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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    We've got a nice tweak to the Domination ability coming down the pipe (it will crank up your Mez resistance while it is active), and are currently data-mining PvP to see what effect our last set of tweaks to the AT have had.

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    Great idea! Nothing's more annoying than having a Domination up and not being able to use it (Mezzed, no end, dead, stuck in Mercy Island, etc.)
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I find the absence of Red Name comments on either the Elec Armor or the Elec melee to be quite sad at this point. We know they are reading the boards, but their lack of comment to me at this point is that both versions of Elec are " working as intended ".

    Given the potential for this set - not really looking for uber, but was hoping for par - in its current form it will be most likely relegated to theme/concept builds only.

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    Can't really comment yet, other than to say I've read the thread and am making recommendations based on the feedback here.

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    And that's what counts. The devs have the exact numbers. They handcrafted this set. They're watching it being tested and listening to comments. I'll be playing Cattleprod no matter what changes they make or don't make because they've got a two year history of doing a damn fine job.

    Keep it up.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I suggest that "Grounded" be replaced by some sort of click heal. Also, the heal should be moved much earlier in the powerset than Grounded is currently positioned.

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    No way. Every set needs at least one absolutely worthless passive defense that no sane brute will ever take. Otherwise Invul will feel bad with two.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Let's not call a good thing bad. Domination is useful. I easily get it off twice in a mission, and with a reduced recharge time, I'm less nervous about using it more often.

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    I spent almost all of my time in Recluse's Victory, as all of our changes are PvP only.

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    One of these things is not like the others. The way I read it, our PvE fix to dominators was _nothing._ For those on test, is that right? Or does domination build more quickly in PvE too?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you, Cuppa!

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    Yes, about time! Cuppa almost allowed a full 24 hours to elapse before responding. I, for one, am ourtraged.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Seismic Smash, for example, is pretty comparable. Really, Seismic is actually better than anything but ET, and ET does self-damage.

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    Seismic is better than Total Focus? I don't think so. I think it's identical, as is Knockout Blow.

    ET is what defines the Energy set just as Rage defines Super Strength. But the real jaw-dropper is ET AFTER you've just unloaded with Total Focus.

    Barrage is a fine power. I had it on auto for close to 30 levels. No complaints here.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The two problems:

    Q. Why did my toggles drop?
    A. Because nullifiers have a mag 100 stun (according to castle), though I see Held. Either way, same effect. He stated this will be changed to a normal mag/duration.

    Q. Why did I die so quickly?
    A. Nullifiers at lvl 40+ have a sonic debuff that they launch, it's a placed AoE. People have said in game that it's a 25% resist debuff, but I don't know. This would take quite a bit of resist from unstoppable, which is why he died so fast.

    Edit for clarification

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    Two problems:

    1) Castle didn't say Nullifiers had such a power. He said another Longbow mob did.

    2) The power doesn't explain what happened. The original post says that Unstoppable crashed early. Holds and Stuns will not cause that.

    If you're now saying that all that happened was that you jumped into a big group of Longbow and got Alpha-striked even though you were running Unstoppable....

    ....duh! Unstoppable gives (for a Brute) base 60% or so resists. It doesn't make you immune to damage. Jump into a big enough and high enough level group and you'll get killed just as fast as without out it.

    I fondly remember the Cavern of Transcendence trial with my Tanker. We'd aggro'd the Wall too early and it ended up spawning a BILLION swarms. They destroyed us. At one point after a rez I jumped in to fight them with all my toggles running, Unstoppable clicked, and a healthy heap of inspirations. I was dropped instantly by the alpha strike because 10% of a BILLION is ... well...er... you get the idea.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ahaha . . .Castle just posted in the COV general forum . . .the nullifiers have a mag 100 hold that lasts 1/4 of a second. There's your toggle drop

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    Geez. I hate that.

    (The concept of a hold itself is fine. I hate the holds, though, where you don't even KNOW you've been held and after you start getting whomped on, you realize for some reason all your toggles have been down. It's a lot better to see yourself get held for a second, just so you know what happened.)

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    Hold on a second.

    Castle did NOT post in the COV forum that Nullifiers have a hold power. He said that another mob had such a power.

    Also, so what? The original poster described having Unstoppable ended prematurely with all the negative results. A Hold power doesn't do that, since Unstoppable is not a toggle...it's a click.

    One of three things is happening here:

    1) Our original poster is mistaken. He clicked Unstoppable earlier than he thought and jumped into a group of badguys right before it wore off. It wore off normally and he got destroyed.

    2) Our original poster was the victim of some hideous but not recreatable bug. Maybe some freakish server loop-lag-thingy cause Unstoppable to crash after 10 seconds for no good reason.

    3)Nullifiers have some power the devs don't know about.

    4)Longbow has some power that has some whacky bug in it that IS recreatable and hasn't been found.

    Personally, I think (1) is the most likely. But who knows?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    The degree of tunnel vision it takes to see the game as nothing but stats is frightening.

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    ...and the degree of tunnel vision it takes to miss the "Aside from concept," phrase in the original subject is baffling.

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    ...NO!...the degree of tunnel vision it takes to miss that there is a world of detail and nuance to gameplay that has nothing to do with dps or concept is ... fri...er....baff....er...something!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    If I could award you the Rainman Badge I would.

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  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Dont feel too bad, as your not the first person to think accuracy (Or a powers accuracy) is screwy (Especially after any kind of patch).

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    Hence Gecko's "Accuracy has not been nerfed" sig.

    People see what they want (or in the case of concern over being "gimp" ... what they don't want) to see.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick Question, is a Katana/Regen Scrapper useless? I played COH when it first came out and that is what i choose and he was my main. All my friends made fun of me for choosing a useless character. Playing COH again, i much perfer Broadsword/Inv.

    Thanks for the help.

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    No. Broadsword and Katana are equivalent powerwise, although they play differently. Invulnerability is not what it once was.

    Katana/Regen is a fine combo, especially if you consider Divine Avalanche. You can use that power to give your regen a chance to catch up as needed.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    What's great is that people have been saying we're ddddoooommmeeedd since launch, and yet surprisingly, here we are.

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    When I buy a non MMO game, I play it for a week or two. Most MMO games I buy I play once or twice and discard. A few I've played for several months. But CoH I've been playing since it launched and don't plan to stop.

    Cryptic has done a phenomenal job. They started with a great game and they've worked hard to keep it alive and even expand it in dramatic and different ways. CoV will breathe another year of robust life into the game.

    After that, will they come up with yet more amazing work to keep us hooked? Dunno. Someday they're engine will be outdated and they'll all move on to other projects.

    But I5, ED, or any of the other changes didn't break this game. They kept it alive. For every player that was disgusted that their character was now "broken" because it couldn't do what it once could, there was a player like me who was happy that there was a challenge again.

    It can be a painful process, but I applaud Statesman and Cryptic for having the guts to change a good thing to try to keep it going and make it better.

    CoV is awesome!
  14. SS/Inv for me too.

    To me it's all about character concept. Nothing else worked for the Bicep, steroid abusing body-builder that he is.
  15. Mister_Fusion

    FAQ: R U H34lar?


    That was great!
  16. Mr. Fusion was just a regular Joe working at Terra Volta when an experiment resulted in a core breach and exposed him to massive levels of radiation. As expected, his flesh melted and burned and his organs failed. But he did not die. Instead, his body became a smouldering mass of radioactive material undergoing a constant fusion reaction.

    Scientists build him a fallout suit to prevent him from irradiating an entire block and, at the insistance of the authorities, emblazoned a nuclear warning label on his chest. Denied most forms of human interaction and not even able to drink himself into oblivion, he spends his days pounding the snot out of criminals. He's a surprisingly chipper fellow who enjoyes harnessing the power of the atom for the betterment of mankind.
  17. Mister_Fusion

    Tanker Update

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    I wounder if there is a time frame to the implementation of the AOE taunt on Tanker Attacks as having to take 1 PP just for provoke is really husting my poor tanker...

    an update on this would be cool, I can uderstand the problems trying to implent the increas in Damage but I am getting realy anxious about that

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    Then you should take provoke. It's certainly going to be more than a few days. Use what works now and respec if/when they put in their fix.
  18. Mister_Fusion

    Tanker Update

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    And I don`t think it should take this long for devs to implement the changes that will make us become what we were supposed to be in the first place.
    And no, I don`t think we should have to wait until the next update.

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    Everyting waits until _at least_ the next update. That's what an update is.