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  1. Morty Kal for me to.
    Just the way all missions are so varied. Perhaps the talky one could stand to be longer..but it is a minor nit pick. The fight vs the 3 Midnighters is awesome, as is the huge CoT exodus when Ferny shows up.

    Yin is also really fun..again, varied missions help, and it is SO good to see that stupid Reactor and KNOW you don't have to wait for 45 minutes.

    In general, I find redside SFs to be much more fun and satisfying. As in..I WILL do them on toons who already have the badge, just for fun. Whereas I wont bother with ANY tf blueside after I have the badge. Aside from maybe Katie. The redside ones have much much more epic final battles..compared to things like fighting Hopkins blueside

    Katie is one of my fav TFs too..but much less so since they chanced the escort mission. A HUGE cave, redcaps, and then you have to get her out? Wtf devs.

    Hess is also really good, for the unique council cave maps.

    Not really a 'TF', but I really enjoy all the Oro taskforces, even if the rewards are a joke. Especially the 5th column one, that is a really neat final fight.

    Oh, +1 for the Notice from Morty. And the temp power is pretty nice too. I do really like Sutter..and think that should also award a Notice.
  2. Yeah wasnt fun at all. Thankfully it was just us 2, and I was set to +3 players. But a full team, with those ambushes and no one else able to even help..that would be awful.
  3. The cap is..400% I think. 240 will be easily perma Hasten. I think my plant time troller is at..210 (with hasten) and thats enough for perma Chrono Shift as well.

    As to how much is too much...once you have perma CS..any more, you wont notice. At all. Especially with Ageless being thrown about.
  4. Yes..minor. Really. Barely noticed.

    Assuming you have your sarcasm font on..you wont be shocked to hear..it is a HUGE bug.

    I did it blueside last night, and really enjoyed it. Loved the missions, the baddies, the maps. So I was telling friends about it, urging them to try it, and teamed with a friend to do it, redside.
    It was all going well..we had a blast killing Mako as an Av. Then having Cap Cas as a pet AV..that was awesome. He was brawling things for 1500!

    Side issue..Cap was an AV in mission 2, Ody was an eb. Lumi then appears *** an AV..but penny is only an eb, not a hero? Very inconsistent. Then in the last mission..Cap is now an eb, while Ody is an Av! Wtf? Why the change?

    So..onto the bug. We both lost our powers at the start of the last mission. Then..I click teh glowie and get MINE back..but she doesnt. Nothing was active, all greyed out. No powers..with 4 waves of boss and eb class baddies coming? Seriously.

    Is it just a bug? Meant to work that way? We missed something obvious?

    And if it is 'just' a bug..come on. It makes any teaming pretty worthless. We were both having a good time and then that just killed any enjoyment from the arc.
  5. Wendy..I appreciate you writing your thoughts about the set..but did you actually READ my comment that you are quoting there?? I am am the power info for LS IS stupid..cause it is. 25000 tics of HP? I don't care if its correct..if still looks really silly presented that way. lol
  6. I know we can change the color of our Titles with a vet reward. SO we have..

    Title (colored)
    Name (the normal blue)
    Badge title (default)

    I just ran into a person in oro with all THREE a unique purple color, the same color. I asked how she did it..and she doesnt know. lol.
    So..does anyone??
  7. I would but Im lazy
    It is cool though..I always got annoyed when someone sent me a power link for say..a corr, and I was on a scrapper, and got weird numbers! Every time..I would think..why can't we change it!!
  8. Nature is so pretty. Only thing skipping on my toon is ME..skipping through my fields of flowers.
  9. I am sure some people knew this..but I only just discovered it today, and was pretty excited.

    Say you link a power, so it appears in the chat as [WtfAwesomeness], in clickable link form. Then you click it, bringing up the power info, and a tab with Detailed info. Click this.

    You now get the..detailed info (wow, it did what we wanted?) and WatAwesomeness, as used by a level XX AT. The At text is green, and I never thought it meant anything..BUT...

    Click the AT text, and you get a drop down menu were you can select any AT! And see how the power stats change.

    I thought it was neat!
  10. Stupid power info of the day award goes to...Lifegiving Spores...!

    25000 Ticks of 28.91 heal over 27h 46m on target
    +1.00% endurance on target unresistable

    25000 ticks? I may leave my PC on for a few days, and count it.
  11. Well..maybe less useful in some cases. Ie, a water dark isnt going to miss the heal much, and im sure would like a +end power every 8 seconds.
    And of course it makes more sense..water..blue..end mod..blue!
  12. Just got the Pbaoe hold toggle. Must say..I do love how it looks. Especially when it holds things and twines up their bodies.

    Bit again..SO busy. Was on a team and 2 of us had it go..added to allll that other stuff?
  13. MisterD

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Given that this isn't a comic book, I think the argument "it works like that in comic books!" extremely childish.
    +1. I really dislike that argument too. Even though I had made suggestion about Power X, that could work better if it was like Comicbook Hero no.340432. Suggestions, sure, but in no way SHOULD something be done or not done, because it was in comics.
  14. MisterD

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    Which is why I'm all for starting to take those training wheels off now. Make no mistake, I think the current devs feel similarly and have been progressing in that direction. Starting with the IO system they've slowly been letting people be more sustainable, do more damage and lend a small degree of support on ATs that previously couldn't. The Incarnate system made further progress. Now any AT can have a nuke, do debuffs, have what amounts to a defensive tier 9, heal/buff others and have pets. In Issue 7 when I returned to this game, suggesting such a thing could ever happen was heresy.
    The i24 power pool changes to pools like Fighting, the new Blaster sustainability initiative and the addition of Martial Combat further allow players to realize their concepts. Sorcery and new pools surely to follow also blur the lines and I couldn't be happier about it.
    Not sure I agree here. If CoX did not have the distinct ATs, with defined roles..the game would have held less appeal to me. Like the recentish super hero MMOs. End up with everyone a tankmage and not needing anyone else, while all doing broadly the same thing.

    I also wish people would stop comparing the ATs we have..to exisiting comic book heroes. To some degree, sure, they can be, but mostly..no. As you say..the devs choose to define the roles..so why bother saying Batman can do ALL that stuff, and therefore, why cant we? Cause we are not Batman..we arent in the same world.

    As to blurring the lines in what we can do..where do we DRAW the line? When we all become tanke mages..with aoe damage, st damage, aoe holds, aoe dbuffs and debuffs, mez prot etc etc? So..all thats differs in what we can do is..our names? I know we are far far off that..but the way Destiny and Judgement powers effect high level teams..you can see it coming.

    Not that I DISLIKE these powers, I love them. I just also really like having a role, and knowing I can do things my team mates cant, regardless of what AT I am.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    I'm not sure if this have been discussed before or not; But- Wouldn't it made more sense if the Dehydrate Power from Water Blast pool drained the endurance of mobs and recovered ours overtime instead of HP? Where is the creativity of credibility when it comes to a "WATER" power pool? Anyway, just random thought, was bored and posted it here. I would like to see what others think about this?
    Agree totally. I think I said the exact same thing to a friend, about 5 mins after I first got the power. Not that having a heal isn't great..but to me, it makes more sense (and would be more unique) with a proper end drain.
  16. More comments...

    The absorb Bar is WAY to sad and easy to miss. I did not even see it for quite awhile. With the light green hp bar, a WHITE bar for ABsorb is just..not enough. Considering how it is such a big thing and nature is the first set to get it.. Give us a flashing graphic or something?

    To echo the 'busy' set talk..
    I was just on a team with teh following..
    FOUR MMs.
    2 plant trollers.
    A plant dom.
    My nature fender.
    SEVEN of us were nature.

    I can honestly say, as someone who has done many many 24 man bafs etc..this was worse. With just 8 people! Granted, teh 4 mms add a lot, but then didnt all have full pets. ALl I could see was flowers from Spores, adn constant green numbers from the dot heals.

    I dont know what they could do with the healing display..no idea really..but the other details..would be nice to be able to scale team mates back a little.
  17. Just ran this on a hero..really fun! I didnt read the story much, cause I was with someone I just met..but the maps, the baddies, the environments..great stuff.

    I loved the Talos mission, almost like a mayhem in reverse. Then the lab..excellent tileset. Those airlock top doors were very cool..hope we see that stuff again soon.
  18. Yeah I can imagine. I have only been on a team with..three? Nature toons, including me, but already..just that was a lot. The spores as you mention, and just the amount of HoT tics flying about..all lil numbers, it gets a bit distracting. It;s a bit like a BAF league, when you see 10+ people aoe heal at once..BUT with only a third of teh people needed to create the same amount of green numbers. lol
  19. I was pretty excited for this set, after seeing the videos and screen shots of it. Also a little worried, and the in your face-ness of some powers. But I got it today, and my nature/fire fender is sitting at 24 now!

    So..the set looks amazing. Going for a purely visual point of view..its awesome. Like the Street Justice (which I love) of the support world. Also seems very custom friendly. I kept mine at the default for now, but a person of a team with me had dark red..and the white/red mushrooms looked wicked.

    Is it too much though? Hard too say..some people will love it..some will hate it. Mt GFX settings are only average..and yes, it looks GREAT but..it is a very visually busy set. Especially Lifegiving Spores..that placed over a big fight can pretty much block out everything (and that with only 10k particles). I hate to complain about a set that really pushes the boundaries of what the engine can offer..but perhaps an option to just minimise 3rd party effects for it? (unless there is that option in the Options already) I can really see it killing some people with older systems.

    As for subjective nitpicks..Animations. Animations that is..NOT the animation FX, which looks all round awesome.
    Regrowth. Single hand wave, like debuff toggles? (think rad ones) Um..it looks..ok. But just..not quite right? One hand up, for a cone heal? Even an animation like the arm fling for SoC would fit better.
    Wild Growth. Two hands up, like thaw. Again..what the? Its a pbaoe! The animation would suit better FOR regrowth..as is..WB has nothing related to whats in front of you..it is a pbaoe.
    Wild Bastion. The icon does not have enough 'Green" in it. In my tray, next to the other powers, it looks out of place.

    Does anyone have any slotting tips or tricks they have worked out?

    I was especially wondering on the best, or a good, slotting for LS. I was gonig to try end mod..till I saw it would only go up to 1.3%..which gets rounded back to 1 anyway?

    Oh..and. The fender ATO set..first time I have used it. I threw it in fireball..cause it has the same ppm as the corr and blaster ones..and they go off EVERY time, vs every target in fireball.
    SO..why doesnt this one? Surely it should heal once a cast? Or is there a better spot?
  20. Lancer totally needs damage slotting, and I agree..single slotting the heal is a bad idea. Also, the snipe would help. I like hamis in Rad Infect too.
  21. Just a few ideas.

    No kismet +to hit? Love this IO. Maybe not 'so' needed at 50 though.

    Getting stealth that early, just for a gambler slot, is a bit silly. get something more useful, in case you do low lvl content.

    The ATO set in SoC...use the purple set instead? The ato proc would be much better in your main hold, or roots.

    Numi ++ in ST. Hmmm..I am not 100% sure if team members get the boost..but I would say that having it yourself, ALL the time, is more important..hence, put it in health. Or...put a panacea in ST. If you can afford those +def pvp IOs.

    No end red in Frozen Armour? With this combo, your end will vanish very fast.
  22. Not about teh build as such..but the combo. I have not used the cone heal myself, but I was thinking..it might be a lot better with more melee centric pets? Then again..with teh state of the AI..
  23. Will try to be constructive.
    I do think though, that a lot of these problems come down to how challenging YOU (us) think they are. I know people who go utterly mad at the blue patches in apex, because for some reason they refuse to adapt to a new challenge, accept that the game can and should evolve, find it hard to move that fast, etc etc.

    Idea 1.
    100% AGREE with the below 20/50% end red cost. Simply can not say it enough. Maybe a lot of us power though DFB/get farmed to 22 or whatever, but whenever I play those low arcs, even solo, I find myself going dry.
    As you say..nothing at all fun here, and for new potential players, even WITH inherent stamina, I think it is a terrible indication for how fun the game can be.

    Idea 2.
    Like that too. Neat idea. And it makes sense (to me). You load up your big multipunch attack and then..MISS with the first, so you simply..do not go ahead and use the other hits.
    Again, new players would like it. I would be careful removing the animation totally from shorter attacks.

    Idea 3.
    Mmm here..comes back to what we see as a challenge, personally.
    The trouble with a key seq to break mez..is that not everyone is a super speeder at the keyboard..or even USES a keyboard. And if they went twitchy, the time taken to 'break' the mez, would most likely get them killed..in just the same way as if they were caught without a brk.
    I see what you mean about perma holds..and agree..sorta. I really did not like that in the old pvp. But I saw WHY it did actually work..cause a dom or troller 'should' be able to lockdown something else in pvp, assuming they can stay alive to do it.
    I know you are talking about pve but dont forget how the mez changes in new pvp work now. It basically makes them meaningless, apart from a few broken of gimmicky powers, and leaves a 'support' toon with click and stay debuffs at a huge advantage over say..toggle debuffs.

    The debuff aspect. Hmmm. I do HATE lowbie cot, and their debuffs...but part of the reason they suck is cause YOU are a lowbie, not the debuffs (as much). Fight cot later on with slotted powers..much less nasty.
    I think enemies NEED other ways than 9damage, damage and damage) to actually CHALLENGE us..and debuffs are one of these. Yes, Mask of Vititation is utterly awful..but..do the npc bosses cry when we hit them with Benumb and HeatEx?
    The only thing I would change about debuffs, is some of the crazy values AVs have..just because they are AVs. Things like Posi and his -1200% (yes, 1200) % recharge Lingering Rad, etc etc.
    Oh, and ADD a resist debuffing resist stat.

    Idea 4.
    Again..what is a challenge to you. I don't see them as 'bad' but I can understand why others hate them. The unresistable bit I get..an attack may just be TOO powerful not to hurt us. Likewise for teh defence..and we DO have a defence too them (I think) cause they all have a mechanic that allows you too get out of the way.
    If a person is too silly to get out the way of huge pink patches (granted, some times you just cant) then how are they gonna remember to input the Konami code every time a sleep hits them?

    In regard to the first idea, I posted a similar thread a few days ago. My suggestion, based on how awful end use is pre20, was that we get a 5th Fitness power, selectable, that mimics physical perfection. Or perhaps gave a global end red.
    Note to play down your idea, but I think this would be a little more..creative? (maybe not the right word) solution, and not just suddenly award everyone a big end red at no cost as it were.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Do you fine folks remember when the first pass of the Circle of Thorns revamp came out and people hated it?

    If you do, please log in to Beta, go to Kings Row, and give your thoughts on the new Skulls. All of my in-game buddies and I have absolutely hated what's been done to them.
    I remember this..people ******** about how a change to boring and low rez costumes..is somehow bad. I LIKE the new cot. And from those shots..I like the new skulls.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post

    mezz should have a supression afterwards. Being mezzed for 10 seconds is okay for a squishy - it is something you have to deal with. Being chain mezzed is terrible gameplay.
    Not that I don't agree Mez can sometimes be annoy..but this..

    Being chain mezzed is terrible PLAY. It is very rare to face something (for the even slightly vet player) that you have NOT faced before. And if you know you get mezzed a lot..well..that's why we have break frees. If you run out mid mission..continue on and brave it, then chuck a fit when you get chain mezzed, and blame the gameplay? Or go get some more?
    Hell, just EMAIL yourself 10 brks every time you log in, and have them on standby.

    Also..if mez gets suppression, what is to say WHICH mez takes priority? Ie..take Lonegow. You engage, with a blaster. You get hit with those sonic nades, doing a VERY short hold. The 'holds' you, and applies Mez Sup. Then 11 secs later..those Nullifiers hit you with beanbag, a MUCH longer stun..and you are not suppressed. Cue Death.

    And what about npcs? They use basically the same system now right? Not counting Ebs and higher class. Eliminate chain mez on boss? yeah..thats gonna go down great with trollers and doms..