Known Dev stances on common suggestions




OK. So we have some things that are somewhat commonly requested that we know some dev stances on. Hoping to get this (a) stickied, perhaps, and (b) updated by players as the stances change or get expanded on.

The purpose of this, of course, is a common resource with *specifically* what the dev team has said on certain issues. (Not things like my copypastas on things, JUST dev stances.)

I am going to ask that if you want to update - especially if a dev has just said something - you put in a link. This initial post is missing links, of course, since I'm *just* posting it and haven't found them all.

Comment, add links, etc. if there's anything I've missed (which I'm sure there is.)

Personal Player housing
Dev stance: No. Too resource intensive.

(15 August2012)

Reason: Server resources. (Paraphrasing) - Prior to Freedom, the dev team met with the engineering team to see, among other things, how various things affected the game. If they introduced personal player housing - basically anything with little maps - "the rest of the game would not be very fun to play."

From the Sept. 22 Coffee Talk highlights:

Personal Player Housing is a possibility, Posi has written designs for it 3-4 times. It just has to get on the design schedule.

Zwill: "Player Housing is like one of the biggest drains on server resources in existence."

Full respecs/AT/Powerset respecs
Dev stance: No. Doesn't fit their game philosophy. Also extremely difficult.

<Links needed>

Reason: It would counter all the work the devs have done to make it alt-friendly.

Regarding being able to respec your primary and secondary:

Posi: "It just breaks my brain to think of, say, all the enhancements that you can no longer slot and just gimped yourself."

Synapse: "We'd have to have it like the respec, or the character transfer, but even more expensive."

"Positron, could you again clarify that "power-set" and "archtype" respecs are not a possibility for the future of the game?"

Posi: "They are not on the schedule. They are a lot, A LOT of work. Some people in the office were asking about them. AT respecs seem impossible, and powerset respecs are easier, but still very very hard. I don't know what we'd have to price them at to make them worth the effort."

Updating PVP
Dev stance: Looking into something. (8/15/2012)

Comment: A designer had just approached Positron that week with an "interesting" idea. No further information, no comments on what it was or promises on implementation.

<Twitch.TV link needed>
Zwillinger comment (paraphrase) : Going back into PVP "opens up a can of worms" - requires constant attention, rebalancing, etc.

Dev stance: Problematic.

<Twitch.TV link needed>

Comments: Vehicles have issues with things like movement, strafing and the like. (I *believe* there's also a comment on how it would need everything reanimated for attacks, so it's a lot of work, but I'm not 100% sure of that.)

Account-wide Anniversary badges/badge issues in general:
Dev comment: Technical issue (8/15/2012)
To do so would require the use of an "auth bit" for each badge, and apparently they've got perhaps two left, so it would require a lot of recoding.

From the Jan. 25 Coffee Talk highlights:

Posi doesn't want to add the Echoes of DA and Galaxy to villain Ouro. He suggests that badging Rogues change alignment one more to Hero to get the badges.

Server merges:
No known dev comment

Partial respecs:
Note: By this I mean "Just undo your last X levels while leaving everything in place" or similar mechanics.

No known dev comment (I believe.)

Base changes
"No, because the Base system is like trying to play Jenga; one wrong removal and the whole system breaks." -Zwill
"It's more like playing Jenga on fire." –Synapse

Gifting/Paragon Market suggestions

From the Sept 13 Part 1 of extended server downtime Coffee Chat:

They won't allow gifting of paragon points until their customer service department is satisfied that it can't be taken advantage of.

(TJ's take on this: Blame NCSoft CS, not PS).

From the August 17 Dev Chat (Z had no coffee that day, so they didn't call it a Coffee Chat):

Milkweasel " For those of us who don't use or desire server transfers, would it be possible to grant a choice of a reward for VIP rather than the transfer? (rename, respec, char slot, transfer, some PP)"

Posi: "We can't do it unfortunately. We know not everyone will use them. But if you have friends come in and they like go on Freedom and you have nothing on Freedom you can move over."

Zwill says we cannot trade the tokens in for their equivalent PP value.



I think Positron's comment about Powerset Respecs was during a uStream chat or something similar. You might want to search Von Krieger's posts in City Life from around August 2011 through December 2011. That still may get a bunch of hits.

There was no HeroCon in 2011 (only a Bay Area M&G held in San Francisco at Elephant and Castle) and 2012 brought us the first Freedom Player Summit.

I didn't see the Twitch.TV with the vehicle comments so can't help there by providing a date.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Dug up a few things from some of Von Krieger's recaps of the Coffee Chats. I was trying to find where the comment from Posi about Powerset respecs was but had no luck.


From the Jan. 25 Coffee Talk highlights:

Posi doesn't want to add the Echoes of DA and Galaxy to villain Ouro. He suggests that badging Rogues change alignment one more to Hero to get the badges.

From the Sept. 22 Coffee Talk highlights:

Personal Player Housing is a possibility, Posi has written designs for it 3-4 times. It just has to get on the design schedule.

Zwill: "Player Housing is like one of the biggest drains on server resources in existence."

From the Sept 13 Part 1 of extended server downtime Coffee Chat:

They won't allow gifting of paragon points until their customer service department is satisfied that it can't be taken advantage of.

(TJ's take on this: Blame NCSoft CS, not PS).

From the August 17 Dev Chat (Z had no coffee that day, so they didn't call it a Coffee Chat):

Milkweasel " For those of us who don't use or desire server transfers, would it be possible to grant a choice of a reward for VIP rather than the transfer? (rename, respec, char slot, transfer, some PP)"

Posi: "We can't do it unfortunately. We know not everyone will use them. But if you have friends come in and they like go on Freedom and you have nothing on Freedom you can move over."

Zwill says we cannot trade the tokens in for their equivalent PP value.


I'm sure there are more things out there, these are just some of the ones that caught my eye while scanning through them. Some stood out since they come pretty close to answering some Suggestions and Ideas posted here recently.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'd just like to say that this is an awesome idea! Were I able, I would scour Coffee Talks tonight at work for more direct quotes and the like, but the computer I am on doesn't have sound.



I was just scanning Von Krieger's Coffee Chat threads.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Dev stance: Problematic.

<Twitch.TV link needed>

Comments: Vehicles have issues with things like movement, strafing and the like. (I *believe* there's also a comment on how it would need everything reanimated for attacks, so it's a lot of work, but I'm not 100% sure of that.)
If it helps any, I believe it was Arbiter Hawk (could have been Synapse) commenting on that in a relatively recent twitchtv broadcast (last time Hawk was on, whenever that was).
Movement behaviors such as strafing and jumping were the main problems and didn't fit well, as you said.

As far as the animation concerns, you are likely right from the past, but since they've countered that problem by shutting off combat abilities while using RocketBoards, Flying Carpets and such, I think they'd use the same means for other vehicles.
Not arguing with that, but just saying that you're right that it used to be raised in the past, but isn't likely a factor now (unless we're talking about vehicles in combat!).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Anyone have anything referring to bases that can be referenced.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Anyone have anything referring to bases that can be referenced.

Nalrok's Really Fast Coffee Talk Writeup (07-11-2012)

Base changes?

"No, because the Base system is like trying to play Jenga; one wrong removal and the whole system breaks." -Zwill
"It's more like playing Jenga on fire." –Synapse



I received the following information via a PM from a player. The first link is from the Nov 23 Coffee Talk, the second is from the Aug. 4 Dev Chat:

Comments from Positron and Synapse

Regarding being able to respec your primary and secondary:

Posi: "It just breaks my brain to think of, say, all the enhancements that you can no longer slot and just gimped yourself."

Synapse: "We'd have to have it like the respec, or the character transfer, but even more expensive."

"Positron, could you again clarify that "power-set" and "archtype" respecs are not a possibility for the future of the game?"

Posi: "They are not on the schedule. They are a lot, A LOT of work. Some people in the office were asking about them. AT respecs seem impossible, and powerset respecs are easier, but still very very hard. I don't know what we'd have to price them at to make them worth the effort."

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.