Miss Chief

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  1. My Crab just hit 30 last night (WOO!) and she's rather powerful, possibly even more so as I just picked up heavy Burst again from the first power list for more AoE Goodness.

    All the FAQ and guide links no longer work, so I ask the question.

    What I'm wondering though, I see I have a choice of Venom Grenade twice. Now, can I pick them both and do they stack the -Dam Res or will I only see the DoT from one and the -Dam Res from the other?
  2. Loads of people, but because it's Double Xp most people will be in teams doing missions. missions are instanced so there cans eem like there's no one around sometimes. Search for some people around your level and ask them if you can join.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueRabbit View Post
    Wow, that was fast... not one full day online and already the first "Merge the servers thread". And on a weekend too! I'd give you points for effort but alas, the lack of originality ate them all.

    Kudos for trying though.

    Amazingly, it was someone who PLAYS on the US servers primarily! I'm in shock!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Imoba_Strife View Post
    We got "I can't Beleve It's Not Butter" too. I think Utterly Butterly was trying to leech of the wierdness of the name a little

    *edit again* ignore the previous edit, all is well
    What's this? A post after a Red name and no 'FIRST!'? Imoba, get with it man!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LostNinja View Post
    Got to ask how you managed to build a small base prior to the EU game being launched?
    Read what he wrote again mate. he said he was playing in the US and declined the option to move when it was offered.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperSean View Post
    *nicely pokes Miss_Chief*

    Hello to you all EU players!
    It must be the accent!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atiaxi View Post
    I had a British colleague who was complaining the other day over how Americans pronounce the letter 'Z'. For those unfamiliar, the British/Canadian/Everywhere But America way to pronounce it is like "Zed" whereas here in the US it's "Zee"

    I think the crux of his argument was "It's the English Language! We invented it!"
    It's a perfectly valid argument!
  8. There seems to be a lot of poking going around. I hope it's all nice poking!
  9. 60 months paid time huh? Well that exclused about 90% of the Eu players. But that doesn't really surprise me either!
  10. Just to amuse you guys, it's bonnet, not hood. It's boot, not trunk. It's pavement, not sidewalk and it's aluminium. There's TWO i's in there.

    As the Canadians have rightly said, it's Colour and armour. it's also tyre, not tire, because I tire of the American bastardisation of the Queens English!
  11. Foreshadow is also the trainer in The Hollows and mirror Spirit is the trainer in Faultline.
  12. Miss Chief


    That's the old specs. better to look up the Cov specs as they're far more relevant.

    From the specs I can see it has intel integrated graphics. not sure on the number but integrated graphics are usually slow and sometimes don't even run the game. ideally you should be looking at some sort of independant graphics card on a laptop, but if your budget is around the £350-£400 mark that the Acer 5735z fits into you're gonna be struggling!
  13. Miss Chief


    I used to have it on my Kin/Rad. The PbAoE fear was quite good for holding down mobs and gave some good debuffs. only thing I do remember about it as it was a long time ago was the base accuracy felt truly, truly shocking. I think I ended up running 2x Acc as well as tictacs.

    Respecced it out after a while and haven't been back on any of my toons since.
  14. I have that on my really old machine. All i can suggest is check Direct x is up to date and you have the latest Ati drivers available.
  15. Miss Chief

    freezing game

    First thing to do is get the Vista and Nvidia hotfixes from the the MS windows site. Windows update won't pick them up though, but will most likely be the first result on a google.
  16. Will it still be accessed using the same URL or will there be no uk.cityof.... anymore?
  17. We did STF last night and Repairmen can be pushed away if you have something suitable but it's gonna be a freakin' nightmare with scrappers IMO. We had Quicksand, bonfire, Earthquake and Volcanic Gasses on the towers and they still managed to get a few heals off on the towers and one got rebuilt.
  18. Changed to 9pm in defference to kendai.
  19. Heroes only I'm afraid. Being run by myself. First prize 75 million influence, second prize 50 million influence, third prize 25 million influence.
  20. it's one thing I really wish the dev's would look into. Just about every recipe set out there buffs the power you slot it into. off the top of my head there are only recipe sets that buff toxic resistance and most of those aren't even Dam Res sets but set bonuses elsewhere. When a healing set buffs your healing powers or regeneration, a slow set or a hold set adds to those powers, why can't a Dam Res set buff your Dam res? Even 1-3% or a big boost to only one type would do!
  21. Whenever I'm on Union the amount of drivel and rubbish, not to mention downright offensive chat on Atlas broadcast as well as Arena going on has put me off it for life. Any toon that I become serious about has been transferred to Defiant.

    The only time I've ever had any decent teams is when people I already know have been there already. It was like my face didn't fit or something! Not that union is a bad server, I guess I know far more people on Defiant than I do on Union.
  22. Apparently Castle has said they know what the problem is but to actually fix it would be very time comsuming and require a lot of work. Something to do with server timings meaning it doesn't light. There are other bugs caused by server timings but this is the most obvious one. I'd love a fix too, spend 3/4 of the Khan TF on my TA with it not lighting.
  23. This was suggested a while back so, again, /signed by me.

    Trying to find a tiny little mouse cursor on a 22" TFT can be a nightmare at times!
  24. Well when I petition'd at 5 past midnight i got a reply from GM_Darren within 10 minutes, something I wasn't really expecting at that time of night so big up to GM_Darren!
  25. Problem with a riddle or having to click glowies in the right order is the answer would be all over the forums within hours making the whole thing rather pointless on the Dev's behalf.

    Not sure they could do the 'mirror image' of yourself with the current tech they have.