Miss Chief

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  1. in game the scroll button has a limited function. If you hold it down it should allow you to move the camera. Check in your controls to make sure it's selected.
  2. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    I think it's been Sonic, like, forever. I think I changed it for an animated Ken from Streetfighter II for a while but it soon went back to sonic.
  3. If they can't do a single server environment then, at the very least, they should allow anyone access to any server. That way you can create characters on any server and if 'your' server is quiet then you can easily go to where the people are. I finish work at 11pm and am not usually home until 11:30pm. if I had the option of creating a character on the 'US' servers I'd do it, simply because Defiant is just winding down at that point in time and I foten struggle to get a team. Union isn't isn;t that much better either.
  4. I got a toon on union, purely concept for the name, Bubbleglum. She's FF/Dark as i said and TBH, other than the name I'ms truggling to find any valid reason to play her. Dark Secondary on a defender just seems so useless. Stuns that only affects minions, an immob, altohuhg pbAoE that doesn;t seem all that great and relatively low power attacks seem to mean that it's not much cop. FFF is good so far and thans to hero stats I can keep an eye on the shields but it's just achingly, crushingly dull atm, level 22 she is. So, does it get better or will I (probably) delete her?
  5. Miss Chief

    Friends Plea

    Add me as well matey, as per forum name.
  6. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    Aww thank you Cal, made my minute that did!
  7. Miss Chief

    Chat Bug

    Just type /r then your message, no need for a comma.
  8. Sigh, yet again this thread, like so many before, has descended into a [censored]-for-tat slanging match rather than discussing the original point of the damn thread.

    Can we get back to talking about the possibilities for CoH 2 and what people would like to see rather than picking faults in whatever anyone else has said and/or ganging up on someone and being generally pedantic about the whole bloody thing?
  9. if you wanted to you can fit several procs into the build, -res into oil slick (although I hardly ever see it proc'ing and when it does it only seems to proc for one damage tick. I might get rid, I'm undecided atm) and Glue arrow you can have two in it. You can proc in Flahs arrow as well but it'll draw aggro so I've left it as it is.

    The only problem I can see in your build is what happens after you drop down Power Build Up, Emp arrow and Conserve power. Yes conserve power cuts end cost by quite a bit (50%?) but with that many toggles you might end up having to drop a few while you're recovering. If your team is taking damage then Vigilance can really really help. With my TA/pointy sticks if the team is rocking and hardly taking any damage or there's an empath on top of their game then I can really struggle with end cost and I don't run leadership toggles.
  10. Miss Chief


    Dunno about CoH and/or WoW but I got my laddie a laptop for his Xmas, Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz, 2Gb Ram, 120Gb HDD for £341 from Tesco direct. It has an on-board intel gfx chip and I haven't tried any games on it at all but it was the cheapest 2GB Core 2 Duo I could find.
  11. Miss Chief

    Chat Bug

    [ QUOTE ]
    In my experience that doesn't always work
    Most of the time but a couple of times it didn't

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It doesn't work for global tells but tells from the same server it works just fine.
  12. Miss Chief

    Graphics cards

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This is what I'm going for. It's de-lovely!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, but it's almost twice as expensive as the 260. and It doesn't seem it's twice as fast :|

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally the most important thing is how big is your monitor and are you planning to change it at any point during the ownership of the card?

    I have a 22" TFT, 1680x1050 and a 512MB 8800GT. This does me fine with no issues at all Call of Duty 4 runs anywhere between 45-90 FPS, CoH with everything maxxed doesn;t even show any hint of slowdown and my recently bought Fallout 3 works at 1680x1050 with the graphics set to high. IMO you only really need a GTX 260/280 or an Ati 4870 if you're pushing big resolutions, say on a 24" monitor or bigger. After all, what's the difference between 60FPS and 90FPS when your TFT monitors refresh is set to 60Hz and you force the video sync to match it to avoid tearing? Sure it's nice to have some overhead to take into account busy games and scenes and possibly to keep future games in mind but it's also worth remembering that Crysis, a game that's nearly two years old still forces most modern graphics cards to their knees when set to Very high unless you spend £500 on a maxxed out Sli/Tri-Sli setup.

    Personally I wouldn't spend more than £150-£200 on any graphics card. It's at this point that you start to see diminishing returns. Huge jumps in price for an extra 5-10FPS. The cards to go for at the moment are the ATi 4850's for sub £150 and the 4870 for £150-200. You can even get an 8800GT similar to the one I have for less than £100 but it wouldn't be a huge jump up from what you have Annah.

    Also it's worth remembering, these newer cards are power hungry, hot running beasts. Make sure your PSU can take the extra demands, that it has the required 4 pin PCI-E connector (or two in the case of some of the top cards!) and your case ventilation is up to the job. Some cards vent to the outside of the case but these are usually 'double slot' variants so check and make sure you have space in your case and on your motherboard!
  13. I hope you /bug'd it post haste as well as petitioning?
  14. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    [ QUOTE ]
    I float in and out of the game, every now and then and this is my first forum post in many many moons, but its a good topic to post in, I still remember the people I have played with, all legends in my book.

    Laustin D'woods
    Plight Trawler
    Sir Scot Rail
    Sugar Rush
    Xensor Hellion

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Names that I haven't seen in such a long time, especially SSR.
  15. Miss Chief

    Strange tells

    The chat system is smart enough to know if you're on the same server it won't send a global tell.
  16. Miss Chief

    Strange tells

    Although the /r doesn't work for global tells.
  17. Miss Chief

    MMORPG Glossary

    [ QUOTE ]
    Millions of players worldwide! = No more than five-hundred-thousand players, most of them with multiple accounts to farm phat lewt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nah, usually it means 'Just not in/on your server/region and you can't go where the millions of people are either'.
  18. Ok, once you have transference all of your end troubles will go away. You can even drop Stamina completely and get away with it. Perhaps pickup tactics to give you a bit of added +tohit?
  19. Personally, patrol XP and the smoothing was introduced to get more people to 50. Their grand plan is to introduce some level 50 only content (probably, nay certainly, co-op). They always said not enough people have level 50 characters to justify level 50 content. I'm certain that if they looked at the figures now just about every account over 6 months old with continous payment would have a level 50 or something 45+ that would be 50 in a few weeks. That means they can introduce new content (level cap raise via paid expansion?? Just hypothetically speaking of course!) for 50's only with less players able to say 'but I can't do that content'.

    Just a thought.

    Oh, yeah, please make the Hero Respec trials more difficult. Now the hardest part is fending of the tedium while waiting for the next wave to arrive.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Only if you work very late.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, yes. Stores close at what time on Christmas Eve? I know mine shuts at 4pm, but the people who work in it will be there until at least 6pm, if not longer to get ready for Boxing Day. Anything after 4pm must be considered "very late", then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll be working until 11pm on Christmas Eve. Standard, normal working day as far as my work is concerned.
  21. one thing you do need to be careful of is what happens if the person is unable to make it for some reason? do they only get paid once the level 45 is reached? What about targets? level 30 by xx/xx? 40 by xx/xx? What if the person cuts the pact? Any influence up front? Only payment upon completion with noa dvance and if you're not level 45 within 8 weeks then no money is paid? You need to really think this through.
  22. That may be the case, but he's expecting to be level 45 in 6 weeks. That's not exactly slowly seeing as your XP will be halved.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Sigh... I miss Pyra...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    She might be coming back, she has a Mac now!
  24. hmm, so if your Xp ishalved between the two of you you'd be looking at something equating to maybe level 68 in the 'normal' XP curve? I can't really believe anyone would want to do this for 'just' 100 million influence. 100 million inf isn't all that hard to come buy TBH!
  25. Miss Chief

    any advice?

    If anything IR makes the movements further, a bit like hurdle and combat jumping I guess. Distance wise it's exactly the same, foot for foot, slotting for slotting as superjump. if anything any extra global recharge you have thanks to set bonuses actually make it better as it's duration and recharge time are exactly the same unslotted.