913 -
I'm afraid I just can't get into the event this year. I got tired of grinding for badges. The new stuff is team only, so I'm not interested in that. But a new expansion in another of my games just came out, so I have other things to keep me busy anyway.
When I first heard about the Incarnate system, I thought: Oh, another ridiculously repetitive end game gear grind. None for me, thanks, I'm on a game grind diet.
I haven't tried any of the raids, because I just don't like raiding (or even TFs for that matter), but I'm not surprised to hear that they follow the standard formula. The end game system is there for the achiever crowd who will keep on grinding to get that cool gear no matter how grindy it is. If that keeps more people in the game, that's fine by me.
I don't seriously expect the developers to make end game content that I would enjoy. Hopefully the Incarnate System doesn't turn out to be a lot of effort for a short term player retention. I've seen a case of critical raid retention failure, as not enough players stick around to provide teams for the raiders. Still, other games have managed to come up with something workable, so it's possible this might work out for a long term. -
Ugh. Just tried starting one of these, muddled around the first mission, gave up. I hate TF mode. Not worth it for me. Pass. I'd rather have story arcs that are actually story arcs, not TFs.
My Stone/Energy Brute, Nerima Girl, is a martial artist with a Natural origin. She has a heroic personality despite her destructive nature, but ended up in the Rogue Isles for a long time because she doesn't understand English very well and was terribly confused. (She finally figured things out and moved to Paragon City though.)
Quote:A nimble fencer, a stealthy ninja, anybody that likes to use claws (although titanic claws might be interesting to see). I assume you're talking about melee weapons and not ranged weapons.
1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?
Quote:2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?
Kiriko - an agile Katana user. A bigger weapon would throw off her balance...
Kenko - a stealthy ninja type.
Norse Force - uses a battleaxe. A titanic weapon is certainly a possibility, if I could find a Norse style one. Still, the concept is a tanker with Ice Armor, and I'm not interested in creating any more tankers. Give Ice Armor to scrappers, and I might consider making a new version of the character.
Scary Thing - uses a broadsword. A titanic weapon could work for the concept, but the concept includes Dark Armor, and I'm not interested in creating a new Dark Armor character.
Midori Mink, Tobineko, Suzu Tsume - all use Claws and aren't about to switch to something else.
Quote:3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas? -
My first character, Birdy, was an Inv/SS Tanker. I wasn't actually interested in Inv/SS though. I created the character just to try out the game mechanics. Super Strength was a pretty wimpy powerset at the time, and Invulnerability's Unyielding Stance actually immobized you when you toggled it on. I also meant to try out flight with that character, and Foot Stomp and Hurl don't work when flying. Birdy was meant to be a very temporary character. I just wanted something straightforward and very survivable to start with.
I went on to try out a variety of archetypes and power sets, and settled on an Ice/Ice Blaster as my favorite. Still, a number of power changes made Birdy into a viable character, and she eventually reached level 50. -
I'm not interested in the changes for "support" characters, but this was a nice change for my Robots/FF Mastermind. Saves me a lot of repetitive bubbling.
Not interested. I've completed two TFs, but that was years ago.
Not interested. I've never done any.
Yes! This is where I spend most of my time. I also enjoy doing a lot of the miscellaneous missions given by the same contacts.
Somewhat interested. Just to unlock contacts though. They used to help me get past mission content gaps, but those gaps have since been filled.
Somewhat interested. They seem a bit bloodthirsty for my tastes though. Even my villains aren't killer types.
Very not interested. I've never done any.
Very very not interested. I've never done any.
Somewhat interested. I design some of my own missions for certain characters. I've been doing that lately for my level 49 Energy/Energy Blaster.
Not interested.
Haha. No.
I need my content to be solo friendly. My teaming in this game has been very rare. -
I should have four slots, but I might just start over completely. I haven't started any new characters in ages. My past favorite characters are all retired at level 50, except a level 48 dominator (who will probably be 50 by the time Freedom rolls around). It could be about time for a fresh start.
I'm still working on getting a Dominator and a Widow to 50. If I get those to 50, I'll still be missing an Arachnos Soldier, Kheldians, and a Corruptor. I just can't get motivated to play those characters, especially the Warshade. -
I'm trying to cut back on spending money for MMOs. I just canceled one MMO subscription, and I have a lifetime subscription to another. That just leaves me paying for my CoH subscription. I'll probably switch to free-to-play premium when CoH Freedom arrives.
I don't like the way CoH content has been heading, and I'm pretty much finished up with all my favorite characters. I can do fine with four character slots. I've had great fun with CoH over the years, and I'd hate to leave it in the future, so the free-to-play model should work out well for me.
So when I consider what I want to buy for my games these days, I just keep thinking of Sims 3 stuff... -
That's pretty cool. There's just one thing I don't understand though. The Doctor's new companion isn't wearing power armor yet. Maybe she gets it later?
Quote:They don't really have a choice as far as Superman is concerned, thanks to the lawsuit from the Siegel and Shuster estates. Besides the costume changes and origin adjustments for Superman, they might have to remove Lois Lane altogether.How about a suggestion for both Marvel and DC: STOP resetting/rebooting/restarting/triming down/whatever the hell you want to call it everything. Just tell good stories and let some history build for a year or two at least. That way character actions and deaths actually have consequences.
So as long as they're changing Superman, they might as well change everything else too. Fortunately it looks like the Green Lantern Corps (and related rainbow colors) will be getting off lightly. -
Quote:I promise not to make any negative (or positive) comments about the content of the trials.PS. You can't judge the trials if you have never tried them. If you have not tried them, then you can only have no opinion on them.
If somebody asks me about the quality of those trials, I'll just decline to comment. -
Quote:I agree.There's also another fact to consider: There's a non-zero group of people who will not run the trials regardless of what you hide behind them. I know this group consists of at least one person - me - because I would not bother with that crap if you paid me real money. Well... Possibly if you paid me enough money, I might consent or.
To me, this demonstrates a profound disrespect for the players' intelligence, and I sincerely hope that this is not the official development team position. I don't pay a subscription fee to be treated like a child.
I've never played a trial in this game, and that includes the respec trials. I'm not going to be playing the Incarnate trials no matter what they unlock. -
Quote:Whaaat?? Evidently you aren't responding to stimulus properly. We'll have to work on that.I don't really mind being herded by the devs, but I do mind being herded into something that they know we don't enjoy (that they have acknowledged that they had to make the rewards so fabulous that we'll grind through it like rats in a maze, not enjoying the journey just trying to get to the rewards).
See here. -
- Because people like to cling to popular characters, and a lot of characters would be getting really really old without occasional retcons.
- Because different writers have different visions of what characters should be like.
- Because many writers are lazy and don't bother to research the continuity properly, and often just don't care.
- Because a writer did a major screwup, or encounters a major screwup by a previous writer, and does a retcon to fix things.
- Etc. -
Speaking of which, I'm beginning to wonder if DC is planning to do a massive retcon with its mainstream universe titles starting in September. With Flashpont ending in August, and the final issue of Flashpoint being the only DC comic for the last week of August, and most of those mainstream universe titles finishing up their latest arcs by then, DC may at least be doing a big renumbering.
It would be a suspiciously good time to do a reset on the DC Universe. -
Eh. I have a level 50 former villain who's working on the hero content. I'll probably get enough shards to craft something someday. Since I'm not doing the Incarnate content beyond the Alpha slot arc, there's no hurry on that. I have a hard time getting motivated to play my level 50 characters.
Infernus, I thought you'd be gone for good after GDN and ED. Next to that, I doubt the Incarnate stuff would be enough to drive you off for long.
I must admit I've lost some interest in CoH due to the Incarnate focus. I still haven't constructed a single buff for my Alpha slot, and I don't expect to any time soon. I don't do trials or TFs. So the new content just isn't for me. Still, I don't have much else out there I'm interested in playing. My other MMO belongs to a development team that has recently been "divested" from its parent company. I also play Sims 3, but that's a sandbox game and I need plenty of regular plot in my gaming. There aren't any other decent superhero MMOs out there. I know, I've played the other ones quite a bit.
So I plan to stick around here and hope more solo friendly content comes out eventually. -
I haven't seen any information on this new zone so far. It might be for Incarnates only, for all I know. Frankly, I'd be happy with some new useful starting costume pieces and some powerset proliferation. A new zone that I could use would be nice though, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.
Issue 19 had a little variety. Issue 20 was all Incarnate stuff. And maybe some other team-required stuff that I didn't notice. Oh, wait, Issue 20 also added some black helicopters. Whee.
Quote:See, I'm more likely to keep playing if I have a variety of fun things to do. Tricking me into playing unfun stuff by dangling nice looking fluff just wouldn't work on me. I suppose that kind of thing does work on a lot of people.It's the same thing: A reason to keep paying that monthly fee. You might not be one to do that, but others will. And making them actually play the game makes people more likely to keep paying.
But I have plenty of fun things to do in the game anyway, so I don't plan to leave anytime soon. I feel a bit sorry for people who will only keep playing if they can work to unlock fluff.