Kat/Regen/soul for shadow meld???
I don't have experience with it, but on the surface it seems like just what most Regens need in an IO build. You should be swimming in recharge, which lets you take best advantage of it, and defense is the next thing you need after recharge. It's yet another click to manage, but that's kind of what Regen is all about - picking and hitting the right click really, really fast.
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I have a Kat/Regen/Soul and about 68% recharge. It's up enough that I only use Moment of Glory when I absolutely have to. Even unslotted shadow meld gives just enough defense to take an alpha comfortably, and if you are fighting any decent sized group, it is up at the next group. If you are fighting one to five foes then there may be a slight delay. But if you are fighting that many, you may not need it anyway. I fight with +1/x4 with a buddy claws/regen. Could probably go higher comfortably, but kill rate would go down being all lethal damage. It's a good pick on a regen. It seems completely unnecessary to me, because I use it like a crutch now, and could probably do just fine with a little more challenge, but it serves it's purpose--playstyle is my fault
I have been looking at rebuilding my kat/regen to include shadow meld. Whats the word on this power? Anyone have any experience with this build? Do you have a Mid's build that includes it? Thanks.

what about using it to go up against an AV? It seems like this would be a great way to add some defense on AVs.
I don't fight AV's alone, but we just fought Scirocco and it was enough for me to go Shadow Meld-->MoG-->Shadow Meld while the team laid down the debuffs. I have about 29% defense with Shadow Meld on and no other buffs. I think it has room to slot another defense in it, but it was the trivial 3rd one.
I have been looking at rebuilding my kat/regen to include shadow meld. Whats the word on this power? Anyone have any experience with this build? Do you have a Mid's build that includes it? Thanks.