Union and Defiant
I haven't had much luck getting into teams on either server latley. When I look for players my level there almost always all in atlas/cap au *despare*
Is this the same Defiant server that was running multiple ITFs in the early hours of the morning?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I should point out I do tend to play early afternoons and late nights (before and after I work essentialy)
Well, if you class two ITF's as "multiple", yes.
There was your ITF, which you've been running regularly on a schedule, IIRC? If so, I'll join the next one
My ITF was only me. I had five buddys fill for me and then log off so I could solo the rest of the TF. I was planning to solo the ITF on my Claws/Regen without insp's and temp's (again) and actually record some videos, but too much lag was occuring which stopped this.
So, yeah. There were two ITF's active, but one was just me soloing due to boredom that had revolved from the lack of teams
I am not sure what ya mean by greater insolence on Union. Union and Defiant tend to be the same players. Union are a bit more suck it and see with no team organization where as Defiant seem a little bit nearer the fill the team to spec and go in with a plan. I like to suck it and see with no team built to spec and end up with a plan myself.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Time to send in the swat teams to get all those poor people who are trapped in the MA building out so they can explore the rest of world
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Is this the same Defiant server that was running multiple ITFs in the early hours of the morning?
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Damn - I'd never have logged when I did if I knew a TF was about to start up...
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Anyone here that plays on both Union and Defiant? All of my toons are on Defiant, but the server just doesn't seem active anymore. This has led me to consider moving my main (Jeff Vader) to Union.
So, can anyone provide a quick summary? Or give the pros and cons for contrasting the two together?
I have plenty of friends on Defiant, but hardly anyone is online anymore. What's it like on Union (blue side mainly)? I've only heard negative comments towards the server for a large amount of insolent players.
EDIT: I realize Defiant isn't known to have a large playerbase, but the activeness of most players has definately reduced.
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Might help if you give an idea of play times and any activities you prefer...
If you like TFs then joining "Sals Badgehunters" (may be "Sal's") and "Union Taskforce" (not as busy as Sals) may be a good idea. Pop them in a seperate tab and keep an eye on them to judge how busy the 2 channels are with new TFs/events before deciding for yourself if it's busy enough.
Note: Sals isn't actually server-specific, but it emerged after some disruption on Union Badgehunters (think it was called that) and virtually everything on the channel is Union-based.
A lot of the 'normal' players on Union/Defiant are the same people. There shouldn't really be as much difference as there is similarity.
Defiant always seems to have a lower population and has never struck me as being as easy to team. But most of my defiant characters are villains, and villains is quieter than heroes anyway.
Union seems to have a far healthier TF/SF scene (if Sals vs Defiant Events is a fair indicator).
I've only heard negative comments towards the server for a large amount of insolent players.
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One of the few true differences in players that I've ever noticed is that many players on Defiant seem to happily pronounce Union as full of noobs/rudeness/undesirables, whereas I seldom see players on Union accuse Defiant of having poorer skills (ingame or social).
But I guess that the main people seriously throwing insults/negative views about the other server will be the few who stick to only one server and have developed a them-and-us mentality. Enough people play on both that it really shouldn't be the case that there are any big differences.
On either server you can get into a PuG from hell - the thing is not to let 1 or 2 bad experiences (so teaming with up to 14 others) taint your view of the whole server population (which may be thousands over any one day).
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
When ever I end up on Union for one reason or another it always seems to leave a foul taste in my mouth. I've experienced far more kill stealing in low level zones. And far more objectionable people in chat than on Defiant.
Neither of which has much to do with population because the last time I played for any length of time there both servers were fairly populous.
Saying that I did manage to get blaster to 35 on Union... still not sure how.
I play on both, although more on Union recently and have found them to be pretty much identical except Union has about 30% more players online and visible in search.
Other than that I don't think I've noticed any difference at all. Trying to PuG Villains either side is a bit hard at the mo though.
I've only heard negative comments towards the server for a large amount of insolent players.
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Im on both so at least you know theres idiots on both servers
More players = union
More organised players = defiant
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Having only started playng CoX in the last 4 months or so, I can't say I've come across any blatantly insolent people on Union. Other than blind inviting AE farmers. They annoy me.
Well, if you class two ITF's as "multiple", yes.
There was your ITF, which you've been running regularly on a schedule, IIRC?
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No, it was just one of those normal PUG TFs that can easily be run late at night
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Im on both so at least you know theres idiots on both servers
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Really? What toon are you playing on Defiant?
I guess one with "noob" in the name somewhere
EDIT: And what's with all this talk of "insolent" players? That's kind of an old fashioned attitude - there aren't any social classes in MMOs
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I started originally in Defiant because the name. Union is not spaceship in Star Trek but Defiant is That's my reason and only reason. They builded Defiant because threat of Borg. So Defiant is cool name and Union not
...and Im not moving anywhere.
Still I have few test characters in union because lack of characterslots.
Prunejuice is warriors drink.

I switched my main Villain and Hero Characters from Defiant to Union, mainly because I have friends there and my characters were originally created on Defiant a long while before I came back to CoX.
You get idiot players on any server but although a greater population = a greater % of those idiots, it also means a greater % of decent people and I've met a lot of decent people on Union which, for me, makes the move on both blue and red side worth it.
I have alts on defiant but I've not touched them in ages.
I started originally in Defiant because the name. Union is not spaceship in Star Trek but Defiant is That's my reason and only reason. They builded Defiant because threat of Borg. So Defiant is cool name and Union not
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Strangly enough, thats the reason why I made my characters there initially. But while Defiant is a cool name, Server with friends > Server with Cool Name.
Im on both so at least you know theres idiots on both servers
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Really? What toon are you playing on Defiant?
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Defiant = my hidden toons I tend to go on hidden when im on defiant if im honest, will team the odd time but mostly solo.
Summoned dream - ill/emp controller
Lord stoner - stone/stone brute
A fire/ice dominator who i cant remember the name [but its good!]
Damz - fire/dm tank [stuck in the hollows atm]
Evil damz - rad/therm corruptor
Blaze lightning - fire/fire blaster
Warshade [again cant remember the name]
1 hit wonder - stalker
Oh and noob is only in ONE of my characters name and thats noob buster on union and thats because my mate who gave me the noob buster idea paid me to make it lol.
Main ones i tend to play though are
Lord lightman [AR/EM blaster - union]
Ultimate Damz [ill/rad controller - union]
Noob buster [fire/da scrapper - union]
1 hit wonder [nin/nin stalker - defiant]
Summoned dream [ill/emp - defiant]
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
You get idiot players on any server but although a greater population = a greater % of those idiots, it also means a greater % of decent people
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Surely the %s would be about the same but the actual numbers of each would go up?
Or to quote Morbo the Newsmonster
Thank you Morbo.
Morbo the Newsmonster:
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Yep good point, got myself mixed up! Greater population = More idiots but also Greater Population = More decent people too... is what I was trying (and, it seems, failing) to get across.
Cheers Morbo.
EDIT: And what's with all this talk of "insolent" players? That's kind of an old fashioned attitude - there aren't any social classes in MMOs
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I wasn't stating this from my personal point of view. I've just heard this frequently from many players (which are mostly idiots).
EDIT: What's your personal definition of "social classes" when it comes to MMO's?
EDIT: And what's with all this talk of "insolent" players? That's kind of an old fashioned attitude - there aren't any social classes in MMOs
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I wasn't stating this from my personal point of view. I've just heard this frequently from many players (which are mostly idiots).
EDIT: What's your personal definition of "social classes" when it comes to MMO's?
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In GGs case there's the upper class i.e. Heroes
Then there's the under class Villains
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
I'm moving Jeff Vader over to Union
If I don't enjoy my stay, then there's no harm in paying another £5.99 to move back.
I'm in slight trepidation due to the fact that I don't know many people from Union. Hopefully some friendly people will come along.
I have toons on both servers, and used to have a good mix of heroes and villians on both servers. But after getting invited to a great SG on defiant i kinda settled down there. Most of my villians got slowly pushed out as my altism took over so now out of 2 full pages of toon slots i have just 2 villians there. And when the idea of a villian super team came up in the SG i used one of my union villians to start a VG over there for that (and many of the players in the SG had no room left on defiant) and slowly my union heros have been pushed out till now only having 2 heroes out of a full page +1 slot on union. and the only reason i've mainly been playing on defiant is because of the great SG that i was invited to join the leader team of and the great alt's i'v been kinda hooked on there. and yes, i too created my first toon over there because of the name!
but gotta say, my most annoying moment in game came from a blind invite on defiant. joined, entered mish, where 2 of the 3 other players just started to critique the build of my nrg/nrg blaster, "Why no build up?", "why no melee attacks?", "why sprint and hurdle?" etc and when i responded with "Because that's what fits the concpet of my toon" was promptly kicked from the team. Did i let this put me off of blind invites or PuG's in general on defiant? Nope, i plugged on, and though it took me a day shy of 1 year to get my first 50 (Damn my altism and the ability to by toon slots) I've had many great teams both in and out of the SG, even of late when so many pople are complaining of not being able to get them!
The way i see it is, there ar ean equal amount of good and bad on both servers, but with higher numbers on union, you'll just be getting the highs and lows more often!
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
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Anyone here that plays on both Union and Defiant? All of my toons are on Defiant, but the server just doesn't seem active anymore. This has led me to consider moving my main (Jeff Vader) to Union.
So, can anyone provide a quick summary? Or give the pros and cons for contrasting the two together?
I have plenty of friends on Defiant, but hardly anyone is online anymore. What's it like on Union (blue side mainly)? I've only heard negative comments towards the server for a large amount of insolent players.
EDIT: I realize Defiant isn't known to have a large playerbase, but the activeness of most players has definately reduced.