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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    E. That was predictable
    Nut necessary

    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Polls are against forum rules.
    Devs have done a few other the years, I think this is what the OP was refering to.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Yes, Time is a good secondary, but I think the point was that while Time works well with Gravity, there is nothing in Time that makes it work especially well with Gravity.
    I thought I had mentioned that was my point. I wasnt trying to sell another primary just commenting on what alot of people have mentioned when discussing Grav/Time.

    The references to fire were just to pick one primary that I could use examples throughout.

    Time's good, but it doesnt make Grav amazing in the same way I think Storm could achieve, but yes, if it was someone wanting to play any primary as long as its paired with time, then Grav/Time would not be too high on anyones list of things to reconmend as being uber, but when looking at what you can combine Grav with, then Time does come out as passably decent.
  3. The trouble is with the synergy that time has with Gravity is that time is just a good, well rounded set, and it has synergy with most controller primaries.

    Time Stop - a nice ST hold to stack with every ST hold that every controller primary gets

    Temporal Mending, will heal every other primaries lvl 32 pet (cept mind of course), fire likes this with 3 pets.

    Time Juncture good solid debuff, bit of a high end cost, gets the same slotting as hurricane for me, again, brilliant on fire.

    Temporal Selection, ignoring the +rech problem we all have, you can easily stack this twice, and hey Fire gets 3 pets, so 2 of those guys can have it.

    Distortion field, yeah thats a good tactic with wormhole, or you can just drop it on the group to start with and use AoE immob.

    Slowed response -res -def to go with a high damge control primariy, or fire

    Farsight, fire has more pets to benefit from this and the toHit

    Chronoshift is time's oddity, you dont really need much recharge yourself, but the end mod can be nice.

    My point is, everything you said makes Time brilliant with Grav makes it brilliant with other primaries too, possibly fire being a runaway winner especially since it provides a bit more control to an otherwise damage heavy primary. Don't get me wrong, im not saying its not viable, it totally is, but in my opinion Time fixes the control issues Gravity has and makes it feel like your playing one giant control primary. Whereas Time supliments other primaries in much better ways, as opposed to just rounding out a sub-par set.

    What makes Grav/Storm awesome is Wormholing a group into a corner (if one is available) Hurrican on to lock them in, Freezing Rain Tornado and Lightning Storm and watch the death unfold.

    In Theory anyway, its quite a situationally useful combo, but I enjoy that, if my interest in my grav controller fizzled out in the mid 30s
  4. Then maybe the idea of quantum of solace was to capture that feeling, because it worked on me...

    Actually I cant really rememebr either Craig bond movies, just a few months ago I suddenly rememebred Quantum even existed, I could have sworn to that point thered only been one with him in.
  5. I know from testing that the Panacea proc can do a once per 10 seconds tick on any team mate within Triage Beacon.

    Check the proc's description, it will usually say target or caster.

    There was a quirck with one of the end mod ones slotted in either Speed Boost or Stamia with a 'chance to stun' that was most entertaining.
  6. Theres plenty of tropish examples of the Hero using the bag guys weapons as they are simply more badass than what they had, or failed to have at hand.

    They also seem to be pretty proficient with them nearly straight away too, so theres that.
  7. A colour wheel would definately need to be VIP Exclusive in the current environment of the game.

    Although I have to say I would much rather the freedom it would provide than the protection to my adult eyes not having faux-naked toons we currently have.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Then you'd get people expecting to see ALL of those options. Groups would coalesce around certain choices, insisting why their particular choice should be implemented and others should be axed. We'd need more moderators.

    If they told us their plans, even with the usual caveats and disclaimers, there would be individuals who would take those plans as set-in-stone gospel and swiftly mount the highest of horses upon hearing that those plans had to be changed. It spares us a great deal of weeping and gnashing of teeth for the developers to not tell us what they're doing.
    Infact we already had a poll on "what we'd like to see"

    f I do recall corectly, which I may not, but I may do, then 2 powersets that we haven't seen the light of day won that poll...
  9. Was hoping for a stupid nu,mber of Mustaches in honor of Movember.

    Everyones summed it up, junk.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Haven't test-played the set yet, so my input would be limited, at best. But I'm wondering how much of the "animation oddness" is dictated by the visual requirements for making the animation work. The degree to which they had to "add" frames at lower speeds, and "remove" frames at higher speeds.

    The momentum animation and the non-momentum aniamtion are actually 2 completely different animations, theres no speeding up or slowing down.

    If you have momentum the game subtly uses an entirely different power when you activate it, vs then when you dont
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Hi all!

    Just to follow-up on this thread! I am so very happy to let you know that EMpulse has given birth to a little super bundle of joy and she wanted to share this with you. Here is a picture of the fruits of her labour (literally!). Zoey Kathryn, her little girl, was born in the latter half of September at 7.1 pounds and 20 inches long. Momma and baby are doing great (and apparently Zoey has already learned how to utilise that big head of hair to rock a mohawk!). EMpulse asked me to pass along that she misses you all very much but is really enjoying being a first time Mom. She sends her regards and hopes that you all have a wonderful holiday season!

    Beastyle went over with his hair products didnt he?
  12. I've had some fun in usign the CC to recreate iconic characters, but never actually rolling them up, just having the costume there as a thought experiment, but I lost all of them when my PC got wiped recently.

    At the moment, with Titan Weapons I'm attempting to come up with a TW/Elec Brute flavourfully pulling from Norse Mythology (as I often do) Thor is the obvious choice, given the hammer, some sort of futuristic techno Thor springs to mind.

    Creating a costume and theme for him, while shying away from the Marvel character of the same name and background is going to be difficult.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    I think it's part of the new Phasing Tech
    It is part of the phasing tech, when team mates go in and out of the phase zones you loose the ability to affect them, just like mobs loose the ability to affect you when you go in and out.

    Its quite quirky for MMs
  14. I dunno, I bugged the Hollows door in beta, along with 3 or 4 others, its survived this long.
  15. In the last beta there was a door with this functionality in the Hollows.

    I'm not sure why, but there you go. I may run off to check if it still does it or not.

    EDIT: its still working in The Hollows

  16. I love winter.

    Nature has bogged off south and taken all my hayfever symptoms with it.

    I can smell and taste again, my eyes arnt itchy.

    The temperature is just right, and work even gets more fun!

    Mind, this is in the UK, not Finland, so maybe its a bit harsher out there!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
    I've seen so many heavy folks, or folks out of shape, I would tell myself "there is no way I'm ever going to let that happen to me"

    Joining the military helped as well.

    Now I hear most folks say "I don't have time to exercise" but they somehow find time to watch a TV show.....or three.

    I'd had a rather high metabolism all of my life (it runs in the family, but there are exceptions) but still.....that isn't a total free pass to binge eat. So I burn off what I eat whenever I can. (My job is exercise enough some days!)

    Another motivator: We may never get super powers in real life. Being fit is a good second option though!

    heh, I always thought that,

    I played roller and ice hockey, I was a lifeguard and swam pretty much daily, as well as your average teen interest of skateboarding and generally doing stupid stuff that happens to end up being good for you... but ive always had a sweet tooth, a big appetite and a slow metabolism, I was definately skirting a fine edge.

    cue an operation on my back, 3 months of laying in bed, comfort eating for depression / boredom etc, and I was an obese 18 year old.

    I've since always struggled with weight, finding great comfort in eating when things get bad, or even just boring, I discovered take away at Uni, which was also baaaad!

    now i'm 25, and slowly on my way down, but the afformentioned back operation? I've had that 4 times in the last 8 years, each taking a bit less time to heal, but always with a bit of weight gain, and physical activity on the strenuous kind, or gym kind, aggrevates it.

    (to the extent that my third operation was soley based on one gym trip)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Immobilize resistance is a beneficial stat that affects you no matter what powers you take. (how beneficial is debatable)
    Exactly, the benefit is debatable depending on the character.

    Your character will get more out of immob resistance based sets than a scrapper, after a point when they are basically immune to immobs from whatever power from wahtever secondary you wish to use as an example.

    But if it was a /regen scrapper, it would get alot more bang for its buck out of a healing set bonus than your defender.

    Look at an empath defender and they start getting more bang for their buck out of it too.

    Don't get me wrong, im not really justiying it, since my only defende rof interest is a trapper, I too have limited use of +healing, my point is, if your aiming for whats after it, its of no real concern, if you are just slotting the set for the sake of slotting the set, then yes, its a waste.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    Well... Almost. You can't perma Water Spout. Maximum recharge bonus you can have is 400%, which cuts the recharge of a power by 1/5th. Recharge for Water Spout is 180s. 180/5 = 36s, and Water Spout has a duration of 30s. So you're short six seconds and some animation time. boo hoo :P

    Darn, I hadn't checked my recharge time for that on my planned build.

    well, what ive planned is 10 seconds off, which isnt the end of the world, and still, unlike crabs, most of the illusionist pets cant get themselves killed.

    Just for hilarities sake I planned burnout too, just to see if tornado/waterspout are stackable
  20. Then, much like all the other sets that provide a healing bonus as their 4pc in the healing category, you will see less benefit than some others.

    If you dont care for that bonus, and dont want anything past it, franken slot to better effect, if you want the bonus after it, then its a necessary evil.

    There are plenty of bonuses hidden within the system that are a stepping stone to other bonuses that not everyone will want, and this is just another one of them...

    look at +movement bonuses, probably end up with alot of thos eon some of my characters, but I never build with those in mind, but maybe I would if I was building a Stone Armor tank.

    Likewise, My traps defender won't care for this so much, as he has only 1 power that will benefit, but the 5pc bonus he will care for, since hes traps, so its swings and roundabouts really.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    Well, if it wasn't for this requirement, it would be Crab Spiders. 3 Spiderlings, 2 Disruptors & the Arachnobot Blaster from Mace Mastery. With enough recharge they can be effectively perma-pets, but they do need to be resummoned each time when they expire.

    3 PA
    1 Spectral Terror
    1 Phantasm
    1 Phantasm Decoy
    As many lightning storms as your recharge can stack
    Water Spout
    Pet from Leviathan

    enough Recharge can perma them all
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Came in to post this. I alt+tab out for the countdown all the time, you just have to do it almost immediately after clicking the "Quit to whatever" button.
    or you can que up an alt-tab like the poster who suggested holding down windows key.

    I have a second Monitor set-up usually, so I just click in that
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Depends; are jokes normally said with utter bitterness dripping from their every sanserif facing?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    But then Sorina Tavarisch would be miserable... *sighs*

    However... I *MIGHT* forgive them for killing off Positron if they managed to do so in a fantastically brilliant story... the odds of which happening are so abysmally low that I expect him to be around for a while.

    Having a "Rocks Fall Everyone Dies" ending just blows whales.

    Simply becuase they went to the effort of redoing his TF, I don't think Posi is on the cards.
  25. Darn, Bio and Zombie pipped me to it.

    Guess the devs knew you were coming back...