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  1. Nice stuff you got going there, Woot. And nice to meet you
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WingedMurasaki View Post
    1) Liz
    2) CR
    3) DD
    I have to quote this. To me Liz came first on the sheer beauty of the art...and is Ghost Widow the one who did the killing or is she the next victim? The mystery and silence adds to it.

    The other two are really good too.

    2. The staging of this one is beautifully dark and dramatic with the red hair turning to blood. But why add the word NOOOOO to it? Is it something to do with Manticore? (or why no word balloon?)

    3. DD's is great on detail, and could be a movie poster. so that makes her three. All it needed was a title...

    Again, this is just my two cents worth, and mileage may vary Good luck to all three of you, this was a toughie!
  3. Tubby or not, Amerikatt is always cute and adorable!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    Anyone else use a cartoon in inventing their toon?
    Well, I do confess that I do have a toon that is the result of crossing Powerpuff Girls with Pokemon...

    And my rad/archery defender was inspired by Egyptian mythology and Sailor Moon.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

    If either of those pictures would like the full sized file just pm me where to send it
    *squees and sends PM*

    That is probably one of the most charming pictures I've seen from Jazz.
  6. I can has log in screen?

    I wouldn't get in trouble for it?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    Thanks for always being so incredibly generous, Caemy.

    Far be it from *me* to try to dictate how you do your contests, but the above snippet really rubbed my fur the wrong way. You are offering FREE ARTZ if people make an *attempt* to follow the rules, and there are people who are trying to tell you how to do things?

    Don't back down on the "RP" thing. If those "couple" of peeps don't like it, then that is *THEIR* loss.

    (*huggles teh Caemy!*)
    I gotta agree with Amerikatt here. Don't let someone tell you how to run the contest..!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    Wow! Thank you so much Caemgen!

    This is a great contest concept, a wonderful artist and a massive amount of generosity. I am looking forward very much to seeing the toons together. Great artists like Jazzcarmona always exceed my imagination.

    And apologies to Mel, the doughnut was really tempting
    It's cool. After all, it's this big whacking PINK target Congrats, Airhead!

    And thanks for making me July, Caemgen... I understand about Empty Knight, so I'll pick another character of yours...

    (goes off to think...)
  9. Mellissandria

    Talking Cakes!!

    Congrats....that topper's adorable...!
  10. :goes to cabbit form and nyans while flying through fire hoops...

    (just saying hi'yall)
  11. It's a hidden area inside of Faultline. You have to practically swim undewater and go behind some debris to find it. There is a badge involved, btw.

    Once you get there, you can find a pool table, a tv set and I believe a jukebox. At least according to my memory (which can be pretty faulty at times)
  12. Hey, this is hiding on page two of the forum..can't have that..would give myself and Airhead too good an advantage...
  13. Nice pictures, first of all. And I have seen a lot worse..

    If you are looking for stock photos to work from (as in use them as the model instead of a real person), I do know of a resource on Deviant Art and don't let the name put you off!

    It started out as an aid for Sailor Moon fans who also do art, but others use it as well, I'm sure.

    (goes back to torturing poser figures...)
  14. Just looked through your Rogue's Gallery..


    Rooftop in or around the Big Donut-(yes that rooftop)

    Empty Knight versus Mystik Paladin with crossed swords as one is pinned up against the Donut. Or they both look up as the donut starts to fall on them!

    I couldn't resist when I saw your Knight, especially since Paladin is a broadsword/dark scrapper (he is a defender of the Court of Oberon and Titania, among other things.) and you need more action scenes, so there!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    Jazzcarmona's Fenian and Gadgetboy looks fantastic! I hadn't imagined Fenian to be so pallid, I trust she's not related to Airhead. Must be something Gadgy said.

    I'll submit an idea again for the thrill of an idea, and since it is based on something Caemgen said to me it won't be eligible to win. But try to picture this:

    A bunch of villains (Crey vigilant, Freakshow stunner, Malta sapper) are buried up to their necks in the Talos beach sand, facing in various directions, looking VERY scared. Because behind them we see Knitwit and Caemgen 'bearing down on them' in a speedboat made of sand (a boat-shaped sandcastle with footwells). Their expressions are vengeful. Out back of the stationary boat made of sand is Airhead, waving while holding a makeshift "waterskier cable" tied to a plastic shovel embedded in the back of the boat. All on a nice pretty Talos beach with families.
    And given Airhead's wonder the villains are scared!
  16. Mellissandria

    When Playing CoH

    Right now, got a bit of J-pop on my Winamp, along with some power pop, some 70s bubblegum pop...some movie and tv soundtracks, a few electronic numbers and some game soundtracks...

    Currently rebuilding my list from the disasterous move from one computer to another...hubby accidently deleted my music file in the move...

    And sometimes, I listen to the Cape.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
    I am SOOOO looking forward to making a Union character! I'll probably just re-roll one of my Virtue toons and start anew. Just think of the mistakes I WON'T make this time! I can room for all NEW mistakes!!!
    I hear ya! Gave Oryo (what is her name on Virtue this week?) a fresh start on Union. Gotta write her bio later...and yes, think of the mistakes we'll avoid by creating new mistakes (evil grin)

    To the Unioners- if the rest of y'all are as nice as the guys in the Union RP channel, then I think I will really like it here!
  18. Dragged two friends from Virtue across the pond to Union! 'twas a blast and I finally, finally snagged the name I originally wanted for my fire scrapper all those years ago!

    Good times, indeed. Now to get my SG base ready for visitors!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Dark Mercury from PGSM trumps Sailor Mercury.
    Princess Sailor Moon was more bada--- than Dark Mercury!

    I mean, she could kick anyone's backend, including anime and manga!
  20. Today was fun! Ustream, then rolling up a toon on Union, and dragging two friends from Virtue to Union for the evening!

    Think I made new friends on the Union RP least they put up with my nonsense with good humor.

    And I am still @Mellissandria!
  21. It was nice to put faces to some of those red names... I did meet Second and Avetea (and very briefly, Posi) at the Meet and Greet, but it was great to chat with Zwillinger, Beastyle, and the others.

    Oh, Beastyle, start wearing your glasses, please???

    And thanks for putting up with my questions and inane comments. It was fun to even see names that I knew from Virtue...and later, Union (waves).
  22. Tossing in my two inf 's worth... And not in order of importance, btw.

    1. For Fire/Ice/any other elemental scrapper/blaster/tanks that uses weapons-More selections! Add elemental versions of katanas, broadswords (that don't look like that phallic monstrosity already in the selections) ,lightswords, short swords/axes...and add staves! The animation for staves can't be that hard!

    2. Put in a radial or option menu to let you *actually* sit down in chairs instead of hopping up onto the chair to sit down properly..You don't have to have the animation....just give us that ability...

    3. Ditch the war walls. We should be able to FLY from Atlas Park to Talos Island. (And keep the T/ferries for those who can't fly.) I wouldn't put in the option to fly from Paragon to the RI because I would imagine Arachnos has radar..

    4. Fix the lag in the incarnate instances! And the mapserve problem...if you have to get chinchillas or catgirls instead of hamsters to put in the wheels, so be it!

    5. The next part of Incarnate- whether that be two or four boxes...

    6. More hair options- Hair bows, barrettes, feathers,beads,hairbands, hair veils, whatever you might want in the hair. and more style options for the men!

    7. More skirt options- Would like long skirts for those elegant rp occasions. Kate Middleton did not go down the aisle in a minidress.....

    8. More back options-If I want a dragon on the back of my jacket, I should have a dragon on the back of my jacket, dang it!
    (and any way we can put the ability to have wings on Magic Robes again? I know people who managed to keep that look, but are now afraid of switching out that costume due to fear of losing that 'option'.)

    9. Total Power customization- this means Epic powers and those powers that also need colors from the option menu!

    Edit: 10. Let's do more with the Shadow Shard (could it be an entrance into the Well? Is Ruularu a god?)

    As I said, this is not in order of importance...just more like a shopping list of things that would make me happy!
  23. Mellissandria

    Lambda Posers

    One of my toons inadvertantly made it into a cut scene once-only because she got there at the right time returning from the hospital area....

    (yes, I have a bad habit of getting killed....still learning the Lambda area (and whose idea was it to make it such a damned maze! I always wind up going in circles at the elevators!)
  24. Mellissandria

    Union Costumes!

    Oh guys are gonna make my toons look like hall costumes...!
  25. I'll probably come over to Union for a couple of days at least... Just to see what the RP is like...and I've been curious about Union since we got the shared forums....