Miss Chief

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  1. You're running a Pentium 4 3Ghz with the fastest card currently available? I hate to say it but your CPu is holding your system back really badly. If you were to get that changed then you'd certainly notice an increase in frame rate in quite a few games I'm sure.
  2. Sounds like the good old 'root as if playing animation even though the target is out of range' bug.
  3. Two acc's in Transfusion, Transference, Fulcrum and the Siphons is enough, the other stuff you can get by with 1 accuracy. You could respec Stamina out once you get transference as all your end issues will go away once you have it.
  4. One jump and 1x recharge should plenty. it works exactly the same as Superjump, it just needs to be recharged. The dureation without enhancements is exactly the same as the recharge so adding even an So to it allows you to fire it off when you land without dropping from the sky.
  5. i've noticed what I think is the same bug, but with voids. They animation plays but the actual damage portion seems to come a good 3-4 seconds later. Same thing is happening on some other ranged damage weapon based critters I've noticed.

    Also when playing my Spider last night, she's only level 11, maybe 12, her gun just disappeared. not just for me, but for everyone as well. no one could see my invisible weapon!
  6. I have a psi blast/nrg blaster at the moment and during the hess TF I felt alost completely useless at range and had to get into melee to use my energy attacks. While this proved deadly for myself and the bad guys in equal measure I did have to wonder how it was going to fair in the higher levels. She's level 29 now and I have the temptation to swap her about and go Nrg/Mental. I thin I'll give her another half dozen levels and see how I feel. I know Council are 'machine heavy' as mob types go so I know I wouldn;t be much cop against them.
  7. Wow, that must have been really exciting for you!
  8. Also noticed that it happens to everyone in the team at the same time so it's not an individual thing.
  9. I've also seen this across every toon I've played this weekend.
  10. What I've noticed is that if you log out while you're part of a team the game will show you on the global list although your level isn't shown so you can tell who's online and who isn't. if you quit the team before you log out then you definitely appear offline.

    Havingsaid that, last weekend Stasis was showing on my global list as being logged in all weekend but I know she wasn't because I asked her!
  11. I'd say you want stamina when it's available, perhaps in place of Explosive Arrow? you'll need to ajust your powers as well though. The damage on it isn't that great at all anyway.

    For Adrenalin Boost you don't need 3 end mods, it's pretty amazing as it is and it will stack with their stamina. Perhaps go with 3x heal and 3x recharge? Fortitude you don't really need 3 and 3, the to-hit is good anyway so perhaps 1x tohit, 2x recharge and 3x defbuff?

    You don't really need 3 slots in health because you have healing aura which is far better and 'instant'. The slots could be used better elsewhere.
  12. Without slots it's difficult to comment but with stamina and Quick recovery Conserve power isn't really going to be needed, even with Focussed Accuracy if you put a few end redux into your attacks and toggles.
  13. Sounds like you've setup a brand new account rather than upgrading your previous one.
  14. Miss Chief


    The post stickied at the top about installing the Eu client has all the help you need. Your Cohupdater needs to be tweaked slightly.
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again. IF a server merge were to be even considered I find it EXTREMELY unlikely Defiant and Union would be merged. It's far more likely Zukunft and Vigilance will be merged with Defiant, creating a higher pop. on Defiant.
  16. Miss Chief

    The Future

    I always like the 'my global list is becoming emptier with people leaving therefore the game must be declining. I can see it with my own eyes!! Irrefutable proof the game is dying!!' bits. If anything my global list is becoming more and more populated. I had to scroll down at several points over the weekend to see the whole list!

    People that have played the game for as long as you have will leave, yes. It's to be expected when you're played the game for so long. It happens. New people come along as well. If you took the time to actually LOOK at some of the people you've teamed with that AREN'T on your global list you'll see quite a few new players starting out.

    I also really like the 'we want to know what's being worked on' posts, just so the very same people can come back and say 'but you said HERE that you were working on THIS and it would be released by XXXX and it's not so I'm going to have a big strop and quit the game because X, Y and Z games have also announced a feature very similar only they've got twice the budget and number or staff so have it ready by now!' posts. Believe me, if they could announce what they were working on they would, but with 2 other superhero MMO's in development, both of those having much bigger budgets and higher numbers of staff with no fixed release dates, such announcements could easily be poached by other dev teams without too much trouble. There's also advertising (ha!) ahem, sorry, I mean, really, there's advertising and marketing to consider as well as the possibility of bugs and delays due to staff illness etc. or even the possibility of something just not working at all in the game meaning that items being worked on often get put back, delayed or sometimes cancelled altogether. They can't afford to announce a expected release date either simply because there are many, MANY people on the US and Eu forums they routinely throw a strop at something that was implied or even hinted at that wasn't delivered quite the way they expected or even at all when there's been no confirmation whatsoever from anyone even remotely associated with the Dev's or community team.

    You say the Dev's don't listen? The -range from taunt was an idea posted in the US suggestions forum. The 'Elusivity' PvP feature was also suggested in the US suggestions board. Sure, perhps our suggestions might not be read or commented on as much (or at all? not sure how much info gets fed back by the CC's here). They can't implement every idea that's suggested but improvements suggested about the MA when it was in closed beta pushed that back from i13 so yes, in fact they do listen when they are presented with a balanced, reasoned request or suggestion. A rant such as the OP has posted makes no suggestions on how to improve the game in his eyes when thousands of others are quite happy with the way the game is at the moment or would only tweak a few things here and there.

    I was going to type something else here but I've decided against it right now. Lets just say that not everyone will be sorry to see you go judging by your 'rant' above.
  17. if you also include the fact that NCSoft licenced the latest Unreal Engine for three titles I think it was. I'd guess Guild Wars 2, Lineage 3 and, erm, ahh, er, take a wild stab in the dark?
  18. That's not to diss AMD or intel in anyway, but Intel have done just that same thing, released a new CPU line that needs a new board and memory. Technology moves on, it happens. new CPU slot types will continue as well because Intel and AMD are in cahoots with the motherboard manufacturers! Who's buy a new board if every new CPU was compatible?
  19. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    You know, now that I think about it I can remember doing one with Rose Knight. Was the first time I'd seen a broadsword scrapper.
  20. I know it's not quite in the brute regen thread idea, but last time I did States TF on my Stone tank I had 2x Adrenalin boost, Rooted, 3 slotted health and another 2x Regen aura for 245HP/Sec Regen.
  21. Emp Arrow rocks, especially if you use power build up before hand! You really need conserve power though.
  22. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    Really? your first ever TF? Wow. I've done so many I can't even remember the last one I did! no, wait, it was the ITF. never mind!
  23. The reason you don't see any flaming is because Ghostraptor removed about 50 posts from about page 3 to page 5.
  24. man i just realised how shocking that post is. So many typos and spelling mistakes! The general consensus is that it doesn't get much better but it's a good name. perhaps I can think of some other way to keep the name with something more useful. Mastermind with forcefields as a secondary? is that possible?
  25. At level 48 do players not get an aditional Server slot? If so it's not mentioned in the reward listing?