Powerset ideas




I'm not entirely sure if this is the best place to put this, and I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this before...but I decided to put this out anyways.

I came up with this crazy idea, and while it may be dreadfully bad, it may still have some merit. I'm sure many players here are familiar with the Blaster /Devices set and the Munitions Mastery pools...and I was thinking that, with powers pulled from the aforementioned set and pool, a Devices Control powerset could be made (with some tweaking and maybe a new power or two) for Controllers. On the Villain side, I'm thinking of using the Corruptor /Traps and the Mace Mastery pool to make a Traps Domination (again, with tweaking) for Dominators.



Welcome to the forum The correct place for a suggestion like this is the suggestions and ideas section which is only a few knocks down

If you repost your idea there and possibly include a list of powers/changes you would do, then im sure the people on these forums will help see if it is viable. If it even sounds good enough, who knows! Maybe the devs might take a look at it too

Edit: Thread isnt even 10 minutes old and got over 300 views!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Thanks guys and sorry about putting it in the wrong spot.



No worries Jacinto and welcome to the game

Bring on the wall!!!!



Originally Posted by Jacinto View Post
Thanks guys and sorry about putting it in the wrong spot.

Theres been far worse mistakes than that trust us Hope you become more active on the forums now that you've joined

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Jacinto View Post
I'm not entirely sure if this is the best place to put this, and I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this before...but I decided to put this out anyways.

I came up with this crazy idea, and while it may be dreadfully bad, it may still have some merit. I'm sure many players here are familiar with the Blaster /Devices set and the Munitions Mastery pools...and I was thinking that, with powers pulled from the aforementioned set and pool, a Devices Control powerset could be made (with some tweaking and maybe a new power or two) for Controllers. On the Villain side, I'm thinking of using the Corruptor /Traps and the Mace Mastery pool to make a Traps Domination (again, with tweaking) for Dominators.
As your first post you're very lucky to have posted it here. This suggestion in the suggestion and ideas would have brought you much harsh replies.



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
As your first post you're very lucky to have posted it here. This suggestion in the suggestion and ideas would have brought you much harsh replies.
Eh, maybe not.

It's not a horrible idea, it's just kinda vague.

Need more details. Can't say if I like it or not if I don't know what the powers in question would be.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.