either because it doesn't have any scaling capabilities and focuses on short periods of spiked survivability. */Regen isn't a farming set. It's better for single hard targets.

    DM/Regen is probably about as bad as you can pick for a dedicated +4/x8 Scrapper build. It can do it (any Scrapper can), but it's not going to be nearly as efficient as any number of other options could be. A purpled out DM/Regen is going to have a lot of wasted value because you could be getting a lot more bang for your buck from any one of the other more AoE and scale focused builds out there (*/Shield, */WP, */SR, Spines/*, Claws/*, DB/*, Elec/*). Your best bet, if you want to spend a lot of money on a DM/Regen, is to focus on what DM/* and */Regen are both good at: lots of damage on a single target without needing to bring in a lot of friends to make yourself effective.
    seriously though of all the people to trash talk dm/regen ... lol you'd of been one of the last to do such i thought

    but it is semi-accurate, you'll be hard pressed on this power set, DM is more focused on ST which is not what your wanting vs. x8 , though the soul drain is very friendly to this aspect and is much better than BU in this situation,... and Regen has a very rough time of mitigating damage spikes (outside of MoG) which you'll be seeing alot of at +4 ... you'll want to focus on a'bit more AoE and survivability ...

    as far as worst, no ... DM/Regen is the ultimate Survivor power set, massive incomeing health from both primary and secondary sets replenishing your green bar, same for endurance on blue bar meaning no down time (aslong as you keep from faceplanting, useually from alpha stikes outside of MoG), and massive utility in primary, and replenishment tools in secondary,... as far as the worst choice for +4/x8, my guess would be MA/SR
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Effy_On_Malibu View Post
    Basically my fm/sd gets hit hard by the BoTZ nerf so, i want the best possible scrapper from IO investment, any powers an cash limit.

    I was thinking

    something WP, DA, FA, ELA or regen maybe but i'm not fussed.

    I want something that is equally insane too how my FM/SD was.

    Absolutely no inf limit.
    You're being waaaaay too vague ... What is the focus of the Scrapper you want ? ... PvE or PvP? , Team or Solo? , ST or AoE? , Farming? (and what?) , AV soloist?, speed TF runner? , exemp friendly?, AE focus?, dual build spec? (which?), end goal?, theme/concept? , ect ect ect...

    all you're telling us is you want a scrapper build with no budget limit ... not much to go on
  25. also within the game there is an option to actually monitor your values ... Powers>Combat Attributes ... by opening any directory in there it will show you your actual current values of which you can monitor in a convient window by clicking on any perticular value there and selecting the Monitor it option ... i think you are limited to 10 things you can monitor in all, but it is extremely useful