928 -
I have many toons, but only two are male. Of my 50's all are female except one. Female character creator owns the male one completely and I just like the idea of a 'weak' female being able to hold her own with the guys. Surely that's the epitome of being super? Overcoming the inherent 'weakness' of being female and yet still being super?
Male animations and sounds suck *** too. I do not have a previous back injury but the male run animations make me look like a hunched over ape of some sort.
Guy BTW.
Most of my names and concepts do ask for a female though. Cupid's Sister speaks for itself, Boudicea was female anyway. Can't have a guy called Tess can we? A miss that's a Mr? Never! Maiden of Mayhem? A lady, obviously. I guess Twinslash could have been a guy but the movements and athleticism of the twin blades set just made me think of a quick and agile female. Sure, you get Male Angels, but for some reaon a Controller came across as female whereas some of the more melee focused characters in the now defunct concept group I created her for were male. Powertrix was a lab assistant for Crey, the professor was a chauvanist pig who liked to surround himself with pretty ladies. Mae is a ladies name. -
When i summon a Gun Drone on my Devices Blaster, if I have hasten running the Gun Drone has the hasten effect on it, although, of course it has no fists to glow so has this glowing ball sticking out of one side of the Gun Drone. if I summon a Gun Drone when hasten isn't running the Gun Drone looks normal.
By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12
By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12 -
We ran Lady Grey. yes there were a few issues but we got through it and it was good fun too
Glad to be part of your first TF!
SATA is still the connection standard on the new i7 boards so you can use all your Drives. The case, if it's a good one, you'll be able to keep as well, assuming it's big enough to take all the gear. You may need to replace the PSU as the 295 is a real power hungry card and requires TWO 4 pin power connectors. If you're looking with envy at that 30 incher (I'll decline from any funny comments this time!) then you'll need the 295 to push it all. be careful, your eyes may be bigger than your head and some large screen monitors, especially slightly older ones can actually have quite poor resolutions. At that screen size it should really be a 'Full HD' capable monitor, running 1920x1080 and you'll need a 295 to push new games at that resolution. You'd probably need to look at a 750W PSU do power it all. Corsair seem to be FOTM. I have one, although only 520w and it's running my rig great.
Your 384MB 8800 is tech that's nearly three years old! Treat yourself to a top of the range card and next year sell on the board, CPU and memory, keep everything else and get yourself a new board etc. The new card will work on your existing system, make it play your games better and you can still keep it when you buy that i5/i7 setup.
Your 8800GTS, is it one of the 384MB or 768 versions or is it a 512MB version? the 384 and 768 versions are the 'older' ones, the 512MB one is newer. personally, if it's mainly a games machine then there's little point in going for a CPU upgrade at the moment. Get yourself a new graphics card and enjoy for the moment. As has been said, a GTX275 would be a fine investment.
Now, to be honest here Sapph, you could probably get away with simply buying a faster CPU (what is your motherboard? it might support one of the E8x00 CPU's) changing the graphics card for one with a bit more oomph and wait until the new graphics cards and i5 chip prices have settled down early next year. There's new cards coming from ATi next month and NVidia closer to Christmas and intel have just released their i5 chips which are much cheaper than i7 but only a little bit slower. There's very few games that are CPU limited compared to GPU limited.
As for the memory question, it depends on your operating System. ANY 32 bit operating system will see a maximum of about 3.2GB of RAM. Any more than that and you'll need a 64 bit OS such as Vista 64 bit or Windows 7 64 bit. Both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 ship on the same disc so, again, you might benefit from waiting for 3-6 months for it all to shake out.
It's a shame you don't want ATI, they make some excellent value for money cards at the moment. if you must go for Nvidia i need to know how big your monitor is and if you're planning on changing that too? no point in a GTX 295 if you're only pushing a 22" Widescreen as you'll be wasting your money. IMO SLI is still a waste of time unless you have a huge monitor and want everything running at full HD res @100FPS. You can usually buy a faster single card solution for the cost of SLI. There are very few games that give more than a 50% speed increase for adding the extra card when for another 50% of the price of the single card you could probably by a faster card, heave less heat and less power draw from your PSU, which may even need to be replaced for SLI anyway! -
I have a couple of unusual combinations that I made specifically because I'd never seen one. I know of only one other DM/EA brute on Defiant. Much like one of the posters above, made before any DM/EA changes were made recently. As they also said, plays way more like a scrapper than any other type of brute and you need to go a little nuts to get your Fury. EA still sucks and needs buffed though. Might have a go at soft capping her, might make her usable. Mae Hemme in my Sig.
My other Brute, Tess Lacoil was made Elec melee/Fiery Aura. I've never been a fan of elec armour (any Res based set needs a self heal IMO) but I really liked the sound of Electrical melee and had never played Fiery Aura into double figures. They don't work that well with each other and the journey to 50 was long, slow and painful. Slow animations made fury building a perilous exercise in patience, kamikaze moments and aggro grabbing. Alongside having relatively poor Damage res to anything but Cold and Fire it made her seem so squishy that I really honestly considered deleting her about half a dozen times. very frustrating but Lightning Rod has made all the difference in the world and she's now one of my favourite characters. She originally started out as an Elec Blast Defender but got bored of Elec blast pretty quickly so re-rolled villain side using the same name.
I also had the first Kin/Rad Defender on Defiant but I have to say she's been pretty much put out to pasture, which is a shame. I find if a kin is required or will come in handy my Earth/kin 'troller is just so much more versatile. IMO (and STRICTLY IMO) Kinetics for controllers is broken and is probably the reason for their 300% Damage cap.
I haven't seen that many BS/Invuln scrappers around which is strange cos I think they work well and once you have parry well slotted become very survivable, even in big mobs.
one toon that I find dull in the extreme is my FF/Dark on union. She's just so boring with little in the way of excitement about her at all. Shame because the name, Bubbleglum is fantastic for a dark ff defender. I might consider making her an MM, Zombies/FF but I don't enjoy MM's all that much. Don't see any other FF/Dark defenders and never have. -
I know there's a TF suggestion thread already but I didn't want this to get lost in there and I think it's a really good idea.
On the last battle against Reichsman there's no real sense of danger when the AV's enter the fight, mainly because everyone's fought them before or there's no real danger. So here's what i suggest.
Have the 4 AV's be random. You'd never know who you'd get until you actually entered the room with Reichsman. You could even have Praetorian villains as well, but to my mind it would be far more fun to have a 'who have we got today?' moment to spice up the last fight, which, Hero side at least, just becomes an exercise in button mashing.
Thoughts? -
That's the thing though, the majority of people in the EU don't want to start from scratch again. Nor do they want to pay for two accounts. ideally they'd like a server LIST merge, not a full server merge.
For the second night running I log in to Defiant and global is down again?!? I know that we never used to have it and now we're so completely used to it but you have no idea how 'empty' it makes the game feel. Any news on not only why it's down (and no announcement of maintenance I can see) and when it's likely to be fixed??
All good suggestions except undefeated champion. Too exploitable, or could make people not fight on purpose of duck out of taking on the Av who get's aggro'd by the squishy. other than that, a big :Thumbs up!: from me.
Best Forum community EVAR!! Thanks Niv! (when it's done, thought I'd preempt the change
As a male player who's just passed the 51 month landmark, I can confidently say that about 90% of ALL my characters ever created were female. As it stands now, I have 12 level 50 characters. ONE of them is male, the others female. Of all the toons I have on my account that aren't placeholders for names for issue 16 (of which there are two) only two are male. I don't really know why, TBH, every concept that comes into my head for a particular set combination or name, which usually comes first for me, turns out to be female. I've been chatted up by a male person who assumed I was female. I ran with it and suddenly I was a 24 year old air hostess from Croydon, South London who works for British Airways and I also ended up pouring brake fluid over my ex boyfriends car for cheating on me. Quite where that came from I've got no idea, but it seemed like a good idea at the time!
Quote:The name thing could be fixed a number of ways.
As someone already mentioned: 'Servername@Localname' could work, or you could simply do it by 'Globalname@Localname'
This is how Champs does it, all lines in the chatbox display 'Globalname@Localname'. Although, there is an option to turn this function off so it will only display the 'Localname'.
Anyhow, I do remember some long long time ago, a red-name did post something about a serverless environment but never did mention a timeframe, and personally, from a hardware stand-point. I think this would be a good idea.
Clustering the servers together means loads/processes can be spread across the -whole- server farm. Things like mother/hami raids and invasions could have more processing power allocated, resulting in less lag on these overall.
Still, I agree on the idea of keeping the servers mostly seperated, as others have said, like alternate dimensions that you could travel to and from using Portal Corp and the like. I like Lakanna's ideas on what you could then use each of the servers for, but I can think of several reasons why they might be roadblocked.
For example, "Hey! Why did -my- server get over-run by Rikti and THOSE didn't! *mad*"Quote:Nobody at NCSoft has ever, to my knowledge, announced anything even remotely resembling a plan to one day go "serverless." What you may be thinking of (and this confused a lot of people) was a statement from back when server transfers were first announced, to the effect of, "there are no refunds for transfers. Ever. So if, someday, we were to decide to consolidate servers or change the game over to a single-sever ("serverless") model, you don't get your ten bucks back because that transfer we sold you five years earlier isn't necessary anymore."
It was about making sure they were covered if it ever happened, and they were careful to stress that it didn't mean something like that ever would happen; no actual statement regarding a plans for serverless configuration or even server consolidation, but it sparked quite a lot of debates, some of which continue raging to this day.
Personally, I like that Virtue is different from Freedom is different from Justice is different from Triumph, and I think consolidation is both a logistical nightmare and completely unnecessary. But temporary transfers so you could team on another server for a few hours or a weekend? Cross-server PvP? Those I'd be okay with. -
Cross Server PvP zones would rock my socks. And I haven't PVP'd since they changed it.
It's nice to know the quitters aren't just on the EU server and you guys have the same trouble we do!
Slowest was about 2 hours 30 minutes. Fastest has been about 50 minutes I believe, but a lot of the time we have to go with what we can get! been on a few that have failed as well, although mainly due to Rommy getting out of LoS of the Nictus to rez. Been on a few absolute steamrollers as well, those are fun! -
When i summon a Gun Drone on my Devices Blaster, if I have hasten running the Gun Drone has the hasten effect on it, although, of course it has no fists to glow so has this glowing ball sticking out of one side of the Gun Drone. if I summon a Gun Drone when hasten isn't running the Gun Drone looks normal.
By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12
By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12 -
You know I saw the thread title and imagined a SG full of people saying 'We're really sorry you died'.
About the time we were running the hero respec, 34-43 one with the freaks. using stealth and Superspeed in the large room, trying to find the key. Once we found it i thought it would be fun to SS ahead cos this was about my second time running it. I opened the door to the reactor and had a look around. Cool, no freaks. We were fighting our way to the reactor, you know, for teh XP! rather than merits in the shortest possible time. Just as we got into the belt and shield room, I turned to the reactor to see what seemed like the Freakshow, and I mean, THE Freakshow, ALL OF THEM, in the reactor room, there was a bright white flash, and we all appeared in Terra Volta with much chat of 'WTF?' and 'What the he** happened?' as 'mission failed' appeared. Whoops.
They could have been trial accounts or possible someone multiboxing?
I've found this TF very very difficult to do without a dedicated Empath for the tank TBH. Not sure about the unaffected with the taunt though?
When i did it with my Stone tank I found asking them to take down the yellow tower first helped most as that's his to-hit and accuracy checks. With Granite's high Def it made him miss far more, giving me time to regen. -
Mae Hemme, one of my Brutes.
Tess Lacoil, Electrical Melee brute, previously an elec/elec blaster.
Angel Terra Earth troller, complete with wings and halo. -
Ok, well that helps that problem then! Thanks.