Liz Bathory

Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. If you feel like something more dark.. I present you my main Bathory Erzsebet (Elizabeth Bathory)

  2. My latest arc... involving a new alien race I called the Sxruite! Vicious and unique for COX I hope.

    Along came a... Bug!?
    Arc 528482
    @Elizabeth Bathory
    Vigilante (can be set for more.. still thinking on that)

    The Sxruite are an alien race in need of an emergency stop for provisions on Earth. Vanguard have you investigate the activity their sensors picked up. What kind of aliens are we dealing with here? How dangerous are they?

    Learn it all here...
  3. In theme Invulnerability all the way...
  4. Ok... My vampiress needs a wolf following her around.... soon tm
  5. Argghh...

    Power effect on Others
    Power inherent and/or effect on self

    That are two completely different things.

    The top can be flagged and shut off. It will also not influence the way powers work or are balanced. The lower one is a whole different ballgame. Dont compair apples and pears. Its simply not the same.
  6. I am not even reading the whole thing..

    Directly to the OP!...

    Knockback is an essential part of the power! Changing it would result in balancing issues. What you are asking is like... 'Can I let Null the Gull remove my slow recharge on my Nova!'

    Now tell me.. does that sound logical to you?

    Knockback is a setback of the power to counter the high damage the power does. And to justify the good recharge. No use arguying about this. It will stay anyway.

    The options Null the Gull can switch off are options that annoy people in their movement. Not inherent abilities of powers as a whole. If I shoot some npc with a energy blast I am not forcing you to fly or to move away from where you are doing something. You are not obliged to go and kill the npc I shot. And... if an energy blaster shoots someone point blank with a beam hard enough to knock the guy back... he will be dead in 1-2 more shots anyway.

    Yes.. I know.. I dare to bring logic into the forums.. Sue me :P
  7. Oh well.. it seems I should run another TF again at +4/x8. I expect many of you who think incarnates are too powerful to join that then. It will definatly not be steam rolling...

    What I find strange is that people are afraid of higher repps.. even with 2 or more incarnates on the team. And that while way before incarnates most tf's where already done on +2 or +3. So many players lost their will or nerve to do something challenging it seems. I actually still love a challenge so I do raise the repp often.

    And if that is not enough.. I know some AE arcs that are even harder at a high repp then any TF the devs came up with. My own below in my sig I have nerved the hell out because people (incarnates included) kept dying. Showing that it actually is a lot harder then its seems to make a tf everyone will like and play.
  8. Liz Bathory

    Excellent Arcs

    Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
    Thanks for the add of the arc Rose. It went into 4 star hell after being griefed to within an inch of it's life.

    The rating system is worthless .... we need something different!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Thanks Bathory Some of those things i admit i didnt know but has got me thinking of a new costume completely, his final costume as you say
    Np It was fun thinking with.

    ps.. this look is also nice
  10. Look up 'persian warrior' in google. Check looks of teh Prince of Persia and more.
  11. Sure.. I write that before I check the meaning of your name. Sorry about that.

    Idea's of look for me come from names. So I should have started with a wiki search.

    Rashnu is the Avestan language name of the Zoroastrian yazata of justice. Together with Mithra and Sraosha, Rashnu is one of the three judges who pass judgment on the souls of people after death. Rashnu's standard appellation is "the very straight."
    [edit]In creation accounts

    In the Bundahishn, a Zoroastrian account of creation finished in the 11th or 12th century, Rashnu (Middle Persian: Rashn) is identified as an assistant of the Amesha Spenta Ameretat (Amurdad), "immortality". (GBd xxvi.115). In a subsequent passage, Rashnu is described as the essence of truth (arta/asha) that prevents the daevas from destroying material Creation. "Rashnu adjudges even the souls of men and women as to bad deeds and good deeds. As one says, 'Rashnu shall not see thither the rank of the judge who delivers false judgment.'" (GBd xxvi.116-117).
    [edit]In other texts

    In the Avestan Dahman Afrin, Rashnu is invoked in an address to Ameretat. According to the Denkard, the Duwasrud Nask - a legal manual now lost - contained passages extolling the supremacy of Rashnu. (Dk 8.16) In the Siroza ("thirty days") "the very straight Rashnu ... augments the world and is the true-spoken speech that furthers the world." (Siroza 18).
    [edit]Holy days

    The 18th day of every month in the Zoroastrian calendar is dedicated to Rashnu. The Counsels of Adarbad Mahraspandan, a Sassanid-era text, notes that on the 18th day "life is merry".

    This would prob ends you in some sort of earthly avatar or in a divine persian warrior. Persian ends up completely different.
  12. The costume is not bad at all.. I think you didnt get any votes because it looks too common/avarage. Costume winners usually are the ones that manage to really stand out in the crowd!

    For the roleplayers that often also counts as a look fitting your story and powers. Making this a good armor for special missions... but you might need to think of a look that fits better.

    Rashnu Damz, Street Justice/Energy Aura scrapper
    Rashnu? Does that stands for a Hindi name? Can you do with something like a streetfighter with body energy glowing hands from India. Using the same blue color as you use here for energy eyes but a hindi skin color... easy pants... a loose scarf around your waist. Maybe use the back option to look divine? Scar in your face....

    Just throwing some idea 's in a totally different direction.

    A bollywood baddass look would be something like this! Bollywood actor / fighter is a nice search option in this case in google. It gioves idea's.

  13. I really hope this is WAI... It is something i never understood that it wasnt there.
  14. Not planning to stop anything... Will remain subbed untill the servers go down. I noticed already that there is no fun for me in many other mmo's. Tried enough of those.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Sorry, but this kind of accusatory tone isn't conducive to a civil discussion.
    So you are convinced that it was meant to be from the start that you can create a top level toon in mere hours..? You really really believe that that was meant to be the way to play this game?


    Your not that thick I hope?

    I hope for logic and honesty on the internet... I know it is an impossible thing to expect though. Still... I keep trying. Sorry if I offend anyone. But someone had to say it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    There is risk in this game ? Who are you kidding ? The game is balanced about as well as a one legged stool any of the armored ATs can literally plow through dev generated content without the hint of risk.
    So you plow through the Lord Recluse TF all the way including the Freedom Phalanx solo? Good for you.. you broke the game. But I dont believe you without a screenshot.

    And if you do.. redo again on higher repp.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    How is this any different than running dev-created content against mobs that deal damage you're strong against (i.e. /Fire running Demons)?
    Comeon... its obvious the Dev's didn't really think about what would happen if the creators would make a specific enemy suited only for their own toon and powersets. They had the mind-frame of a creative developer... Which is their work! Not the mind-frame of someone who was bound to find (and use) the easy way out!

    This is just too obvious....

    What you say here is like saying... If someone transports money that is weaker then I am it is easy to take it from him. The system is there to do it. And taking it from someone else is so much easier then earning it myself... even if it still can have some technique needed.

    What we have here is morality! And most of you simply KNOW it was never intented that you can make inf or xp in such a fast way by the developers. You know its not right! But there are all kinds of reasons made up why it should be right!

    That is like a criminal who tries to explain why his actions are not bad... even if they are!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaphir View Post
    3. "Your storyarc sucks"
    MA story arcs on average are just bad compared to official dev content, and authors have an inflated sense of their worth. Players would rather play 5 newspaper missions or i1 contact missions than a player-created arc. MA story-focused arcs also have too much text, enemies can be too difficult compared to the reward, etc..
    My take: This is just plain not true IMO. Even 'just good' (4-star) mission arcs are FAR better than most of the early COH content and generic newspaper missions even if I'm only looking at the XP payout and annoyance levels (again, play Maylor's Carnie arc for comparison). A lot of the story arcs I've played are better than most tip missions and newer content as well.

    My take: This is why banning farms is NOT a solution. If it's not MA farms, people will farm freakshow missions or the Television mission with a gazillion enemies in it. There'll always be several optimized builds and mission setups for getting 1-50 in a day or less. The payout will be lower and downtime will be higher, but there will always be farm/PL content.

    ... and as with all similar discussions in the last 2 years, the outcome is the same: the only acceptable 'fix' is overhauling the entire rating system/search interface. I won't repeat all the various suggestions here in detail, or the redundancy in the forum database will make the MA forum collapse into a black hole... but things like seeing what arcs friends played, favorites lists, 'if you liked this, you might like x/y/z' suggestions, changing to a like/dislike (or just like) system, etc etc.
    You are so right here .. it almost hurts.

    Yes... overhaul the search engine and grading. Make sure all 'dead' arcs are removed or tagged with 'unplayable'. Start the MA interface with a blanc screen so people have to select / search. Don't make it viable to always play 'page 1' ...

    I cannot state this more obvious! I don't hate repeating (farming) missions... I am redoing a tf several times too.. am I? But for me its just important that it has creativity and variety.
  19. Aww come on all...

    We all know that with farming we actually mean the extreme redoing of teh same mission for an incredible amount of rewards. Most likely gained in a way that the risk involved is almost taken away.

    Basically using the exploits or oversights in the game to go faster in xp or gain more inf then ever meant to be! And that includes a fire farm where you make enemies doing the damage you are good against.

    Don't play dumb please.... Dont get me wrong.. I am ok with people doing this. But dont try to reshape what we all know is the thing were talking about here!

    According to the fact that farming is repeating a mission several times. Yes redoing stuff can be seen as farming. But that is and will never be a problem in this game.

  20. Uploaded with

    The boots... I cannot get them to match the white of the rest of the set. In anyway!

    I found two other images of another poster on this forum that also shows this problem.

    The other Alpha parts work fine. They give white on the parts that is slightly a mix of both colors used on the boots. It interrupts the flow of color Seems like a bug to me.
  21. All I know is that for femals the nice curved eye lash is now one going from the lower brow up in a strong curve. Making her look angry.

    I hate it (for this toon). Is it so hard to keep both models?