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There's Defiant Events channel but that is mostly geared towards TF's and stuff. There's also Defiant Architects but that's pretty dead mostly, as far as I can tell.

Thelonious Monk
not hugely weird that you didnt get a team but very strange that you didnt get any replies. (at least from my experience , i send tells with "any room on team for a lvl ?? troler/fender/scrapper etc" ) and usually get a reply quite quickly even if its "sry full" or "sry no SK slots open" .
this is why an in-game team bulletin board would be useful (I've posted it in suggestions already).
They could have been trial accounts or possible someone multiboxing?
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
They could have been trial accounts or possible someone multiboxing?
I rememebered basically because someone sent me a tell asking me to join a team. Was tied up but moved quickly as I could to respond when I could about 2 minutes later with a thanks for offer but not right now. I got a reply saying thank you for replying. And it brought back memories long forgotten of getting annoyed trying to get replies from players.
It still goes on but I guess I changed so much now it doesnt get to me. It is my standards to reply when I can whihc is nearly all the time, but not everyone does and while certainly not ideal we just have to accept it or give ourselves headaches trying to change others.
I always try to reply- it might take a while if I'm having my backside handed on a plate
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
I have found that usually the lvl 46s online tend to be the inf/xp farmers - u know - the groups that stand outside AE or outside one of the portals in PI doing nothing half the time. Try asking in the Defiant Events channel - there a lots of people on there, though the server is dying for all sorts of reasons *bites tongue* *OW*. People usually set up TFs and events on the "Defiant Events" channel but sure ask for a team in it and see what happens!
I wouldn't be surprised if I can't find a team my level whenever I log in on Defiant. But it's my home, and if you ever want to team with me let me know
P.S. There really aren't that many players out there. Seriously. It's a harsh truth, but alas it is.

Well I had a day off work today so I thought I would try and lvl my Ice Controller up a bit.
So I did a search to see who was around my lvl, myself being a lvl 44, 16 lvl 46s came up and 13 of them were Defenders. Thought this was a bit wired but anyway started sending tells asking "Hi there, do you have room for a lvl 44 ICE/FF controller".
I sent 11 /tells out, leaving a few minutes after each tell because they could be in mid battle, I didn't get ONE reply. Now when I get a tell asking if there is room I try and reply instantly as not to keep the player looking for a player hanging, then he/she can carry on looking for a team.
Its just getting a bit stupid trying to get a team when there are plenty of players out there. Im not sure what Union but anyway else getting this problem? Is there a Team seeking global channel out there?