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  1. And for those wanting a heal w/SR? Take Dark Melee... Debuffs their Acc, Siphon Life is a Heal/attack and Dark Regen is a EndRecovery/Debuff attack... And THAT is SYNERGY
  2. How is this different from tracking hits from DoT, like poison/spines? Having a toggle (integration or whatnot) that allows that do help you more than others?

    I'm not 100% FOR this suggestion, I just don't think the excuse given by _Castle_ holds water. And I'm 100% AGAINST hypocrisy and double-talk, fwiw. So, is the IDEA worth considering, programming-be-danged?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Spectral wounds doesn't track anything. It works like any other power.
    It does this:
    Power activated
    Animation starts
    X seconds after animation starts, deal Z damage
    Y seconds after animation starts, heal ~Z damage.

    the same as anything else.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Daddy, thanks for being able to read and differentiate between silliness (aka MULTI-cultural English mashing - since NO errors are made in learning languages), and the simple question of - So... why not?

    Isn't every hit BY an Illusion controller w/Wounds 'tracked?;

    How is that different from tracking every hit ON a Regen Scrapper?

    I think to consider this, you don't think in terms of one battle or matchup, but of zones/map loads... and all the toons on that map.

    In my (reputedly bigoted) humble opinion.. of course.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Each attack from Spectral Wounds damages the target, then after a set period, heals the target. Thus, it's all handled by the attacking power. Regen, however, is a defense set, and would need to track all incoming attacks in order for this to work as described.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Logic error?

    Spectral wounds - TRACKS EACH HIT - then heals after specified time.

    Regen - to do this, we'd have to TRACK EACH HIT...

    Per'aps me Eeengleesh ees no good? Iddn't dat de same t'ing, mon?

    Or, in simpler terms... This one is a hammer I made. For that to work, I'd have to make a hammer...
  5. Read the forums, at least once in awhile. Caveat: Ignore (most) calls for "DOOOOOOM" and other whining (though ED and I6 together... )

    Team up. Look up a lowbie, esp. if they can make it to your mission. I've met numerous other folks who were playing a low level alt and ended up playing higher level stuff with them later.

    Consider the *team* when you're on it. Unless everyone signs on to do an arc, look to do nearby missions that are good for group, not forcing six players to constantly run from zone to zone because you wanna do only your missions.

    Sidekick up. Far too many folks hope for XP the easy way by sk'ing to lowest possible mentor. Sure, that's gonna work. But the team sometimes trudges along, pulling your sorry, slacking non-heroic tights with them. If you SK up, yes, you'll get less XP per minion, but you won't have to fear team wipes, debt, and endless jello sampling tours at Paragon City's finest hospital cafeterias...
  6. May be left there from the "way, way, way back" epoch.

    I'll double check.
  7. How about

    * Ignore inquiries from teammates - For example: Are you Ready? Dont' shoot pls. Pls let me gain END before next group.

    * Fail to communicate when you are not ready.

    * Not check to see who's Sidekicked (SK'd) and who's not.

    * Ignore "don't pull w/the blaster, hold on..." tells. You'll learn. Painfully.

    * Not check the "Hey, isn't that a Quantum?" on any channel. It's the Kheldie's life, and poss team wipe. AKA - you ALL can get debt if ignored.

    More out there.
  8. I was surprised that you only had 1 slot in Taunt. I usually run 4 slots (Acc, 2 x Taunt Duration, 1 x Rech). The 10 second downtime for Rage is nothing - during Respec #2, I could 'train' SEVERAL Freak Tanks back w/me to the bubble room, between Taunt, Invincibility and Foot Stomp. Punch-voke/Gauntlet is your friend... esp. if you're teaming!
  9. It's equivalent (pretty darned close) to a "baby-Hasten" - instead of equaling an SO-reduction from Hasten (L6 Pool) you can get HALF that from a pool power at L20! Wattadeal!!!!

    On the upside - ALWAYS on - Zero End. As an SR Scrapper, you'll appreciate most anything that saves you End. Combined with Hasten, it takes some of the sting out of extra-long recharges, but only oh-so much.

    And as a reminder, at least for those who aren't familiar with CoH's Recharge-math..

    "Reduced Recharge Time" = Base Recharge divided by ((Recharge Time multiplied by total of Enhancements) PLUS Base Recharge time).

    Take Broadsword's "Build Up" - 90 sec recharge.

    With Quickness, it is 90/((90 * 0.167 = 15)+90)

    That's 90 / 105, so about 6/7th of what it used to be.

    That's 75~ish seconds instead of 90 seconds.

    NOT earthshattering, but it all helps.
  10. As usual, an excellent guide with realistic advice Amauros'. FWIW, I used your previous guides on Taz Devil (L47 Claw/SR) to great effect.

    I'm struggling now, even when over-slotted. BUT in the interest of full disclosrue, I have an I4 or I5, pre ED build... I know I have to be respecc'd before playing earnestly.

    What's the add for the 4th Def slot? I'll check it out, but given the huge number of slots - and I hadn't intended to have that may powers slotted up - it's at least a consideration for the toggles, isn't it?

    Pool wise - and this IS about SR Defense - any opinion on:
    Fighting Pool
    * Tough
    * Weave
    * Stealth
    * Combat Jumping

    Thanks again for the well stated info.
  11. I was also curious about the Archery, Sonic powersets.

    Did I mess the Kheldians?
  12. In the interest of accurace - please note that Geko's post is regarding changes to Hasten is OLD - it is from BETA COH to Issue #1.... Like WAAAY back. It is most assuredly NOT dealing w/ED. But his "9 points and a wish" are theoretically still valid, no?
  13. Excellent post; good points.

    I'm still agitated over ED, and I'm wondering - OPEN TO DISCUSSION, NOT A WHINE - if ED will make many builds even more 'cookie cutter' than others since maximum return will be fairly easy to figure out. Will that make characters more similar? And if they're similar, will that reduce the pleasure of the journey?

    I love running into 'toons who've got something slotted very differently and they make it work for their playstyle. My bud loves Handclap; I despise it. But... slotted up it's great for him - I think it's 1 Acc/5 Disorents. He didn't use Unyeilding (ever) so he needed time to recover.

    The WoW and other comparisons where a power gets 1% better are also good. I left my 1-month free of WoW in part to the sense that I was the same as all other characters at my level. +5% here or there didn't make much difference, IMHO. But back in CoH, I could jazz things up *and* change what was in my slots, influence permitting. THAT also was fun.

    Again - gratz on a nice, coherent point. I think I need more coffee...
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    Quoted from Geko - pulled out a few relevant points and comments (Max_Firepower)

    Not every change will make your Hero more powerful, but it is our goal to make it more fun. Those are not always the same things. It is not fun if it is not challenging (that is, easy is not always fun)... If a change is bad, it can be modified...So, for now, I am simply asking you to try things out for a while, and we will do the same. I promise things will ebb and flow until we hit a sweet spot...

    So, with that said, let me give you my 10 Commandments of Geko:
    *I will always listen to the community (that goes for the boards, in game, and thru mining data and statistics).
    *I will not be scared to be wrong.
    *I will react as quickly as possible, but not sooner than needed.
    *I will not be scared to be unpopular.
    *I will not make a change to the game simply because it is popular.
    *I will do my best to continue to make this game fun.
    *I will not intentionally stealth nerf.
    *I will not reduce Accuracy.
    *I will try my best to give you detailed information.
    *I will make Statesman wash my car.

    (well, 9 out of 10 aint bad)

    A few last wordsÂ…

    We have no intention to stealth nerf...But it is not in out best interest to try to pull the wool over your eyes...But never assume you are being ignored.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Keeping it simple:

    Ask us to test ED, then put it up so quickly - It STRONGLY appears this was a 'done deal' from the time that States announced it. What changes - if any - were made as a result of NON-internal testing?

    If you wanted lots of testing done on the I5 Powers (though not Enhancement changes - to be clear for Statesman's benefit) and listened to that feedback, how in the world did the data have any meaning when the plan you've had since March was going to change the EFFECTIVENESS?

    For example, We're dropping SR Toggles from 20% to 12% and Passives from 10% to 5%. OK... but now if I have more than 3 slots in a power, I'll end up even lower. Truthfully, that's A LOT. I4 Toggle, 44%, I5 Toggle 25%, I6 Toggle... 20% Maybe?

    Is that data from I5/pre ED still valid? If Devs knew ED was coming down the pike, then why not include it so you COULD get good data?

    ED was externally tested for all of 5 days before releasing to live. How many days was the I5 setup on the Test Server before release. Any tweaks or changes to it during that time? Hm... Yes - some up and down, but that was based on OLD Enhancements. I sincerely doubt you have anywhere near as much info on how much of an effect it'll have, but that's only my opinion.

    I feel like I'm lifting wool off of my eyes. And it's scratchy.

    So, Geko - do you feel that the ED scenario and the Devs have lived up to your commandments? What would you have done differently?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, this is a good thing.

    But could we please get a comment on that elephant over there, Mr. Emmert.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Elephant? There's no elephant in that mirror."

    <<checks the "Other" Mirror>>

    "Ah, THAT ONE!"

    <<argues with self...>>

    "There is No OTher Mirror!"

    "Yes there is - can't you see it? Are you blind?"

    "I'm not blind! I'm a DEV - That's like a GOD! I'm incapable of making changes or mistakes..."

    "No - well admitting them maybe.... Mr. "No-More Changes to the Powersets" last month!"

    (Some celebrity voices and their schizophrenic alter-ego's HAVE been impersonated; or at least teased)
  16. Rad Baron just made L32; haven't tried EM Pulse yet, but will in a few.

    The only (minor) disagreement I have is on Dark Pit. Prior ot L32, I found it invaluable. I have it slotted w/2 accuracies, 1 extened Disorient SO and it's terrific.

    I was able to survive on Dark Blast & Gloom. I ditched Gloom at Respec for the reasons mentioned. I group, so it didn't fit me. I haven't taken Moonbeam and don't expect to anytime soon.

    I had Lingering Radiation, dropped it at Respec, and will pick it up again at L35f.

    Overall - nice, basic guide that will hopefully stand up in I5. I don't recall seeing any major whacks at Rad folks, but my Leadership/Maneuvers may get ditched in favor of something else.
  17. Skull Face - As your post was in November and now it's March, I'll assume you found that some mobs just don't let go when a Blaster opens up. I semi-retired my Blaster when a single shot to a Minion resulted in a Blaster-Hunt by the Lesser Devoureds and Sentries who ignored our Tankers and Scrappers...

    Jade Dragon - Great Observation on Tanking w/other ATs. My Scrapper can "Tanker Light" for some groups. As SR, many of the baddies simply can't hit me. However, I have to keep a much closer eye on the numbers of bad guys, 'cause some of them will hit, even some of the time, and if there are a horde of them... Yech. Also, I can't even pretend to *hold* Aggro when the Blasters lay into them. So it's more of a controlled aggro than herding for me.

    As an addition to the OP's suggestion, I'd suggest an addition to the Herding Macro he mentioned. Somethign along the line of "Please let me get at LEAST two Taunts in and into INviniclbe Range before lighting them up, cause I'm not looking much in your direction. If you don't shoot, the Mobs won't be looking in your direction either..." I have a second Macro for "Cook 'em Boys." to let them know when to deal it. I time my single AoE and a Taunt to arrive just as the waves of damage do.

    Good guide!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Thought I'd pop in and give you my opinion...

    I believe that you all are not just fans but customers. Because of that, I SHOULD listen to you. I SHOULD communicate with you. That's part of what you're paying for, after all.

    It's easy to get away from doing chats, interviews, reading the boards and become absorbed with game design only. But I personally try to fight that temptation and be as open as possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now THAT is funny!

    Your voluminous comments on the Rage fiasco , responses to the Terra Volta Trial success rate with UberBosses (i.e. NONE after either change went Live) speaks otherwise.

    I fully understand you don't have to agree with us, but unless you comment ("I'm reading these posts, I have no detailed comments or responses at this time.") at all, that ain't communication.

    Easy to Talk the Talk, now..... Walk the walk.
  19. Dark Astoria - aka Zombie Central...

    How can you possibly enter Romero Heights without chuckling?

    Romero Heights = George Romero - producer of the Living Dead movies

    Raimi Plaza = Sam Raimi, producer of the Army of Darkness?

    Dido - BritPop singer, album "No Angel" ?

    Moth Cemetery = Mothman, Unexplained America? Or Moth Diaries, a book dealing with "obsession and death" perhaps?

    Toffet Terrace - Helsing Letters, seeks The Tophet, a mysterious organization...

    STRIGA Isle

    Striga - a pretty pink plant that's parasitic. Home to the Vampyrs...

    Perez Park - Gaimon from Wizard of Earthsea?

    Maybe have time for more later... But I like the references. The first time I saw the Cryptic sign (In Skyway or Talos) I almost fell out of my chair. Games with humor - fun!
  20. Max_Firepower

    Changes to Rage

    I think Goldenstar nailed it on the head.

    Ask for our opinion. We give it. Dev's.... mess up.

    Yes, we know you *might* read it. But unless you interact - that means post information, FWIW - it's like mailing in suggestions to a mega corporation. Sure, they may use it, but when they never respond with anything, then do something completely different, you begin to wonder - did they REALLY read those?

    Communication, from Statesman on down, has probably annoyed me the most. No, the gutting of Rage and what had become my favorite 'toon does.

    Now, I'll get to sit around with my proverbial 'thumb' stuck somewheres, while watching the other Tankers Taunt (it's an NON-DAMAGE ATTACK that holds aggro, it PROMOTES TEAMING, btw, so the SS guys won't help their teams) and out-Damage me even more. Once he hits Build-Up... I'm back to playing Pattycake again.

  21. Max_Firepower

    Changes to Rage


    Have SuperStrength Tankers been put into "Timeout" (Bad, Bad Rage!) - with nary a Developer's word (kind or otherwise) for a reason?

    (Waves hand back and forth in the darkness - seeing if there's actually anybody in the room...)
  22. Max_Firepower

    Boss Changes

    10 days after the Free Respec is offered, you up the Bosses and neutered the SS tankers (Rage).

    Change in effect for 2 weeks now. Any idea on rollback date? "Soonish for Geko" isn't seeming soonish on this side of the busted-Tanker brigade.

    You told us the Respec success rate was 80%, pre-boss upgrade. I had the misfortune of going on the 24-34 Terra Volta Respec (Sky Raiders) two days or so after the change went into effect. I believe this was before you mentioned the extent we were going to be hammered by making all the Jump Bots and Skiffs 3 levels higher than us.

    What's the success rate now in this Boss Heavy Mission?

    Since you tweaked the Cape Mission, did you tweak Terra Volta?

    Huscarl, Neutered Inv/SS Tanker
  23. Max_Firepower

    Changes to Rage

    Rage is still messed up, with no word of what 's going on?

    Alright.... who kidnapped the Dev team and gagged them (i.e. no more responding to game balance 'issues') about two weeks ago?
  24. Max_Firepower

    Changes to Rage

    Do we need to have the :

    Forget Me Not - Daily Rage FIX ME PLEASE - post?

    Hey - it worked for Dark Armor!

    (Just dont' remind me how long it took)