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  1. My only real complaint is that the rep system is rather hopeless at accomplishing its set out goal. Too easily farmed for positive rep, and too easy to give negative rep to those that don't deserve it. Thus, I largely ignore rep ratings.

    The other problem I have with it is the anonymity of rep comments means there is no way to respond to someones comments unless they leave their name (which 90% of the people who have left me rep comments have omitted).
  2. You know, I was having trouble figuring out if I was gonna go with the Loyalists or the Resistance, but I think I just found my cause.

    Do not fear the computer. The computer is the source of all knowledge, and certainly knows about that one time, in that one place, that you think no one else knows about, but the computer shall not tell anyone, because the computer is your friend. Trust the computer.
  3. However, it's not a proper comic-book universe until you can't move for dangling story-lines.
  4. Heh. Funny

    Also funny is the idea of someone caring enough to stalk me.
  5. Morac_Ex_Machina


    Last I heard, various militaries force applicants to undergo testing for colourblindness, and possibly bar entrance to those that are colourblind.
  6. I would imagine he goes all Galactus on it.
  7. I never noticed that! Nice catch!
  8. Most of the info on the Dream Doctor I have found in-game comes from the clickies in Midnighter club.

    This page also has some stuff.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
    This is true. Still, there are too many examples of missions and storylines where things are presented as being life or death for me to think that EVERYONE is under the medical teleportation system.
    Maybe everyone is just overly dramatic? This is a comic-book universe after all.
  10. Must.... not... give... in...

    Oh fine. Virtue --------------->

    Disclaimer: this post is in jest. I wish you and your SG well, and wish to request information about whether this is on hero-side or villain-side.
  11. From what I've seen in the GR trailer, the Preatoria Paragon is definitely taking a different tone than just "evil Paragon", especially since the Rogue Isles already kinda have the base evil counterpart thing covered (in a more metaphorical sense, I guess).

    But yes, Shard needs a big revamp. This thread has been a great source of info, and I may (maybe) finish up my arc detailing an alternate earth being besieged by warlike alien (actual alien, not alternate human a la Rikti) refugees from one of the dimensions that Rularuu omnomnom'ed.
  12. Quote:
    the maximum requirement
    I was unaware that games have upper limits on how awesome your hardware can be (things 20 years old or more notwithstanding).

    (Ordinarily I try to not call out tedious little mistakes that everyone, me included, make, but you had it bolded, so it kinda stands out).
  13. Are New York minutes the ones with more seconds or less? I am tempted to say more, as apparently everything is bigger in America.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    Yes, it is, and as much as I love this thread for stating such a fact, it's still a comparison thread, and therefore: IBTL
    Not really, as he doesn't say "this is why WAR is bad and CoH is good", he says "I tried something else and didn't like it".
  15. City of Heroes is pretty awesome, yes.
  16. Yeah, it was pretty long, actually. However, if you are on a bad team, or if you were doing any sort of Strike Force that you didn't kill your way through, it happened pretty regularly.
  17. It's possible. I would assume that not even devs know for sure, unless they've already caught and fixed this for the next patch.

    I think the most useful thing to do here would be to a) find out if this is happening for everybody, all the time, and b) if not, who is is happening to, and when?
  18. To be clear, I don't hate it, and I am eventually going to get him to 50 (I owe him that much), but I think I might have gone Ice for the primary or something if I knew then what I know now.

    EDIT: Highly tempted to roll an Ice/Stone dominator now.
  19. Playstyle mainly, as evidenced by the fact that it has taken me four years to get to 32. Thorns is a late bloomer, and plant has a few really good powers mixed in with a lot of things I don't really like that much, which makes constructing a build rather hard.
  20. My BS/Regen would have been a BS/Willpower, and Science instead of Mutation. Also, my Plant/Thorns dom would have had either a different primary or a different secondary, but I have been way too stubborn in deleting him, because a) he was the first character I ever made (barring that trial account that I had in i5) and b) I payed the money for a server transfer.
  21. Though I have not encountered this myself, I have heard a lot of people comment on this. Perhaps we should gather some quantifiable data (team size, level, difficulty settings, relevant missions and whatnot) and flag down Arbiter Kim?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    I wonder if this could be fixed if when they became untargetable they tripped the same code that makes game AI go "Lets ignore the sleeping/stunned guy while we have other targets".
    I think that code only triggers when there are other enemies attacking her, so if they are aggroed onto you, she'll follow that Spectral into another group of enemies, then switch targets to this new bunch of enemies because they started attacking her.

    Though I will say that this mission became a lot easier when they changed how ambushes work, so that they move to where you were and don't automatically aggro on to you. (This also made life on my stalker much, much easier).