664 -
I just took a screenshot to commemorate the occasion.
Quote:It's still something the system should be able to catch. Regardless of whether or not you think some people deserve to be monetarily punished, design flaws are still design flaws.They do, yes.
I wouldn't be against more disclosure in the account page, though it wouldn't help me at all (I have everything already, and will continue to have everything). But without that disclosure and/or detail, you have to exercise your gray matter before making the purchase. Especially if the dollar amount of said purchase represents an amount that is dear to you. -
Quote:Thanks. Definitely not mutant, then.From here:
Quote:I thought that Positron didn't always emit that radiation, though. Some accident or other...Well, Positron is tagged technology, but his powers are actually mutant. He emits radiation by himself, but his powersuit amplifies and canalizes it.
I think Tech and Natural origins are very ambiguous and wide range in this game.
Just checked ParagonWiki, the description is kinda ambiguous. Doesn't specify if the bolts of anti-matter he generates are from the suit itself or from his own natural/mutant abilities... -
This conversation is going in circles so fast I'm surprised it hasn't needed to sit down and wait for the diziness to pass.
Quote:He had worked his way up to being a school teacher at his old high-school, so probably mid-thirties (maybe, guessing). Then One More Day happened, which was one of the biggest retcons ever, and after that most people stopped caring.ALso, comic book characters don't age normally, do they? I haven't read a Spidey comic for about 20 years, but he'd been a teenager for well over a decade when i started reading him, and he was in his ealry twenties at the latest when i stopped, I'm pretty sure.
Anyone still keep up? How old is Spidey now?
Eco. -
"Perks" also refers to costume codes from conventions, unfortunately.
Yes, one NC Master account can have multiple CoH accounts associated with it.
I haven't run into the issue Westley mentions (due to me having super awesome powers of recall regarding what things I have bought for my account), but if it does allow you to apply two of the same boosters to the same account, this is a serious design flaw. Unacceptable, shoddy, and other terms apply. -
A) I don't think Ulterior looks anything like Justice, and B) I liked both of Ulterior and Vines (and the faces) straight from the get-go.
I dunno, he couldn't save Transformers...
Lack of a decent grasp on English makes Morac's head hurt.
The side switching system in Going Rogue has "half-way" points, where you are still mostly in your original faction, but able to explore both sides.