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  1. Lesse:
    Fire/Elec blaster is going to have electricity powers gold-shifted.
    Hasten is going to be toned down on all characters.
    I don't know why you guys are hating on villain Invuln, that's staying as-is.
    The AR/Mental's psi powers are going to be red-shifted (wait that, means they are slower, right? Screw that, blue!)
    Hopefully I can do something with my 'shade that gets rid of my headaches.
    Dark Melee/Energy Aura stalker is probably going to have either brighter attacks or toned down armour. Maybe both.
    Hopefully I can change some or all of the bubbles associated with my Bats/Tarps MM. Not sure what to, but something.
    Earth/Fire dominator is gonna get some new, darker fire blasts. May change colours on the Earth powers as well, I'm not sure.
  2. Maybe I missed something... but why are you using level 40 enhancements everywhere?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Sphere Factor - Force Field/Energy Blast Defender

    [/ QUOTE ]
  4. Well, they do have a lot of area to spread out to. Canberra, for instance, is about the same population as Victoria (where I am, in Canada, not Victoria the state in Australia) but insanely more spread out, because Victoria is at the bottom end of an island, and there's not a lot of places to expand to here.
  5. You people and your trick questions.

    Mind you, I've never been to London, so I'm totally guessing.
  6. Prolly London. Canberra ain't that big.
  7. Tough call... Crimson Cadence (Fire/Sonic troller) and Calibrated Sabotage (stalker) come to mind.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Cat ears!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Almost everybody makes a catgirl at one point...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you really look at the fine print, it's required in the EULA that you make at least one catgirl.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Damn, they're totally going ban my [censored] over this one, as I have no female characters, let alone a catgirl (before you ask, no, I don't have a catboi either).
  9. Supergroup name: 1stMI
    Leader/Recruiting officers: primarily me (@morac) but also @retratserif and @Seigi no Akuma
    Preferred method of contact: ingame private messages, our official forums and our thread here on the Freedom board are all good options.
    Guild Description: the 1stMI is a multi-gaming clan made up of a bunch of friendly folks interested in first and foremost having fun together.

    Much more information can be found here, in our thread.
  10. Supergroup name: 1st Mechanized Infantry
    Leader/Recruiting officers: primarily me (@morac) but also @retratserif and @Seigi no Akuma
    Preferred method of contact: ingame private messages, our official forums and our thread here on the Freedom board are all good options.
    Guild Description: the 1stMI is a multi-gaming clan made up of a bunch of friendly folks interested in first and foremost having fun together.

    Much more information can be found here, in our thread.
  11. It does look like I am going to be in tomorrow night, so if a spot frees up, feel free to contact me (the character in question is Project 64B, a perma'd Earth/Fire dominator).
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    There are going to be a TON of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde rip-offs when that hits. Sadly, that novel has long been in the public domain, so NCSoft shouldn't do anything about it (unless they just decide to use section 4e of the EULA (we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, for whatever reason we want)).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think that depends on how you define a rip-off of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

    Here's how I weigh in on it:
    Using a formula to change from one costume to another: not a ripoff.
    Using a formula to change from mild mannered X to gigantic being Y: not a ripoff (if I remember correctly, Mr. Hyde was actually smaller than Dr. Jekyll in the original story). There are many other popular comic characters that build on this idea without ripping off Dr.J.
    Using a formula to change from a Victorian era Doctor into a Victorian era misanthrope? Ripoff.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Yup. Send offline global messages if you need to communicate to someone at an odd time.

    [/ QUOTE ]The problem with this is that every now and then I crash upon logging in. That means that whatever tells get picked up upon logging in, I never see. The advantage of email is that it stays until you delete it (which is, ironically, also it's disadvantage when dealing with spammers).
    Co-incidentally, this is why I dislike the current comments system for the AE, but that's neither here nor there.
  14. Earlier today, in help chat: "Do Warshades have a single origin enhancement?"

    That's off of memory, so I am, of course, missing the all the spelling mistakes.
  15. I will definitely be interested in doing this at some point. Not too sure about this weekend, but you seem to be full up anyways.
  16. I think you might have gotten the wrong thread, macskull.
  17. Jeez, you should know by now that Talen is immune to numerical based attacks.
  18. This happened to me today when testing an arc.

    Yes, that's a glowie stuck in there. The item is a Collect Object -> Wall -> Computer (Tech), with location set to "Any" (there were three of them on this map).

    The map in question is Unique Maps -> Tech Lab -> Portal Corp 02
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Didn't they use to do this, back before vet rewards? Then they took em out?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. They never have tied free tokens to unlocking a new slot.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Maybe I was thinking of Auras/Capes?
  20. Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: Like, Ohmigawd! Morac! We are so gonna totally rock now!
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: Like, I have always SOOO wanted to meet you!
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: And now we can like, totally fight together and all sorts of stuff.
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: All the other Fortunatas were all TOTALLY like 'Tarantula Program? Eeew!'
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: And then they were like, 'Like, what are you thinking, Becky?'
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: And I was totally like 'I'll get to meet all kinds of interesting people and stuff.'
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: And look, here I am, like, totally fighting alongside YOU!
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: This is even better then when I worked with Silver Mantis.
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: She's, like, totally uptight, until you get to know her, y'know?
    Becky, the Tarantula Mistress: But this is sooo much better than that.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    AT Stats by Popularity for this TF:

    6 Scrappers
    4 Controllers
    3 Blasters
    2 Warshades
    1 Tank
    0 Defenders

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I should note that Team 2 had only one of those four controllers. The rest was damage + tank. Good times.