Miss Chief

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  1. Miss Chief

    Respec Time

    The servers aren't really any quieter, but there's also lots of people on Villains.
  2. Miss Chief

    PvE, MA or BS?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think MA gets good faster, but for general all around useful-ness I'd go Broadsword.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The man quoteth the truth!

    BS/Regen is insanely powerful, and you can even get some very useful Def built up using Parry.
  3. Whatever you do, don't go into your local with a 'I am 18' badge on!

    Happy Birthday LDF!
  4. Miss Chief

    DM query

    Does anyone have any figures for the -Acc in the DM attacks? As my Brute, I see they all take tohitdebuffs, and as they come back pretty quick anyway. With fury and Soul Drain, I'm thinking about slotting them for it. Is it worth it, baring in mind I'm EA, and do they stack on top of each other?
  5. While I'm here, a question about DM, although the scrapper board might be better. Does anyone have any figures for the -Acc in the DM attacks? I see they all take tohitdebuffs, and as they come back prettys quick anyway, and with fury and Soul Drain, I'm thinking about slotting them for it. Is it worth it, with EA, and do they stack on top of each other?
  6. I'd be up for this, but it'll have to be either tonight from about 7:30 onwards, or 8pm onwards on Saturday.
  7. heh, not got Overload yet, but from what i've heard, it's gonna be fab
  8. Miss Chief


    Because BS has such slow recharge, and Parry's recharge is pretty fast, i'd try and fit it in if I could, especially as Regen has very little, if next to no inherent Defence.
  9. Qinetiq, Kinetics/Radiation Blast/Dark mastery.
  10. Miss Chief

    About Fortitude

    I thought the base Def was high enough to bascially make slotting for Def buff was quite pointless, and the tohit was lower, and that's what it was best to slot for?
  11. Oooh, me so horny, me love you long time!

    Well done mate!
  12. Miss Chief


    bah! I wasn't even there! Damn work, but gratz guys!
  13. YAY!!! Oh I mean, have a good time, hurry back!
  14. When I was levelling Qinetiq I used siphon speed up until around level 20. As soon as I hit IP and I was trying to siphon off bad guys that were anything from +3 to +5 or 6 I realised it couldn't continue. I was trying to siphon, missing and being unable to run away quickly enough. At my next level up choice I picked Superspeed. When I respecced soon after I went for IR (1x jump and 1x recharge for me, otherwise it lasts exactly as long as it's recharge, which can be a pain as it drops you straight to the ground when you use it) and I specced out all 'normal' travel powers. It really freed up my pool choices and I now have the presence pool with Intimidate and provoke panic as well as everything from Dark epic pool. With a few end redux's in as well as a few recharges. I also dropped hasten as siphon speed can be stacked. I have 2 recharges and 2 Acc's in transference as well as 3 slotted tictacs I can pretty much hit anything that was up to +3-4 with it, which let me drop Stamina. Horses for courses of course, but I'd say Kinetics is one of the builds that could function without both. ED has actually made a Kinetics Defender able to choose their powersalot more freely.
  15. BS/Invuln is good, but a total end hog. (probably used to that with DA though). I have an end redux in every attack and every toggle, 3 slotted stamina as well as Conserve power 3 slotted for recharge and unless I use hasten every time it's up I have end trouble in long fights until Conserve power comes back up.

    It is a good set, invincibility is wonderful, but it does make you very aware of your surroundings, You always have to get into the middle of the largest group to get decent Def, but then ranged attacks just kill you. I usually try to use some cover or fly over the top and drop down into the middle so I get a good buff.
  16. Miss Chief

    Invul scrapper

    I'm never sure which power has the -Def, but yes, you are correct.
  17. my toon looks fab as a BS Scrapper!
  18. I also have a DM/EA brute and found the end usage to be almost crippling to begin with. now I have Stamina it's no problem at all, although it's infuriating to see all those nice End replenishing or saving moves so far away up at the top! Now that I have a respec saved up I'll level a bit more (she's 25 now) and then use the respec and I might be able to skip Stamina!
  19. Miss Chief

    Why a Defender?

    I think your trouble is your sets. FF is a very 'buffed everyone, now what?' set and Energy has an inherent Knockback which you can't do anything about, it just happens.

    Kinetics Defenders are the business, there's none of this 'now what?' stuff, there's always a buff to be applied or a debuff to be done. Also other defender types are much more action orientated. I suspect it's your sets that you're having trouble with as opposed to the Defender archetype.
  20. Miss Chief

    Invul scrapper

    3 slotting Tough hide will counter the -Def from invincibility, also you could use CJ for the extra movement bonus. basically I missed out on the resist powers (even 3 slotted the buff is very little, something like 15%).

    Tough and Weave are very end heavy, and as Invuln is toggle heavy I never bothered with them. i've got plenty of Def, and as long as you manage to stack at least 2 DA's into your attack chain you'll be doing well with the Def!
  21. I had a picture of Buffs reaching all the way across the screen, but it's on my old PC, which is in the garage at the moment. With 2 Kinetics Defenders it is possibly to have anything up to 5 bars of buffs, which can reach all the wat across the screen. having said that, I'm pretty sure you'd reach the cap after a double FS anyway.
  22. She's catching up with me! better get on it! LOL, Gratz Ace, here's to another 50 soon!
  23. Be up for that with my Controller, got too many alts in FW's anyway! lvl 10 Fire/Rad, Holy Smokes.