Talking Cakes!!
I would have your characters back to back, fighting a swarm of your favorite villain group off as they climb up the cake. That would probably be expensive though. Lots of little people to create.
Well I would have your main toons on top obviously. Maybe in the traditional wedding pose. Then maybe for each layer something similar to the Halo cake above but each tier is a different section of Paragon with the top Tier being Atlas. Oh and a big ole "LEVEL UP" above you guys or a "Holy Matrimony Unlocked!"

That's a great idea, PowerStream.
Sounds like you need to talk to Duff, the Ace of Cakes!!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Yeah, I'd probably try to go with the classic ring layers and try to get each ring (painted? decorated I guess) with different CoH themes... One could be Arachnos themes, one Freakshow, one Longbow, etc etc...
Ok, I probably wouldn't go with that just because I don't think I would have the balls to do it (or ever get married for that sake!) but if I was... I figure the best thing about that is you could go a bit more "subtle" by using like the CoV symbol, the arachnos symbol, etc and it could just be funky designs for those I didn't want to tell it was all based on a game... *shrug*
Larissa does some cool cakes...maybe she'll pipe in here with some good ideas.
Me, I don't know too much ... as long as it's chocolate it's good!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

and my idea for a CoH wedding cake is a 4 to 6 tier cake, using Fire Base Zulu Casscades as the theme. Have each tier a different size and decorated like the floating islands, then use red wine for the casscading streams from one island to another.
FBZ is my favorite place in the game, so I thought I would throw this idea in the hat !
May many blessings and lots of gaming be in both your future !
Cool thanx for the ideas guys and the special pic EnnVee
None of the vids on duff were loading will defiantly post pics when we have a finished result- next year some time
I scribbled a pic this morning with some of the croatoa foes on it, on different levels of the cake, looked quite cool, will draw a better one and post it.
FBZ sounds cool, we were thinking of naming the tables city zones instead of numbering them and also having the favors hero/villain based, to make some connection to the hero/villain cake
Here is a croatoa one i put together- the scan isnt the best but you get the general idea
That should looks cool.
And most of all.....Congratulations!!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Quick question: Do you really want a big, burly, mostly naked guy on your wedding cake?
Other than that, sounds like a sweet idea, and congratulations.
edit: and why does this forum keep trying to double post me?
D'oh! *hits head on desk* Stupid! Stupid! Stupidstupidstupidstupid!!
I TOTALLY forgot to congratulate you! >.< No bacon for me.
(Actually, can I throw the bacon?)

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

And I love your Croatoa idea for your cake!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
gratz to ya both....
Congratulations! It is very cool to hear about people coming to this game for entertainment and getting so much more than they bargained for.
That is a very cool idea for Croatoa and a nice sketch (I wonder if you have ever heard of THP ) I would suggest if you can find a way to work it in put the gnarled tree of Katie Hannon on there... might even be able to use candles or string lights to simulate Will O' Wisps too floating amidst the branches (don't know if candles works on a wedding cake though).
P.S. would the one table near the door to the men's room be Crey's Folley then? Or the Abandonned Sewers? ...oh wait I got it... BOOM-town!
Thanx for the congrats messages from Earth and I
Aww shame that the mens and ladies room is not directly off the room we'll have the reception in, or that would have been really funny as boomtown
I would suggest that you use the city scape silhouette from the CoH logo as an inspriation for the cake itself, use some of the CoH themed HeroClix figures or fondant to add some of the canon characters and then place your own characters on the lower level side by side in heroic poses.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

Before getting into the design of your cake, check around your area to see what you resident bakers can do. Not all of them can make cakes with details like this:
or anything seen seen here.
More geeky cakes.
WoW cakes.
Dr. Who cakes.
Find a baker, and work with them on what they can and can't do, and voila! Happy cake wedding.
Congratulations! I think it's really cool that you want to have a COH themed cake, you definitely have to show us pictures!
That being said, while I think your design is fantastic it would be very difficult and expensive for that many figures. Something like that could also scare away potential decorators which may be why you've not heard back from some of them. Having multiple designs and being open with the decorator will definitely help you. Let them know what you are flexible on and ask for their ideas. Also make sure to point out the things you feel that you "must have" so there's no confusion/disappointment later.

Our Cake

Topped with Earth Golum and Blue Artic

Each table was named after a CoH City. We had 8 CoHers represented :

@Professor Radburn @Earth Golum @cirasreal @Wastrel
@Mutant Mim @Aquilus @Magia EU @Schlee MardukEU
Hugs to those who could not make it @AC - DC @Kid Wonder @Cypher Knight and @Quiggles
Who got to eat that plaque that everyone had touched?
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I totally love this... congrats to both of you!!!
Hey everyone

I thought I would pick your brains for an idea for a wedding cake, since @Earth Golum and I got engaged a little while go
I had it in mind, that since we met thru CoH that we would have a cake that reflected the game... so I thought why not have a cake of Atlas himself holding the globe with the bride and groom- Earth Golum and Blue Artic chars from the game standing on the top. I loved this idea but of the 7 cake specialists I emailed I only heard back from 5- and only 1 of them thought it might be possible but she couldnt be sure...
We have looked at a chocolatiers too, to make like a statue of chocolate (earth would love this coz hes a chocoholic) but I cant even say the quote they gave us out loud!! It was well in the 4 figures!!!!
So well my next idea was a norm wedding cake with our chars on the top as a bride and groom, then I saw some themed wedding cakes on Google, like the ones below, and thought it would be a CoH themed (now back to the original idea lol) .... but I need ideas for the colours and the detail etc for the cake
So if anyone has any ideas please type away