[QUOTE=Logan Storm;2984173]Now that my brute has reached level 20 I can finaly start making my
Soldier of Arachnos character, been looking forwards to this for some time
and worked my buttocks off to but finaly I have acheaved it!
I didnt know getting to level 20 was such a chore. LOL
I am to assume you are going to go the huntsman route with a few non mace bane powers. Is there a reason you passed up on venom and frag grenades?? those are 2 excellent aoe attacks. Why are you taking 2 imobilize powers??
Post a build from mids on here so everyone can get a better idea of what you are trying to achieve.
I didnt know getting to level 20 was such a chore. LOL |

I'd second everything dingo said (especially the mids!), as well as recommend that you either drop swift or hurdle (taking all of Fitness is somewhat wasteful IMO).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Axe Shield Brute proved to be extreamly hard to get to level 20 had I
chosen Axe/Will Power then it would have been smoothe sailing, don't get
me wrong Iwouldn't change the Sheild for Will Power now for the world as
it was a fun if not frustrating.
I choose Soul Tenticles and Wide area Web becouse of two reasons.
The Soul Tenticles I would have to wait until far end of 40 to get, the
web grenade I can get and use sooner, once I have Soul Tenticles Icould
all ways use a respec or keep them both incase one fails.
As for Venom and Frag Grenades there nice but where would Ifit them in
the first tray since I have only Eight hot keys I can attach to each attack
I have to be careful what I choose and use.
I coul dgive up Pummle and Baynet but then I would be pretty screwed
when the enemy gets in to close and I can't pull away, this has happened
far to many times when I tried corruptor and a blaster.
Now since the Soldiers of Arachnos has both Melee and Ranged combat
capabilities I'd be a fool not utilise at least one or two Melee.
(Or one or Two Ranged if I go for Melee style)
Problem is though Kitsuine need eith Swift or Hurdle in order to get Stamina
and since I'm using the Ninja Run as my Transport power getting both Swift
and Hurdle will stack well with it.
But I do see where Devil Dingo is coming from .
I choose Soul Tenticles and Wide area Web becouse of two reasons.
The Soul Tenticles I would have to wait until far end of 40 to get, the web grenade I can get and use sooner, once I have Soul Tenticles Icould all ways use a respec or keep them both incase one fails. |
WAWG is a great power for any ranged AoE variant of an SoA and will serve you well. The reason I advise against Soul Tentacles is that SoAs have a lot of great powers that you'll want so taking redundant ones from your PPP isn't neccessarily a good idea. But that's more a matter of taste than actual effectiveness.
As for Venom and Frag Grenades there nice but where would Ifit them in
the first tray since I have only Eight hot keys I can attach to each attack I have to be careful what I choose and use. I coul dgive up Pummle and Baynet but then I would be pretty screwed when the enemy gets in to close and I can't pull away, this has happened far to many times when I tried corruptor and a blaster. Now since the Soldiers of Arachnos has both Melee and Ranged combat capabilities I'd be a fool not utilise at least one or two Melee. ![]() (Or one or Two Ranged if I go for Melee style) |
I highly recommend Pummel. It's a great Stun and should be slotted as such. Believe me, anything that gets into melee range with you won't do much damage as long as you're quick on the trigger with Pummel.
Bayonet, while damaging, isn't anywhere near good enough to warrant skipping Venom Grenade. Venom Grenade provides you with a fantastic AoE Resistance debuff that'll make all your other attacks more effective as well as add rarely resisted Toxic DoT. Combined with WAWG and your rifle attacks you'll be a great AoE damage dealer. Do not, under any circumstances, skip Venom Grenade.
As for not having enough hot keys to make use of all your powers, why not just make use of the alt trays? Click the arrow in the top right corner of the powers tray to open 'em up. They're already bound to certain key commands so check it out.
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Well it looks to me like you're going the Huntsman route, but IMO you don't really need both Wolf Spider and Bane Spider armor. Just having Bane Spider Armor is enough for pretty much all gameplay. The resists are ignorable, and the Status Protection I find is fine at Mag 4 from Bane Armor.
Edit: Agree with Timeshadow. Venom Grenade is a fantastic power with a good debuff and a rarely resisted damage type. Plus it's AoE. I'd never skip it.
You can expand the standard tray twice, one of the trays being bound to ctrl+number (the top most tray), the other alt+number (the middle tray). I'd highly recommend making using of them, as it gives you far more bind oppertunities.
Also, since you want both Swift and Hurdle, then you should drop Health. Health is nice, but definitely not nicer than the other powers you're skipping. My Huntscrab makes heavy use of both Venom Grenade and Frag Grenade (and since you have WAWG, you'll be able to spam Frag Grenade with no concern for the knockback).
I'd also recommend taking Surveillence, as it'll add ANOTHER 20% resistance debuff (along with -15% def), and when stacked with Venom Grenade will reduce a target's resistance by a massive 40%! My Bane Spider actually has those two, combined with a -20% Res proc, and Shatter Armor, for a potential of a MASSIVE -80% resistance to all, and -100% resistance to Toxic! That surpases the amount of -res that even a Sonic Defender could apply to a singular target, while doing an insanely larget amount of damage at the same time.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
Hmnn I see but I'll keep the Batynet power and just dump
the Soul Tenticlles, none the other Patron Powers actualy do it for me to
be honest, true their awsome an ddo great stuff but dont feel right for
Part of my chooices for powers is having them fit in with the character of
the toon, I write the Bio the base the outfit and what powers I hope to
choose around that, I find I have tons of fun that way but then again
that's my style of playing heh.
With the dumping of the Soul Tenticles I'll probably add Either the Frag or
Venom Grenade power, or if I drop Baynet as you suggest and have both
How ever the Second Tray will all readybe open containing the toggle
powers and the Pocket-D and Heal so wont be able to use the CTRL +
Maybe it's having play a Tank and a Brute as my main characters on
CoH & CoV's but I tend to feel you can never have enough armour heh.
Kitsune Knight:@
As for Survalence problem is again Room that plus Unless it's one the
Attack powers I prefer to use only Auto or Toggle so I can just click on
once and forget while I concentrate on attacking.
But yeah I do understand that survalence is quite a good power to have
and if it was a Toggle Power I'd snap it up A.S.A.P.
But Health I fear I must keep, maybe it's becouse I've been a Tank so
much in CoH but IWouldn't feel safe wit out it. T_T
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
You can also add more trays to open spots of the screen by hitting the little plus sign atop the tray. I use it for toggles and seldom-used powers(pocket-d, base teleport, ouroboros and toggles). That frees up your mounted 3 trays for powers that you use all the time. Once I am toggled I don't really need to have it in my line of sight, so that tray is just in the corner of the screen.
Kitsune Knight@:
I See, reason I use Toggle and Auto's over clicks for any thing but my
fighting powers is becouse I find my self getting distracted so much that I
forget about what I am fighting an dend up being planted face first into
the ground heh
Embarasingly enough its why I prefer the Toggle and Auto's now heh.
There's a problem with having multiple Trays open, since I have Chat,
Navigation and target open at the same time if I hav emore than two
Tray's open then I wont have room to enjoy the look of the game as it' be
way to cluttered.
I guess Icould close all but the trays but then I'd have to pause regularly
to re-open the Navigation an dchat to talk to people and to see where I'm
Also, since you want both Swift and Hurdle, then you should drop Health. Health is nice, but definitely not nicer than the other powers you're skipping. My Huntscrab makes heavy use of both Venom Grenade and Frag Grenade (and since you have WAWG, you'll be able to spam Frag Grenade with no concern for the knockback).
Part of my chooices for powers is having them fit in with the character of
the toon, I write the Bio the base the outfit and what powers I hope to choose around that, I find I have tons of fun that way but then again that's my style of playing heh. |
On top of that it looks like you're letting your experience with other ATs influence your build entirely too much. SoAs aren't Brutes, Tankers, Blasters, or Corrs. As Epic ATs they're a bit of a mishmash between various standard ATs but their various elements combine to give them their own flavor. Trying to base your selections off what's worked for you before on X prior AT is a flat horrible idea.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

On top of that it looks like you're letting your experience with other ATs influence your build entirely too much. SoAs aren't Brutes, Tankers, Blasters, or Corrs. As Epic ATs they're a bit of a mishmash between various standard ATs but their various elements combine to give them their own flavor. Trying to base your selections off what's worked for you before on X prior AT is a flat horrible idea. |
And what's Gimping?
Keep seeing that expresion all over the place but have no idea what the
hell it means? @_@
And what's Gimping?
Keep seeing that expresion all over the place but have no idea what the hell it means? @_@ |
As to your previous comment about not being able to use more trays because it'll clutter the screen, that's a matter of positioning. I keep chat and targetting open and still manage to make use of three trays. They're all in seperate corners of the screen. I open the map as necessary and, when I do, it does cover the targetting window but considering the game places a recticle around your current target that really shouldn't be a problem.
Please forgive me if I offend but it seems like you're laying out a lot of unnecessary challenges for yourself. Too distracted by non-attack clicks to fight effectively? I can see how that might drive some people away from sets like Regen but when you've only got a handful it shouldn't be too much of an issue. If that's really the case you may just need to learn to play better.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

I guess Icould close all but the trays but then I'd have to pause regularly
to re-open the Navigation an dchat to talk to people and to see where I'm going. ![]() |
You can also do much the same thing with the - and + keys, which switch your main tray by one either down or up, wrapping between 9 and 1.
I usually set tray 3 to be Alt, tray 4 to be Control, then set up trays 9, 1, and 2 so I can switch between them quickly with - and +. This gives me five trays with in one or two quick key presses.
Probably not the be-all and end-all of tray management, but might give you some ideas how you might configure your own trays with out having the clutter the screen.
And what's Gimping?
Keep seeing that expresion all over the place but have no idea what the hell it means? @_@ |
"Gimp" is a regular English word that means "crippled". As in "he has a gimp leg due to an auto accident years back."
I see thanks I'll try that!
I'll try your's as well though to be honest I guess it boils down to me
being lazy in wanting to use click and forget rather than having to
remember to click on some thing each time.
But I'll give it a whirl, it not like all those buttons the
Controlers/Mastermind shave to deal with and tobe honest I tried a
Mastermind once it rocked but to many buttons for me which was what
mostly put me off, I have to say those who do and carry on through with
Controlers and Masterminds have my admeration!
ON a seperate note what happened to my Infamous Level and 2 red bars
I kinda liked that!
Now that my brute has reached level 20 I can finaly start making my
Soldier of Arachnos character, been looking forwards to this for some time
and worked my buttocks off to but finaly I have acheaved it!
Now I just didn't feel comfortable with the War Shade or the Peace Maker
it just felt so wrong and I could not enjoy playing the game with them,
don't get me wrong they are indeed increadble and mind blowing but for
me personaly I didn't feel comfortable with them.
Now I have so far only created the look and found my self dissopointe I
could not have more choice in the way it looked but what I really found to
disopoint me was the fact you can not choose to have no Helmet with
your Soldier of Arachnos while the Widow could?!?!?!?
But that aside the Skills I am hoping to take:
Primary: Single Shot, Burst, Wide Area Web Grenade, Heavy Burst, Pummel, Bayonet, Call Reinforcements.
Secondary: Wolf Spider Armor, Combat Training: Defensive, Combat Training: Offensive,
Tactical Training: Maneuvers, Tactical Training: Assault, Tactical Training:Leadership,
Mental Training.
Career Track: Bane Spider Armor Upgrade, Cloaking Device.
Patron, Soul Mastery: Soul Tentacles.
Power Pool:
Leader Ship - Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics.
Fitness - Swift & Hurdle [used with Ninja Run], Health, Stamina.
(In Key Tray Order)
Main Attack:
1. Wide Area Web Grenade
2. Single Shot
4.Heavy Burst
Q. Pummel
W. Bayonet
E.Soul Tentacles
R. Call Reinforcements
9. Secondry Mutation.
0. Ninja Run.
Tray Two:
Pocket-D Teleport.
Jump Pack.
Aurbous Gate Summon.
Toggle Powers.
And that's my plan and goal for this character and my play style, of
cource it may change as I play which is pretty much half the fun! ^__~