Statesman TF
Paragon Wiki has a strategy guide for defeating LR.
We tried that, but I couldnt aggro LR.
It sounds like a lot of your problems were communcation related. It's almost impossible to stand up to LR on your own without buffs so one of the defenders (preferably the Kin sicne SB helps a lot for a stoner) needed to stick with you and keep buffing you up so that you could distract LR while the rest of your team took down the towers.
Generally drop Rad toggles on LR. There's an urban legend that this influences his Bane spawns. Pull LR to the left side, far away from the Red Tower. Have the Emp/whichever keep you buffed at all times while the rest of the group deals with the Towers.
Once the Red and Yellow Towers are down, it helps tremendously. This is still a pretty tough task with a PuG though, so if you can get some experienced help, I'd advise it.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Then, Im trying to taunt LR, but a message kept saying unaffective, I would attack, but he would only chase me until he killed the rest of the team bc they were destroying one of the towers. Then the kin would help the team more then sb me. So once sb wore off LR would catch up to me, drain all my end and i died, then team wipe.
1) I couldn't Taunt LR.
2) LR kept killing the team because I couldn't hold aggro.
3) The kin was unreliable/incompetent.
Okay, when phrased that way, the problem with Item 3 is self-explanatory. If everyone isn't working AS A TEAM, you can all just go home.
Item 2 is based on Item 1.
I have NO IDEA what could have caused Item 1. Recluse doesn't have a phase power. I've done this TF multiple times and never saw a tank have trouble taunting and I had no trouble the time I was tanking him. You were actually using the power 'Taunt' and it displayed a message over him? What was the message? From what you wrote, it could have been 'Unaffected' or 'Ineffective'. These mean different things. There is no status message 'Unaffective'.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ok, so I tried running Statesman TF today. On my team(All lvl 50s) we have me: stone/dm/fire tank, an invun tank, arrow blaster, 2 scrappers, 1 kin def, 1 dark def and 1 rad. We plowed through all the AVs in all the missions with no problems. We get to LR and we fall apart. First the other tank gets DCd, He never returned, found out his acct was banned. Then, Im trying to taunt LR, but a message kept saying unaffective, I would attack, but he would only chase me until he killed the rest of the team bc they were destroying one of the towers. Then the kin would help the team more then sb me. So once sb wore off LR would catch up to me, drain all my end and i died, then team wipe. This went on for another hour until I quit the team. How the hell do you complete this TF?
LR was draining your endurance. Here's the solution: stay in melee with him. With you running around or staying at range he would keep spamming his ranged attacks which are mostly energy with end drain. Also watch your defense #'s, you want them to be 75% so don't be afraid to go get Lucks. Ideally, the Kin would only need to peal away from the team to keep SB up on you-- 55 secs with the team & 5 secs to buff you. Also, I suspect the rest of the team jumped on a tower before you had LR's complete attention. This is the classic example of when the team needs to wait until they get a signal from the tank that its OK to proceed.
LR's summoning. It is interruptible via auto-hit auras and toggles. Some auras even though they require a to-hit check for the damage part, can affect his summoning-- like Blaster Hot Feet with its fear component. Although occasionally he will get 1 summon off, it appears this is due to the "ticks" of the power effects lengthening-- maybe server lag or animating other attacks.
I saw message tht said Unaffective, Could have had said Inaffective above his head everytime I used my power "taunt". I had to use my vet power like nem staff to get his attention. By that time, The kin SB'd me and instead of sticking the plan made as a team which was him to stay with me and keep SBing me he would go back to the tower and help destroy the tower, he would die and when I needed sb he was no where to be found. LR drained my end to zero and I would die, we tried doing this several times and when I see the kin not doing his job at the end, we disbanded.
Hmm,figured I would post the only real tip/suggestion I have heard for this TF.
When I did it the tank would only taunt,no attacking,just taunt.Till the towers were down.
Also the problem may be in where you were pulling LR to.
I've found this TF very very difficult to do without a dedicated Empath for the tank TBH. Not sure about the unaffected with the taunt though?
When i did it with my Stone tank I found asking them to take down the yellow tower first helped most as that's his to-hit and accuracy checks. With Granite's high Def it made him miss far more, giving me time to regen.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I've found this TF very very difficult to do without a dedicated Empath for the tank TBH. Not sure about the unaffected with the taunt though?
When i did it with my Stone tank I found asking them to take down the yellow tower first helped most as that's his to-hit and accuracy checks. With Granite's high Def it made him miss far more, giving me time to regen. |

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
Then, Im trying to taunt LR, but a message kept saying unaffective, I would attack, but he would only chase me until he killed the rest of the team bc they were destroying one of the towers.
Dark Melee scrapper soul drains the red tower and suddenly LR is interested.
Dark Armour Scrapper just turns on DS or CoF whilst already doing amazing damage to the red tower and LR is interested.
The people with those sets happen to be the victim and I happened to watch their buffs to know what they just did.
Edit: Could of been yellow tower. It's very much pick one, anyone, now don't show it to me

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
LR shouldn't be one shotting your end bar with Rooted running
Did you tell the kin to SB you when you saw it was running out? From what I read, the kin was doing their job with helping the team destroy the towers after they SB you.
I saw message tht said Unaffective, Could have had said Inaffective above his head everytime I used my power "taunt". I had to use my vet power like nem staff to get his attention. By that time, The kin SB'd me and instead of sticking the plan made as a team which was him to stay with me and keep SBing me he would go back to the tower and help destroy the tower, he would die and when I needed sb he was no where to be found. LR drained my end to zero and I would die, we tried doing this several times and when I see the kin not doing his job at the end, we disbanded.
With a Granite tanker running Rooted you shouldn't need much if any support while the team kills the red/blue/orange/green towers. Your resists in Granite coupled with the def are more than enough all by themselves. If LR gets a couple of big hits on you before the Red tower dies just hit Earth's Embrace and continue on.
Here's the basic approach to tanking LR with a Stone tank:
- Using Granite/Rooted/Mud Pots you TP into melee with him and Taunt, then you can work your way back to the rear corner... this is so that if (when) the Flier respawns it won't aggro on you while you kill LR. Mud Pots will keep LR from summoning Banes but if you've any toggle debuffs such as Rad Infection or Darkest Night it's a good idea to anchor them on him to make sure.
- Once you have LR's aggro the rest of the team kills the Red tower, then the Blue tower, then the Orange tower and finally the Green tower. NOBODY should approach the towers until you have established aggro.
- If LR manages to take you to orange HP while the Red tower (it doubles his damage) then hit Earth's Embrace and keep on Taunting. Don't worry about attacking, you won't be able to hit him anyway until the Orange tower dies. If you get into any HP trouble after hitting EE (and you shouldn't) then eat a green insp or two.
- Once all 4 towers are dead everyone on LR and take him down as you would any AV. Warning, he has a nasty cone attack so keep him facing away from the team. He also has a "Pet Nuke" that he'll pop at 20%, spawning large numbers of Bane pets. Just ignore the pets and take LR out. If you've a Kin on the team this is an EXCELLENT time for Fulcrum Shift.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Ok, so I tried running Statesman TF today. On my team(All lvl 50s) we have me: stone/dm/fire tank, an invun tank, arrow blaster, 2 scrappers, 1 kin def, 1 dark def and 1 rad. We plowed through all the AVs in all the missions with no problems. We get to LR and we fall apart. First the other tank gets DCd, He never returned, found out his acct was banned. Then, Im trying to taunt LR, but a message kept saying unaffective, I would attack, but he would only chase me until he killed the rest of the team bc they were destroying one of the towers. Then the kin would help the team more then sb me. So once sb wore off LR would catch up to me, drain all my end and i died, then team wipe. This went on for another hour until I quit the team. How the hell do you complete this TF?