1895 -
Being a bit low on cash as I just paid my big vacation to the USA in october... And having to come from the Netherlands ofcourse will make me have to skip this one after all.
Maybe I will make it over skype... -
hmm.. I can be wrong but the Star Trek fans of old are not their kids!
Is it by chance possible that the whole Star Trek universe is now old news and will not bring enough money in to valid any new series? -
I would go rad/rad and make some powers white... others in red.. others in violet...
Work the spectrum.. High damage in the white... emp in the violet and some debuffs in teh red spectrums...
Take stealth and grand invisibility to add to the light bending powers... -
No-one mentioned this one???
Magik's Soulsword
This sword can disrupt magic, shatter enchantments and destroy mystical creations/creatures without hurting anyone “normal.”
And this one...
This sword was originally possessed by the Ancient One, who in turn passed it down to his disciple, Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange then passed it onto Valkyrie. During the events of Ragnarok, she fell in battle and the sword got picked up by Lady Sif. -
Quote:http://www.ncsoft.net/global/ir/earnings.aspxThat's what I wanted to ask, too - where are those numbers coming from? Last I heard, NCsoft don't publish subscription numbers, and haven't done so since 2009. And it wouldn't even be relevant if they did, considering they're moving to a hybrid model.
The numbers where collected from these sheets since 2005 and put into a graph by a friend of mine.
His words... (Vanex_NA/Vanex_EU)
Y = Millions of KRW
that is: 2000 M KRW = 2 M $
collected data from every report since 2005 Q4
you can download 'em all, one by one
still in some italian forum they insist to say there are the same number of players....servers are healthy....
I'm technician, used to look at data files...
unless they tricked reports....it clearly shows that:
1: GR is a flash in the pan
2: if it is healty now, it was twice as healthy in 2006-2009
Table is not labeled since who prepared and who's intended to read that table. They do know what it is about, it is tech data only who manages knows
and, unlabelled to make it more .... Cryptyc!
graph is only CoX,...
What I can say about this is then... the numbers are being kept unclear and out of visuals on purpois. -
I just hope they get everything working very very well soon... And if that means extra maintenance... give it to me!
Look below...
Quote:That is a bit of b***t... as just yesterday 4 servers where yellow - red. And the day before during dxp it was even 7 servers. And that includes UNION for instance.Just getting back into CoH after being gone for a bit. All my toons are on Pinnacle, and the server is dead, dead, dead. Several times I have been the only one of my toons level on!
I play mostly during EST daytime hours, so it's not peak time by any means, but the Incarnate stuff REQUIRES you to have a team of AT LEAST 8, and oftentimes there aren't even 8 players that level even on.
My question is: Are they going to do server mergers? Most servers are ghost towns now, with only 2 actually showing any life.....
I dont believe for a second Pinnacle is dead. And I dont have any toons there either. This kind of doom saying is there once a week... and the answer is always the same. Join channels... and look for a team by building one and asking around. Waiting in pocket D for a trial to start without even setting up your 'looking for taskfoce' tag up is not helping anything.
In that way you cannot get a team on freedom even. -
Quote:I have played a lot of mmos that require the perfect team to be able to compete.
I absolutely love the fact that CoH has changed that formula and made it so we are all capable of soloing everything in the game.
If I want strategy I'll play something else, if I want to feel like a God I'll play City of Heroes. CoH offers something no other mmo does, why would they want to ditch their niche and become another generic mmo?
As a side note, if your characters are too powerful for the content of the game, take them to a PVP zone. I assure you fighting other characters that are too powerful for the content of the game will always be challenging, choosing to ignore the most difficult content of the game seems to be a flaw in most of the CoH playerbase.
Also.. I personally made an MA arc with custom mobs and a good story that will be a challenge even to incarnates! If you can do this one on a high repp and say it was easy... let me know!
And I know there is more content that is hard enough for even incarnates. -
Quote:I can select in on bare top in tailor.. and the tailor shows.. but outside it s moved or gone. That is pretty broken for me.You realize how annoying it would be if all the powers from all the packs immediately entered your tray at the appropriate levels? For someone like me that owns most of the packs, that would be a lot of tedium every time I make a character. First off, the powers will appear wherever they fit, and I have to move them. Second, I may not want to use them all.
Self Destruct always appears on my power bar the moment my new character enters tutorial, right where I usually put my primary attack. You know how many times I have accidentally blown myself up?
Actually they're not missing. They're not actually shirt options. They're chest detail options that fit over the top of your shirt.
For example, the Bustier. If you're making a female toon, just choose the "Eden" skin top option and then choose Bustier in Chest details, and it will be visible. Or you can mix and match it with whatever shirt you want. -
Quote:My recent visit on Freedom and I saw this broadcast in Atlas...Coming from Union, where this didn't happen, I was shocked by Freedom's Atlas broadcasting of people charging inf to PL. Whenever I've farmed/PL'ed friends, *anyone* was free to tag along, as the way I saw it, I'd be in the mission anyhow and having a team chatting made it less monotonous. If they could stay alive and help clobber things, great. If they couldn't, they were just as welcome to door sit and chat. (I'd encourage newer folks to avoid farms when they were around, though. Just so they got to enjoy the levelling more, but I wouldn't refuse them).
It's pretty much the main reason I've avoided making a toon on Freedom, aside from the level 1 used for the stress test a while back. I, personally, much prefer the way things are done over on Union. (Not condemning the Freedom/NA way, just saying it's not for me).
"Looking for xp farm... I give my picture link in return"
I gather that would work... if the player really was a woman. But how weird can we get! This is a game last time I checked. -
Quote:And this is why this game is still fiction. And you shouldnt mix fiction with reality like you did a few times before.There's also the problem that villains want to change the world into something bad, but heroes want to keep the world as it is - which makes the more static game world of an MMO way more suitable for heroes than villains - Paragon City is always being threatened by Villains, but it's still always there - so the default setting is that the Heroes have succeeded and the Villains have lost.
My villain wouldnt go for something bad. More for something the same with freedom to act for her. A bit more realistic. Villainy in the real world often wins. As the thugs loose they get used by the real world villainous masterminds who tend to win always. The coropt bankers... the corupt governments... the general that takes over the power...
And the normal civies like you believe them all! So you are a gullable pawn in the big plot that makes only a selected few profit. That is the real world... a world where the big masterminds rule. And heroes wouldnt be appreciated unless they are beying used for commercial benefits. -
Just made a new toon yesterday and I can say that the 'rest' is not automatically being placed in the bar at lvl 2! I do remember it doing so though. If not for any power.... at least have this happen again with 'Rest'.
Also.. Steampunk Shirts are completely broken. -
Quote:I can agree to that... At least put them on Issuu then. So they look like a paper print.Much of Tom Orrow's article I kept text as provided by you ingame as I would always do with such things assuming they were purposeful based on accent or lingo the character would use.
I'm afraid I won't be doing that, I want to move forward and work on new content instead. Besides as remarked on in the editors letter this revamp is an IC improvement. Kapow! put out its first issues on a low budget and now have the resources for a better format from now on -
Quote:Hmm... Well then I will have to invite over the search function people from mercy into my teams. More villains for the win!Established premium/VIP players rolling corruptors and MMs don't need to go to Mercy - sure some will, but just because players may want to roll traditionally-villainous ATs doesn't mean that they'll be in the rogue isles.
Looks fantastic! Great job on the redesign!
Love how Tom Orrow's article ended up. Small thing is that I found many typo's thoughYou might need a good editor for your next issue.
At the moment I have characters coming from all over the globe aside Great Britain. So not sure if I can help with the next one. But if you like to make a Halloween themed one for the end of the year I can make that right in spades for you.
Wait a second.. I have a slightly wicked Fae/Banshee who is fun to say some words... Shannon O'Banshee on the wiki.
Oh.. Bunny.. can you pls pls pls... rework the older magazines and maybe enhance them so they look the same as this one in the same format? I will give all help that you might needed to do so. -
Here we go again
First of all ... my main is a villain! Yes it is... and I still play villains. As is my active SG on Union.
Ofcourse the load on redside is less... but it is not dead at all! At least not on Union.
I do have to say that villains often have it slightly more difficult. First hero I made went so incredibly fast in levelling. Not because of teams.. but because of a large number of QoL features in the Blue side. Red side only wins that in less travelling to contacts.
But the question was that redside would be dead to new F2P players. This is completely BS! Sorry to say so! Remember that with I21 there will be new power sets which will encourage players to also try corrputors and mm's etc with the new sets. Those players will be in the starting zones on red side when I21 hits. They will invite F2P players to their teams.
The new zone updates we heard rumours about will attract badgehunters who will be flying around in both the starting zones.
GR makes it possible to go red and blue side at will. And all VIP players will get GR for free! Including those who didnt bought it yet before. So there will be tips running to go Rogue or Vigilante. Those players will at least look in the other starting zones.
Yes... Red side will still have less people running around... but it will not be dead! And I will do my best to keep F2P players as busy as they can be and feeling very welcome on the redside (on Union). As I know some of you will do for the blue side (Golden Girl).
On the topic of feeling villainous... I hope that we will be getting more and more new ways to actually influence and change the game world and that that tech can then be used for villains. Redside is the best location for doing actions that actually change stuff. And maybe we need some writers amoung the devs that are a little more 'sick' so we get more real evil arcs. Can I play the villain signature arc and actually kill a hero!... pretty pls.... -
Forget code and look at the animation only...
Take a power blast animation....
From running stance it starts different then from walking mode...
- So the start and length of the animation needs to be changed.
- It needs to be changed for three diff body types too.
- And from the power if walk while fly????
Now... this also counts for the second power of the set... and the third... and the fourth... Then for another power start with power selection one.
You see where this is heading? -
Ofcourse that screen is ancient.. you can tell because they gave Statesman a cape when capes became available.
There is a very big reason...
Using powers with walk on would mean a remake of animation of EVERY power in game! Meaning that getting walk as an option would become impossible as there would not be made any free time to that HUGE amound of work wor just walk.
Instead turning the powers off makes it into a emote animation without touching all power animations. This was the only way to get walk. Unless you like to pay for the dev animation time for a month or so -
Quote:It looks great! I love the pase and atmosphere... without it really giving away spoilers or tactics.And the trailer for Rise of the Blood Countess is finished. Check it out here
Good job! hmm.. it needs to be linked from my signarure nowYep... linked it through the title.
Quote:Ha.. I see.. I was tired and forgot it was you that made the remark. Or I would have recognised you from the MA threads.I have to remind myself sometimes that sarcasm often gets missed on the net. I spent a long time promoting MA (Founded MA Arc Finder channel, MA Super Team, to name a couple) and have long advocated the change of the rating system and Hall of Fame. I was annoyed that day to see eight of the ten arcs on page 3 (The first player rated arcs after DC/HoF/Guest) werel farms.
We at least both agree here :P -
Quote:Agreed...Animation is indeed an art issue, and the way characters move (or don't) interact with each other profoundly affects gameplay.
Just for fun, let me run some hypothetical update ideas past you and see what you think. As a thought experiment only, let's say we were going to update the primal Hamidon model. Again, absolutely no plans for this, but it's an interesting topic to think about. You've expressed a desire to maintain the character's "amoeba-ness," and I whole-heartedly agree with you. That said, there are ways we could potentially make him more visually interesting while staying completely faithful to the character concept.
Off the top of my head, some examples:
--ANIMATED CILIA. What if, for decoration, Hamidon grew the occasional wriggling tendril? Or had several spread across his surface, constantly wriggling? For me, that would make the monster feel more alive, more like a microscopic organism, and a heck of a lot creepier too. (You'll notice 4 wriggling cilia poking through the Seed of Hamidon's shell incidently).
--CELL DIVISION. In keeping with the giant cell theme, what if the creature split into two smaller pieces at some point during the battle? For me, that would make the raid experience a lot more interesting-- maybe players would have to coordinate efforts between the two halves. Also, it would be great to see this guy move in a major way.
--SCROLLING SUB-SURFACE TEXTURES. This is something Jay hooked up on the Fallen Seers recently, and it would give the impression that liquid is flowing across/through the cell wall.
--DETAILED ORGANIC TEXTURES. I'm imagining semi-transparent capillary networks (perhaps with a slight glow, maybe even pulsing) across the creature's "skin." The more organic and alive it gets, the closer I think we'd be to the original idea for this character.
--FLOATING DEBRIS/BODIES. Again, to enhance the sense of realism and dread, wouldn't it be neat to have defeated heroes and/or rubble floating in the cell fluid? Just the illusion of things floating within the creature would help to sell the notion that it's composed of liquid.
--ADDITIONAL ORGANELLES. If I was in a giant single-celled organism, I'd expect to see more naturalistic and a greater variety of organelles within the creature. Maybe you can target it, maybe it's just decoration.
--CYTOPLASM BURSTS. We could rig up an effect where the creature sprays fluid after you hit it. You'd have the feeling that you'd punctured the cell membrane and that you were actually damaging it. Anything to make the the fight more visceral would feel like a win for me.
So there you have it. From an art standpoint, we want to do everything in our power to bring these experiences to life in the most engaging, breathtaking, and super-heroic ways possible. Again, a Primal Hamidon update is NOT on the docket at the moment, but if it were, these are some of the things I'd be thinking about.
For me, changes like these would simply be polish on the core experience, deepening the encounter's sense of immersion and realism and keeping the art fresh and modern. This is a living game after all, and ideally we want the graphics to impress both new players that decide to try us out for the first time while simultaneously keeping things fresh for the veterans. I don't think any of the hypothetical updates listed above would harm the Hamidon experience. In fact, I think they could take what's already cool and make it way, way cooler. What do you think?
This kind of re-thinking what a character is and how that would look like... compaired to what is now possible... is what most of the signature characters need.
It is detail we are thinking about.. and small edits on the looks. Battle maidon for instance looks way better then Valkytrie... but they dont share the same hair. As the valkyrie armor isnt showing that. On an NPC that coould be added though. Details is what makes this cool. -
Some of my views on character designs and concepts...
First of all... all NPC's are often too big or too small. Sizes should be completely re-done all over. Civileans are too big... some heroes to small... some villains like Council are giants.
- Statesman; His outfit is the classical Superman and therefore perfect. His origin is good and fitting the powers and helmet. His in-game rendering is awefull though. Reichsman and Emperor Cole both should be new templates to make Statesman look more impressive in stature.
- Reichsman; Great look! Menacing and powerful.
- Emperor Cole; Very impressive.... but his costumed look as Tyrant (which should still be used somewhere) should be equally impressive. Which is not!
- Back Alley Brawler; He is a victim of the low resolution NPC design. His look is good. But as the latest art gave him new hair and more muscles he could do with a overhaul.
arghh... I have too much to add here. And it will get too long. So I will give my general idea's instead.
Most of the ingames npc's need a graphical overhaul bad. That includes a lot of parts in the look. As of now I am ok with most origins... but a few powers are off... I would never have made Countess Crey a psi. She would do much better as a high tech blaster... maybe dual pistols.
The tech npc's need more electronic looks. And a LED light effect here and there. There need to be more size difference in the heroes and villains too. I gather Mako and Manticrore should be smaller then Statesman and Recluse. And I expect only Doc Deliah a big woman... the rest should be smaller. If I would redesign I would redesign them all and place them next to each other in comparison.
For Mako and Barracuda some serious looking at ravaging sea creatures is needed.
Swan should be beautiful in looks.... but her clothes need a HUGE update.
Malaise... he doesnt feel as a spandex wearing personality. I think he is a more street wise type.
Woodsman looks perfect.. in this case his huge stature fits. He should by right be a bit more bigger then Statesman.
I hate Hamidon in looks... previews from the tentacles and hints of the Praetorian versions shows Hamidon and the Devouring Earth need updating bad. Think creepy and menacing powers of nature.
In future signature arcs I would love to see more of Tessaract, Mirror Spirit and the likes... some of the lesser used but very good designed characters. Characters with personality.