Miss Chief

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  1. Miss Chief


    Take Fearsome stare as early as possible! it's like a hold just about!

    IMO the Numina's +Regen in health is a bit pointless, you'll be using twilight grasp to keep your health topped up so the Regen won't be that noticable.
  2. Miss Chief

    Baracuda SF

    Completed it earlier on heroes and it's not exactly what I'd call 'epic', more just time consuming.

    It just seems a little bit rushed to me. And only 20 merits?
  3. Tess Lacoil Elec Melee Brute.
    Mae Hemme DM/EA brute.
    I've had a few other puntastic ones but they've mostly been deleted.

    I've had comments on Calypso Dawn my Psi/En Caribbean Blaster and Angel Terra Earth/Kin Angel of Justice.
  4. Also signed many times in the past for many of these things. They've said that because these things would clip horrendously with many things, including wings, capes and would require animations to be reworked that it's unlikely to happen.
  5. problem with babbage is he's often found in the north end of Boomtown stomping around not doing much.
  6. I think part of the problem is the moaning and criticism that would happen if they revamped the old zones without adding any missions to them. People will complain about new content >old content revamped, although Faultline revmap is excellent and Hollows is pretty good now too.
  7. NPC in Cimerora saying 'I heard on the radio Task Force Ion really kicked butt'.
  8. Miss Chief

    Issue 16

    Yes, it's all well and good, but half of the problem with this game is content. It's all very well having Blue Fire Armour and yellow electrical melee but doing the same things over and over gets old real quick. Content>Customisation.

    Hopefully it JUST won't be this, there'll be missions, TF's etc as well.
  9. There's also a radio mission where you have to rescue the GF of a hero who's been kidnapped and the hero is in the Shadow Shards. it is mentioned, just not very often.
  10. Miss Chief


    Invuln is pretty weak to NRG attacks and even weaker against ranged energy attacks. You need to try and get in there without being seen too soon.
  11. I'd say get one from Asus, Gigabyte or Abit. DFI also do some good ones. Check what CPU socket type and gfx card standard you have atm as you may need ot change these as well.

    I'd say, if you can afford it, get one that supports 1066Mhz, in case you upgrade your CPU in the future to one with this bus speed. Definitely one that supports 800MHz though, although most of them do.
  12. He's Super Strength really so he uses a lot of the attacks from the Super Strength set, just without diminishing returns and with 25 Damage IO's in them!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1. Redsiders makes less inf
    2. Redside has higher prices
    3. You also get merits easier/faster blueside

    I obviously play the wrong side... Some mad rogue fire rad/kin trollers should make up for the inf imbalance pretty fast though, but I deffo feel villains need some love. While I don't like the "going rogue" idea (would've been nice from the start, but not as a 5-years-later-throw-in) it just might bring some balance in the force!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Personally I think that devs should say "we're going to merge AH in GR (or soon after)". Then set inf reward in CoV to be double what they are now. This will mean that villains will be able to boost their basic average inf, and will increase amount of players on villains for a bit. Once GR hits, merge AH drop rewards in CoV back to what they are.

    Prior to GR going live they ought to data-mine and give a one off inf boost to all villains over level 30 (or something) with a percentage based on average difference between Heroes and Villains inf reserve. (So if heroes have on average 25% more inf than villains the grant would be an additional 25% of what you have.) Which should weed out most of the people who only play Villains now and then or have no inf anyway.

    And have zero restrictions on what you can or can't take from side to side. Influence can be directly transfered to Infamy because it will take peopel who have big balls to do the dirty on their leaders (IC method of describing it, IRL its cash what ever you call it.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If anything, someone changing from being a Hero to being a villain would have MORE infamy than a straight up Hero. They'd be likely to get even more attention from the media as well as villains they've put away wanting a piece of him. The straight translation from hero to Villain should mean a straight swap from influence to infamy. Same goes for a Villain changing to a Hero. They'd have other heroes, the general public and the media wathcing them with a huge amount of mistrust and they'd be monitored sonstantly by other Heroes in case they haven't turned completely. Again possibly a straight and direct swap might be best.
  14. One second is little more than a bad acc roll and missing really.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh must dig them out of storage and re-read them must have missed that first time round.

    Well i was thinking and ill admit that its pretty iffy if her original body was destroyed on purpose maybe by tyrant then to avoid any other attempts she may have split her self up a little as next time she mite not be able to just grab a new body. maybe that's why her patients all go mad they have shards of her mind in them?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They're available to download from the US heroes site.
  16. That's the thing, because it's hard to tell, anyone who doesn't know the flag won't be able to tell, but anyone who does, such as armed forces members, navy sailors etc will be able to tell.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    "Around the corner" is a relative term.

    I remember once being told the diference between americans and english are;

    To the americans 100 miles is a short distance.
    To the english 100 years is a short time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Other way round actually. Americans think nothing of a 700 mile trip, by car. Americans think 200 years is a long time, the British think 200 mmiles is a long way!
  18. He said he has the same problem with C&C 3 and WAR. I'm suspecting video card at this stage too.
  19. I'm sure it never used to overlap like that though?
  20. And how much did that cost you hun?
  21. Talking of enhancement screens, is anyone getting the power details as well as the indivudal enhancement info screens coming up at the same time? Especially annoying with recipe sets as the text is all but unreadable.
  22. Miss Chief

    I miss .........

    Right, with thanks to Cryonic I have some pics of the old Kronos Titan, from about two years ago. Not very good pics but it's not easy to get good ones when you're fighting him.

    Clicky one
    Clicky two

    I don't know about anyone else but that Kronos Titan looks a lot bigger than This one although the different poV doesn't help.
  23. Part of the problem is the instanced nature of the missions. You could have 500 people online but probably anything from 50% to 80% at times wouldn't be 'seeable' in the game by coming across them in the zone.
  24. Miss Chief

    I miss .........

    [ QUOTE ]
    I never knew there was a bigger one?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I used to have a picture, it's probably still on the HDD of my old machine which is currently broken. It used to be HUGE, not just a kronos Titan on Steroids.

    Let me see if I can do a little research...

    Hmm every picture I find seems to be pretty recent. I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining things but it's been the current size for quite a while. I'm talking at least 2-3 years ago.
  25. Miss Chief

    I miss .........

    The real Kronos Titan, not the half sized one they use now.