10557 -
Quote:I... think you're confused between server and global slots.Just to offer up,
I'm currently premium. I came back with Freedom, I was premium for a few months and then subbed for a month (which I'll be reupping my sub again for a few months soonish), when my VIP ran out, all my slots were set back like they were when I came back for Freedom and I was able to reassign them to any characters I wanted. So we do have a redristribution method, and it costs $15.
I've bounced back and forth a little bit with both accounts. Server slots have never "unassigned" themselves (intentionally) to a server. They've become available again, yes - on that same server. So you can leave characters locked, unlock specific other characters, etc. Then go premium, have them locked, and relock/reunlock other characters.
However, the global slots are *always* global slots until assigned to a server. They don't get unassigned, barring a bug I've not heard of and wouldn't rely on, by going premium.
Yes, you can reassign server slots to any *character.* You can't move them to another *server.*
As far as the OP, I wouldn't be surprised if technical issues made this difficult to do, given they've been doing things to the character database they didn't dream about when first working on the game. Not really for or against - I could see a fee for it, and mybe "not dropping below default slots" or something (and obviously not *moving* defaults - VIPs would always have a minimum of 12 on every server) - but I'm not really for or against it. -
If salvage were actually difficult to come by, I might agree.
No, and that name's only that of her current host. I highly doubt the Shadowstar in ancient Egypt was "Ms. Issan."
(Yes, I know, fairly obvious... but that name would turn heads back then, I'm sure. "How do I put that in heiroglyphs? We don't have periods!") >.> -
The current transfer service *is* quick and easy. Click transfer, click character, be shown servers with how many spots free, pick, done.
As for free, see other comments.
As for "not able to find a team," where?
As for "evening out servers," who says we want to? -
Quote:Depends on which variant you look at. Some are, yes. Not all.Not against the idea, but werewolves are bipedal not quadripedal.
Heck, go to the old White Wolf Werewolf game - you have five steps. Human, Wolf, and three stages in between. Go to Patricia Briggs series of books, and werewolf = complete wolf, not two legged wolf man. Same with the werewolves in the Dresden series, as I recall.
Really, the "wolfman," two legged type *is* more a hollywood version. -
Quote:.... they call those "Enhancement converters." Use them to do in-set conversions. Might take a few. No, I don't exepect to see a "Pick the one you want" any time soon. Or late.1. A Super Enhancement Converter.
Lets say you have 5/6 out of a set, AH does not have the one you need.
So you could buy the Super Enhancement converter from the Paragon shop and that can convert any enhancement from the set, to the one you are missing.
Quote:2.A tool so to change your primary power set.
You would have to select the same Archtype.
This would be a one time deal for lvl 50 only. 1 for each char and would be bought from the Paragon store.
3.Also for the secondary power. same as above.
Quote:4. A lvl 50 Character. Those who already have a lvl 50 char could buy a new char and it would already be lvl 50. It could be any Archtype and would have 1 respec available to level up.
This would be a one time deal per account. -
Quote:All I see from him is:Well, we're not really talking about precious metals, economics, or politics here, we're talking about Peacebringers. In this instance, since you seem determined to derail the thread,
Quote:This message is hidden because TwoHeadedBoy is on your ignore list. -
Clarity would be more useful sooner. And the "It has no heal" really doesn't fly as an argument for me for any sort of change to this. In any case, by the time a Defender gets it, you're at 26, melee already has mez protection, everyone else has fairly hefty power trays. By the time a Corruptor or Controller gets it... 35? Really?
Sonic Repulsion has been exceptionally skippable on any and all sonic characters. Sonic defender? I've yet to ahve a reason to put a KB aura on another character. Ill/Sonic? No reason to put it on my pets, either. Let me put it on *myself* and I'll call it useful, since I'll be able to control it. -
Quote:It would be an effective counter to rooting effects from other characters, but maintaining the effect would require spamming the Ice Control's immobilization, limiting their effectiveness in, for example, support or damage dealing.
It wouldn't limit support. There's plenty of time to maintain support. And bringing along ice control for damage dealing is like bringing along a submarine for mountain climbing. -
Don't believe they ever promised that. In fact, I'm fairly sure they said, rather bluntly, that that would not be the case back when Freedom launched.
Been asked for before. Don't know if there are issues (besides "we have to set the artists to work on it") with it or not.
And no, no argument from me. It's a pain to try to use those pieces with anything else.
Edit: OK, apparently no issue. Thanks Lothic! -
Situational awareness and appropriate power usage.
I don't know if I'd necessarily throw it under "skill" so much as experience, but - well, let me take two common complaints that come up, Knockback and "Immobs are useless on ice patch."
I see people complaining about knockback (not NPC, such as Phantasm, generated, but player generated) as either oversensitive to not getting *every* kill, or playing with someone who hasn't bothered to learn how to use their powers with other players. AOE KB? Don't jump in alongside the tank and fire it off, duh. Help position/concentrate the enemies, then concentrate on the 1-2 you're attacking. You KB, you kill it.
Somewhat like Thirty-Seven's comment, I've actually gotten (positive) comments on my KB use, and to me it's a "Er, why are you complementing me on that?" moment when it happens. It'd be like going to dinner and being complemented for not urinating in the salad.
Frostbite - don't use it on ice slick. The two don't work together. Use it to hold off a second mob, or use ice slick to while keeping the first together.
While I'm thinking of AOE immobs, I'll say they were a huge indicator of someone (no longer in game) I considered, even years ago, to be a horrible player. They basically HAD to be the center of attention and didn't care what anyone else was doing. Yes, they spammed the AOE immobs on ice slick and earthquake. We had a great Dark/Dark tankfender (yes, even on SOs) who'd toggle-pull to Tar Patch, at which point everyone would go to town.... unless this guy was on the team, since he'd run in right after and AOE immob all the enemies in a long, strung-out line. Which as newbie mistakes, ok, fine. Once in a while getting overeager, ok. People can deal with that.
What marked him off as a horrible player (aside from being rather a jerk) was that *he never changed.* He KNEW people were getting annoyed at him. He had multiple requests to wait, or use powers differently, but he'd disrupt entire teams.
At the same time, we had another player who was making mistakes. I don't consider him a bad player, because he *learned* and asked questions. He became a decent player - I wouldn't consider him "the go to guy" for stuff, but he was always welcome on the team because he'd play *with* everyone, as opposed to playing thoughtlessly. He'd ask questions. He'd at least give things an honest *try.*
When the first player left the SG and game, he wasn't missed. When the second no longer played, he was.
(No, neither are me.) -
OK. So we have some things that are somewhat commonly requested that we know some dev stances on. Hoping to get this (a) stickied, perhaps, and (b) updated by players as the stances change or get expanded on.
The purpose of this, of course, is a common resource with *specifically* what the dev team has said on certain issues. (Not things like my copypastas on things, JUST dev stances.)
I am going to ask that if you want to update - especially if a dev has just said something - you put in a link. This initial post is missing links, of course, since I'm *just* posting it and haven't found them all.
Comment, add links, etc. if there's anything I've missed (which I'm sure there is.)
Personal Player housing
Dev stance: No. Too resource intensive.
(15 August2012)
Reason: Server resources. (Paraphrasing) - Prior to Freedom, the dev team met with the engineering team to see, among other things, how various things affected the game. If they introduced personal player housing - basically anything with little maps - "the rest of the game would not be very fun to play."
From the Sept. 22 Coffee Talk highlights:
Personal Player Housing is a possibility, Posi has written designs for it 3-4 times. It just has to get on the design schedule.
Zwill: "Player Housing is like one of the biggest drains on server resources in existence."
Full respecs/AT/Powerset respecsDev stance: No. Doesn't fit their game philosophy. Also extremely difficult.
<Links needed>
Reason: It would counter all the work the devs have done to make it alt-friendly.
Regarding being able to respec your primary and secondary:
Posi: "It just breaks my brain to think of, say, all the enhancements that you can no longer slot and just gimped yourself."
Synapse: "We'd have to have it like the respec, or the character transfer, but even more expensive."
"Positron, could you again clarify that "power-set" and "archtype" respecs are not a possibility for the future of the game?"
Posi: "They are not on the schedule. They are a lot, A LOT of work. Some people in the office were asking about them. AT respecs seem impossible, and powerset respecs are easier, but still very very hard. I don't know what we'd have to price them at to make them worth the effort."
Updating PVPDev stance: Looking into something. (8/15/2012)
Comment: A designer had just approached Positron that week with an "interesting" idea. No further information, no comments on what it was or promises on implementation.
<Twitch.TV link needed>
Zwillinger comment (paraphrase) : Going back into PVP "opens up a can of worms" - requires constant attention, rebalancing, etc.
VehiclesDev stance: Problematic.
<Twitch.TV link needed>
Comments: Vehicles have issues with things like movement, strafing and the like. (I *believe* there's also a comment on how it would need everything reanimated for attacks, so it's a lot of work, but I'm not 100% sure of that.)
Account-wide Anniversary badges/badge issues in general:Dev comment: Technical issue (8/15/2012)
To do so would require the use of an "auth bit" for each badge, and apparently they've got perhaps two left, so it would require a lot of recoding.
From the Jan. 25 Coffee Talk highlights:
Posi doesn't want to add the Echoes of DA and Galaxy to villain Ouro. He suggests that badging Rogues change alignment one more to Hero to get the badges.
Server merges:No known dev comment
Partial respecs:Note: By this I mean "Just undo your last X levels while leaving everything in place" or similar mechanics.
No known dev comment (I believe.)
Base changes7/11/2012
"No, because the Base system is like trying to play Jenga; one wrong removal and the whole system breaks." -Zwill
"It's more like playing Jenga on fire." –Synapse
Gifting/Paragon Market suggestions
From the Sept 13 Part 1 of extended server downtime Coffee Chat:
They won't allow gifting of paragon points until their customer service department is satisfied that it can't be taken advantage of.
(TJ's take on this: Blame NCSoft CS, not PS).
From the August 17 Dev Chat (Z had no coffee that day, so they didn't call it a Coffee Chat):
Milkweasel " For those of us who don't use or desire server transfers, would it be possible to grant a choice of a reward for VIP rather than the transfer? (rename, respec, char slot, transfer, some PP)"
Posi: "We can't do it unfortunately. We know not everyone will use them. But if you have friends come in and they like go on Freedom and you have nothing on Freedom you can move over."
Zwill says we cannot trade the tokens in for their equivalent PP value. -
... first real frustration (I3) with my namesake fire tanker:
Getting caught between two Sorcs. Both with hurricane running. And being too low for Acrobatics.
Since we're running screenies:
Everyone had to try it. Even me, with Teleport...
Nobody complained about force fields:
This looks too solid to be light:
Floor inspector or diving board?
NPCs getting into the act:
Didn't have burn, but figured I should get used to it early:
Quote:.... well, most don't want to go "Hey, check out what's up my skirt" to everyone in front of them. Which is how most of the male sit poses would turn out.I do find it annoying that a lot of women's sit poses aren't ported over from males.
FWIW, yes, they used to be pretty much the same. At least back in I3. Which really annoyed me on my female characters... as *they wouldn't sit* like that. (Yes, I do tend to be aware of these things, mom was a model and, later, modeling instructor, so things like sitting properly, color, etc. are what I grew up around.) -
I think I took absorb pain on an emp... hmmm.... well, before ED.
Being unable to heal myself as - I think it was Clamor - took a few swipes at me, well - I haven't taken it since. And nobody's missed it. -
Quote:Ignoring the whole christian/rapture bit (Hi there. Atheist. Nice to meet you,) I'm so generally irritated by "The calendar resetting means the end of the world!" nonsense - right alongside people with bad hair crediting everything to aliens - I'd find seeing this in game annoying.I think it's a very Avant Garde Idea that must immediately be placed where it rightfully belongs. It must be filed in the Circular File post haste!
But that's me. -
Quote:Happy you could join us for it. You're a pretty quiet fellow, so people may not have known you were still around.
.... you know how many alts I have? I'm like that with channels, too.I'm not quiet, just thinly spread!
Quote:Originally Posted by Aurora GirlIt's mostly a "you don't participate in PinnBadges discussions very often, so we don't know all of your alts" kind of thing.
Quote:Since nobody's posted one:He did indeed bust out a Cthulhu rant during Pinn's Mako Week! Then there were like 2 dozen+ tentacles that popped up in one giant mob haha
Also, this. (Yes, I even have the album....)
Edit: Odd. Photobucket edited it. Had a smaller version... now it's back to full screen for me, even though PB's is the smaller.... very odd.
TP Foe *can* alert the others around the target.
TP Foe is... touchy on LTs.
TP Foe, however, can be used around a corner/behind a wall, and gives you a few precious moments of alone time to introduce that special someone to your fist/sword/fire/ice/otheworldly energy/tentacle in a very personal way before their friends show up, if aggroed.
Not sure about challenge. Never take it. -
Quote:"Once upon a time?"Digging through my ancient screenshots folder reminded me of another lost "feature." Once upon a time someone discovered you could make your tights to your skin color, or get pretty close. Before it was changed, it wasn't uncommon to see sights like these, from late 2004/early 2005.
You still can do it. Makes it rather annoying when I want some of my characters to have a white T-shirt to either have it be a grungy T-shirt or have to give them a bit of a tan on that outfit. -