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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Actually it's an old business model, see Diablo II with Battlenet.
    True, but D2 wasn't an MMO. It's closer to FPS shooters where you can get together with some friends (or strangers!) to play, but with a centralized hub (Bnet) instead of individually hosted servers.
  2. The first Guild Wars launched a year after CoX did with the exact same business model, and it didn't sweep the world in 2005.

    I think F2P is the model: buy the game, no subscription fee, but they nickel and dime you for everything.

    GW2 does have a cash shop, but it's mostly for convenience/vanity items (extra bank space, costumes, etc.). The content is all "free" once you buy the box.

    I think the Turbine F2P model used by DDO and LOTRO is the future. They seem to be doing pretty well with it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TexasLonghorne View Post
    Is it just me, or does Borderlands look like Champions Online?
    It does have the cel-shaded look, which was all the rage a few years ago, but I think Borderlands (and I assume, the sequel) look much better than CO.
  4. I meant to start this thread a little bit ago, but since Borderlands 2 will unlock for me at midnight, here goes...

    Aside from CoX, what other games do you play?

    It would be great if I could get together with some City friends on a co-op game like Borderlands 2.

    I have a fairly broad taste in video games, so I'll post my list later, but I'm curious what people will be playing out there when the lights eventually go out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    At the very least, it has shown the devs how well loved they were and how much we enjoyed the work they gave us. That alone, at least in my book, counts for something because any creator can tell you that it's sometimes enough to just know that someone likes your work and the simple fact is we've written Paragon Studios a forlorn love letter with our efforts. I'm more than certain they understand how well this community appreciated them and what they gave us. So even if, in the end, the game is dead and gone, we can say we touched a few lives and let them know they were important to someone. That's something neither we nor they will forget.
    This is the most important outcome of Tony's efforts.
  6. Mental_Giant


    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    So actually downloaded some stuff from Steam this weekend. I still hate that interface. I'll probably re-play the Half Life stuff and Counter Strike. Team Fortress isn't anything like I remember; I guess I only played TFC? Should be interesting. I'm curious if I've lost a step or two in death match in my old age.
    So where's that ID?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    I ask here to keep the flames to a minimum.
    That's funny.

    Ultimately, I think Tony's efforts will prove futile, but I absolutely respect fighting to the bitter end. When the history of MMOs is written, at least it will be said that when our time came, we did not go quietly.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Oh, that was today. Doh.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Put my guess in. Didn't notice there were so many boy guesses or I would have put in girl just to be different.
    You'd just be lowering your chances, GP! She had an ultrasound! Trust SCIENCE!
  10. Victory is so small we can't even do our Big Photo Shoots in our own Atlas Park.
  11. I might be tired of the Industry, but the Indie PC Gaming seen is the best it's ever been. Just look at the games that have been mentioned in this thread so far!

    Don't despair... rejoice!
  12. Star Wars Galaxies had hideously large planets, and since it had player-built structures, you could really be hell and gone from anyone else.
  13. Mental_Giant

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Like you'll let him out of the trunk in your basement.
    It's nice and warm in here!
  14. This looks awesome... thanks! Can't wait to try it out.
  15. I just had a great idea. Why don't we run the last run of Isos (we should be done with this in a few weeks) on the BETA server!

    We would get all the cool new content and Blaster upgrades, and do they have Bio-Armor over there? It would be great!
  16. Bravo, Sam... I think you nailed it.

    BTW, X-COM: Terror from the Deep wasn't that bad, and it was released in 1995.

    The less said about Apocalypse and the weird stuff that came after the better.
  17. Mental_Giant

    The Forums?

    I"m assuming gone, unless someone writes something to do this from the client side.
  18. 6PM on Saturday works for me.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    You heard it here first: moon base coming in Issue 25.
    That's so funny and so sad all at the same time.
  20. Just watched these now.

    You Magnificent *******!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Khaelon View Post
    Great point MP...weekends are always an option and most likely the most flexible. The early morning idea is sounding good.
    Way early morning... like before 9AM EST. My daughter has soccer coming up, which will be every Saturday morning for a while.