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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Strike_Hawk View Post
    what about using it to go up against an AV? It seems like this would be a great way to add some defense on AVs.
    I don't fight AV's alone, but we just fought Scirocco and it was enough for me to go Shadow Meld-->MoG-->Shadow Meld while the team laid down the debuffs. I have about 29% defense with Shadow Meld on and no other buffs. I think it has room to slot another defense in it, but it was the trivial 3rd one.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Strike_Hawk View Post
    I have been looking at rebuilding my kat/regen to include shadow meld. Whats the word on this power? Anyone have any experience with this build? Do you have a Mid's build that includes it? Thanks.
    I have a Kat/Regen/Soul and about 68% recharge. It's up enough that I only use Moment of Glory when I absolutely have to. Even unslotted shadow meld gives just enough defense to take an alpha comfortably, and if you are fighting any decent sized group, it is up at the next group. If you are fighting one to five foes then there may be a slight delay. But if you are fighting that many, you may not need it anyway. I fight with +1/x4 with a buddy claws/regen. Could probably go higher comfortably, but kill rate would go down being all lethal damage. It's a good pick on a regen. It seems completely unnecessary to me, because I use it like a crutch now, and could probably do just fine with a little more challenge, but it serves it's purpose--playstyle is my fault .
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    Any suggestions from someone with a little more credibility?
    I have a level 50 kat/regen. I slotted sets for the recharge. I have about 68% now with room for another 7.5 LotG and another 6.25% targeted AoE set if I play my cards right. I figure if I have a heal for 600+ every 15-20 secs I shouldn't die.

    MoG is great...once you throw recharge at it. It just makes a balanced set even better. There are plenty of things people could want instead of that, but I like having it for that one-off chance something may get close to killing me. And the self rez is handy for the one time a night I die... The set works well enough that it is it's own weakness. Plenty of stuff can break through defense but hardly anything can take all that regen. But on the same token, it takes more to add defense to the set. That's all the info I have on the regen side, but defense is not what I built for and I seem overpowered, except for the fact that everything resistsw Katana.
  4. I thought I saw it in patch notes, and I thought "Now I can just hypno people and fulcrum shift and decimate them". Best thing to do is find one of your corruptors and /respec up to the pools. Villains automatically get hero pools on a respec but heroes still have to do the patron arcs to get the pools.

    UPDATE-->I just confirmed it. They do get it. The other powers are whatever, but that one would be decent on the right build.
  5. I usually make the characters that I would like to see on the other side of the table. I have various kinetics on heroes and villains, tanks that tank, scrappers that can jump in first and live, and even awesome looking concept characters. I hate seeing cookie cutter builds with cookie cutter names. Throw some color in, a cool back story and voila! unique character. I always wish I would see fulcrum shift when I am on my blaster or fire tank, but I seldom do. I also like to see stormies and other such "not the best builds". My grav/storm controller absolutely stopped caring what the team looked like after hibernate. With all the chaos, no one will notice me getting all my health and endurance back. I also like to see bubblers and competent empaths. Bubbles are like a green light for destruction. It's a kitchen pass from your wife. It's that liquid courage from jack and coke... And as for empaths, I just want one that does not insist on giving fortitude to the stone tank. Some others may "need it" but on a stone it means we shouldn't be fighting purples, and that the rest of us are out of luck barring one person. I mean, it's great that the one person who had the best chance at living anyway gets the buff, but as they are there proving how strong they are with granite and fortitude, the rest of us are returning from the hospital.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gilia View Post
    If it misses, they attack you though.

    The only procs that won't cause aggro I think are the Contagious Confusion and Mass Hypnosis one, because Confuse and Placate are effects that don't "normally" aggro.
    Well, yeah then, that sucks. The whole point is so they don't attack you first. If there's a boss, he's gonna light your world up while the other guys beat up on each other.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    It got the same changes, although there is currently a bug with this version in that it damages the caster with the initial hit. A fix for that is in the pipeline.
    So it's possible to kill yourself with burn?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    Hey, anyone have any experience with no-aggro powers and procs. Does it make them cause aggro when they fire? I'm thinking specifically of Malaise's Illusion chance of psionic damage and Mind Control's Confuse. If it does I'm going to have to drop it, because I like my subtlety!

    Any insight would be great, otherwise I'll test it and report back ;-)
    In the confuse it's not so bad. If it hits, they aere still confused so they attack each other. But yes, they do cause aggro. The whole concept on the powers chosen as no-aggro is that the enemies aren't getting hurt, so they don't realize what's going on. Some of it doesn't make any sense what-so-ever, but that's the reason. Like, the smoke example. If you smoked me and my buddies and we were "taking over a warehouse", I would at least TRY to look for you. I may not ever find you due to the -perception, but I would at least move somewhere.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I was under the impression that PhysX was the way those particles interacted and moved with the environment, making it more "life-like". Having a dedicated card was supposed to make this processing more efficient to increase the framerate. Whether or not it meant more particles came out of exploded objects when the option was turned on in-game, is a different story. That feels like it's more about the option itself being turned on, not what the card is actually creating. Like you said, we already have an option for max particle, and it still wont exceed that.

    I could be wrong. I really don't know. I've never had the right card to be able to enable it in-game to compare, but I already see tons of debris come out of objects. It's likely the card is simply making the explosion look more realistic to you, and you are paying attention to it more to try to find a difference that you are now noticing how much extra crap is on the ground. lol

    Either way, I'm glad you are happy with your purchase and that you did see a slight increase in performance. If it was worth it to you, that's all that matters, and it might even convince others to do the same.
    For CoH/CoV, I don't think it is maxing out the potential for the card. It is SUPPOSED to create accurate physics, more ragdoll, and the like. To me the explosions didn't look any different, just the stuff that came out. For the other couple games that support it, I have no doubt that it makes explosions more realistic, and flashier coupled with a good GPU. I don't think City of Heroes spent much time in the explosion aspect, and the ragdolling was added in the game anyway. These two things plus the fact that particles and such already existed in the game take away from some of the main selling points of the card. It doesn't make hurricane look like a real hurricane or steamy mist look more misty. They were coded to look different. Other games may not have had the max particle setting or realistic ragdolling, just like not all games take advantage of full SLi capabilities. If they aren't built for it, it doesn't matter what hardware you throw at it. Like I said, $20-yes, $200-definitive no.
  10. So, I got the cards in the mail today and installed. Did a few tests with some tree leaves and such. I saw minimal improvement in the amount of particles in Heroes and Villains outside. I saw maybe a 5-10 framerate improvement, but at 60-70 something, who's counting. After a little running around with my Gravity controller(best for gathering leaves and such), I decided to do a safeguard. Inside the mish was not much of anything going on, as heroes don't destroy much in those, so I went villain. I did a mayhem on my gravity dom this time. From what I gather, Physx just puts more stuff inside something, so when it blows up, you get more boom. In vans, it put boxes in the vans, and in cars it put more "car parts". In little boxes, it put random fluff. It didn't cause any particles to persist that would not have persisted with max particles on anyway.

    Overall, for 20 bucks, if you want that little extra, it's a good deal. However, had I paid $200+ for one of these cards to play heroes, I would have been EXTREMELY disappointed to almost the point of having a personal vendetta against the creator for even thinking it was worth $200.

    The images below are the opposite corners of the same parking lot. In both pictures the debris is from two vans only. The top is with max physics with Aegia Physx disabled and the bottom is with the card enabled. Sorry about the image quality, photobucket was jacking up. In the top picture the van has door pieces and such, but in the bottom picture, there are actually more things that came out of it. There were a couple boxes, some computer screens, and even a file cabinet or two. So with the card enabled, actual extra items are coded into the game, not just extra random pieces.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    one of the reasons they are so cheap is that Nvidia PhysX is not AGEIA Physx.

    Games that support Nvidia physx, such as Mirror's Edge, will only accelerate physics on Nvidia GPU's.

    Games that support AGEAI Physx, such as City of Heroes, will not accelerate physics on Nvidia GPU's.

    So, basically you bought two cards that only a literal handful of games from 5 and 6 years ago will actually use to process physics.
    Correct. But, I already have Nvidia(which isn't supported), and city of heroes is mostly what I play, so it should work. For the $25, the card is worth that little added vallue. I only got two so I could give one to my buddy if it actually can decrease the load in his system. I got a gtx 470, so either way, I am fine.
  12. I know they don't do much for the game overall, but now they are reasonable. I just picked up 2 with expedited shipping from amazon for $58. just putting the word out, since NVidia Physx does even less for the game overall. Don't know about drivers and such, but for 50 bucks, I'll try.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robert_B View Post
    Hey All,

    This is coming from a long time Everquest I player who's dev's had a strange idea about risk/reward to say the least, which in that game by the time you got a cool/good power it was usually given 5-8 levels to late.

    Invisibility was one of them, by level 30 or so everything saw threw it (or it's cousin Invis. Vs. Undead) and was pretty useless. So with that horror in mind my team of all Rads really relies on stealth to be able to set up all our attacks (seeds, Creepers, ect.ect.) and I just wanna know other then a few exceptions does stealth remain useful from 1-50? regular content of course, not PvP.

    If you are running all these yourself, then you must be picking up decent drops. Use the money to pick up the stealth IO and combine it with something like superspeed to keep your guys together. Alone, the power 'stealth' sucks. but if you combine stealth with superspeed, it is equal to invisibility, except you can attack, and are moving at a normal clip. Also, ninja run and sprint counteracts all or most of the speed loss, so you could go that route too. I just wouldn't recommend using stealth alone because usually the distance you need to setup in is the same distance enemies start to see you at. With stealth+IO/superspeed or invisibility(no attacking), I think only the enemies mentioned above can actually see you, even if you are right in the baddies' faces. In short, if you are going for not being seen, stealth sucks, but paired to invisibility levels it works fine.
  14. Sony-Good for as long as you just need that... When I gutted my VAIO, I had to upgrade the case and power supply just to add a video card and cpu fan. The motherboard was put in with some crazy reverse screwed in method so it was not just a one for one swap. It rocked when I needed that computer but sony doesn't seem to want you swapping stuff. Also once I gutted it, the TV card was not recognized by Vista and the computer components were not "recognized" by Sony's drivers as a VAIO computer, so the package would not install.

    Toshiba-I had a laptop with a dedicated graphics card and a cheapo Celeron. It still worked nicely with the game. The only downside was when my brother corrupted it and got the blue screen. I reinstalled Vista and it can't find the dedicated graphics, so the game says it doesn't support it and won't run the game.

    For building a computer, I stick with EVGA now because of their cross-shipment returns. When you register, you have options on how you want your component shipped if anything should stop working. Then they ship the new component to you before you ship the old one. This let's you return stuff, receive your part, and then send the defective part, so your system is not crippled.

    Those are the only real opinions I have on specific things.
  15. Sony-Good for as long as you just need that... When I gutted my VAIO, I had to upgrade the case and power supply just to add a video card and cpu fan. The motherboard was put in with some crazy reverse screwed in method so it was not just a one for one swap. It rocked when I needed that computer but sony doesn't seem to want you swapping stuff. Also once I gutted it, the TV card was not recognized by Vista and the computer components were not "recognized" by Sony's drivers as a VAIO computer, so the package would not install.

    Toshiba-I had a laptop with a dedicated graphics card and a cheapo Celeron. It still worked nicely with the game. The only downside was when my brother corrupted it and got the blue screen. I reinstalled Vista and it can't find the dedicated graphics, so the game says it doesn't support it and won't run the game.

    For building a computer, I stick with EVGA now because of their cross-shipment returns. When you register, you have options on how you want your component shipped if anything should stop working. Then they ship the new component to you before you ship the old one. This let's you return stuff, receive your part, and then send the defective part, so your system is not crippled.

    Those are the only real opinions I have on specific things.
  16. Live_Wyre


    On my grav/storm controller, I took the ice epic, just for hibernate. With all the action of storm going on, I have time to pop it after a series of dropping powers and have my endurance fully restored. It's good for the heal too, but with all that storm has, I am rarely actually dying, unless I am messing up horribly. Also, if hasten is up all the time, that means it's crashing all the time. My friend runs hasten on a lot of builds and (coincidentally) the only time I hear him complain about endurance is on a build with hasten. The crash is bearable, but all the time, it starts to add up.
  17. Slot up the heal and nothing you should face solo should be able to leave you with that little health. Use Suppression fire when you get it and it takes one thing out of the fight. I stuck with incendiary on my DP/Kin, and when times where hard I went with ice to slow the incoming damage down. On bosses, ice and siphon speed stack nicely.

    Teaming is not a cop out. You will be fairly weak compared to other sets until you get your SOs. Use the single target attacks, as they are better solo. I initially built for a team, even though I was soloing and it sucked. Pistols looks great but is pretty weak. That's why I specifically chose kin to go with it. Now my guy has made it to fulcrum and hail kills nearly everything and I run at 200-400% damage all the time. It was definitely worth the wait. It's a blaster level nuke every minute--less with recharge bonuses.
  18. Live_Wyre

    Animalistic ATs

    Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
    The Devs will never make a squirrel MM. They are overpowered.
    Ok, so I looked over that link for literally 2 secs, until I got to "Squirrel-like abilities" as a power... Besides agile, what other abilities do they have? Like, spiders and ants are super strong and so are heroes with those abilities. But squirrel-like?
  19. I would(did) go kinetics. I built for recharge in IOs. Hail is up nearly at the start of every group, but at the least, during every group. With fulcrum shift, it kills pretty much everything. My build was not made for being awesome alone, so I have not tried farming. I am pretty sure it could be a farm build if I live through the alpha(no defense). Other than that, I like the combo very much.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
    I guess I've been playing for so long I take some things for granted and consider some things common sense when they might not be....

    ...BTW FireWyvern, a passive power that gives you and your entire team about 6% defense to everything when fully slotted, with no endurance cost IS an essential power. It's really not subjective. If you skip it you are gimping your self and your teammates.
    Make sure you let these people know how awesome they COULD be. Let them know that what they can do now with a jacked up build, could be amplified "x" amount if they even put in half an effort. Then let them know how great the team could be, and how much easier the game could be for them. Start out with questions like, "do you know this power gives you/us all this amount of protection?" If you don't want to do that, then at least say, "Sorry, I thought you had mind link. We really need that." and kick them. That's like a tank that doesn't know you want them to go first if you have a team of blasters. Sometimes people just have to be told and they will try to fix things, if they don't know. Sometimes, they did it on purpose and you can say, "Man, you are gonna miss out on some rocking teams if you don't have pets or "x" power.

    I'm pretty experienced and I still didn't think of the benefit of tough on my willpower tank until I got to higher levels. That little resistance goes a long way when you have hitpoints flowing in to back it up. Little things like that people don't consider. They may look at it and think that 6% is not a lot of defense for a toggle. But 6% on top of 20-30 is a ton. They may have endurance issues because they just want to max out damage or have 3 accuracies in something. Give them just half a chance so you can help make them better so, someone else does not get stuck with them and PuGs in general will slowly get better.

    Of course this is all my opinion, and if your team works without them, it's your right as leader to do as you may.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
    I prefer Widows, mainly because leveling a soldier from 1-24 is the worst experience in the game.
    I agree with this. I usually don't find myself hating much about the game. This would be it, if anything. The reason is assault rifle and shooting "ordinary" bullets, in general. In a game where people get electricity, energy, radiation and the likes, bullets seemed so normal for a trained Soldier of Arachnos. Now, when they get the other attacks the bullets seem less pronounced in the build, so I like it. For instance, who cares about your bullets doing slightly less damage, when you have giant spiders to handle your dirty work. Other powers like venom grenade, and the frag grenade also scream "This ain't a normal gun." Getting past that was like a whole other world though. With the repsec, you really feel like you are more than just a normal grunt.

    For team play, I like my widow more, because I like making teams awesome. This may be because I am on a defensive support character(controller, defender) or an offensive support character(widows with double leadership.) I forget that "x" attack is one of the weaker ones or "x" character can DPS more. It is then about seeing how fast we can make stuff melt as a group effort.

    For solo or small team play, I like my bane more, because I can pretty much guarantee my own relative safety with stuff like placate, or my backup, or outright killing. The debuffing helps more on small teams, because they may not have other debuffs, or they may not have a lot of damage output.

    For coolness, I like my bane/crab. The uniform has more options and his backstory(made up) is more interesting. He is an ex-Family boss, who they wouldn't let out, so he infiltrates arachnos to start amassing his army to let himself out and retire.
  22. Live_Wyre


    You can also add more trays to open spots of the screen by hitting the little plus sign atop the tray. I use it for toggles and seldom-used powers(pocket-d, base teleport, ouroboros and toggles). That frees up your mounted 3 trays for powers that you use all the time. Once I am toggled I don't really need to have it in my line of sight, so that tray is just in the corner of the screen.
  23. I just found out about the scaling per power thing. Now I try to get as close to 100% as I can without including stupid stuff that would instakill someone. I set my level range as 46-52, so that weak characters can at least have the hitpoints to balance out what is left of the rediculous strength of some custom critters. I have some serious work to rework my Arc, but this new system should make it so that my electric robot guys can't drain you AND slaughter you. And as to aiming low... If made right under the new guidance, you can still aim high and have an Arc that is very much able to be completed by anyone.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ravenbane View Post
    I can do that fairly easily with a few different IO sets. I was torn on focusing on melee defense since I'll be within melee range the most, or making them more even (like I said, been a LOT time since I leveled a defnese-based scrapper).
    I would go soft cap on ranged if you can only get one, and close on the others. I have a MA/SD scrapper ande the ranged is close to capped. I can easily jump into groups with no reguards to plying rocks, blasts and such. Once, I get into melee, they get owned so I don't have to worry about too many attacks. My numbers are 39% ranged, 35% melee, and 24% AoE. This is without any pool defenses, just natural and IO bonuses. and melee or ranged could be more, if I wanted to slot cobra strike with a damage set. AoE proved to be so trivial, that I just covered the other 2. Nothing lives long enough to AoE me to death. Also those numbers don't count phalanx fighting boost. I also have 3 powers I could drop, and pick up fighting pool. The build was very expensive though. 2 Obliterationss, 1 Touch of deaths and 4 Mako's Bites
  25. Live_Wyre

    So Hit 38 ...

    I slot almost everythig for endurance reduction and that seems to get me by. That 2 damage instead of three really doesn't come into play when I am pumping out steady damage with no endurance down time. This is especially true with the pets, as they add to your overall damage.